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[PG16] |~Party, Car, or Both?~| Throw it into the Shredder


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Crash a Party, a Car, or Both? Both is, crash the car into the party.


Feel free to rip it up. If you don't want a reference in here, just tell me and I'll change it ASAP.


[spoiler=C1 - Avoid the Garage Doors]"Is this it?"

"Wow, that;s big!"

"Not really..."

"Aww, knock it off."

"Hey! Play nice!"

"Yeah, Jay"

"Hey! I'll rip your head off and feed it to Blake!"

"And why would I eat that?"

"Yeah, Zack... Your face is too ugly for anyone to eat."

"Yo momma's too ugly for anyone to look at!"



Everyone froze as they approached the large house in the van. Two stories high, with a black roof and white wooden walls. They parked the battered red van into the garage, which was covered in paintings and a large sheepskin rug.


Jason, 11 years old with long black hair and kind green eyes, jumped out of the van with his dark grey jacket trailing behind him. He pulled the cuff closer as he inspected the room in his black trousers and white shirt with a strange silver picture on it. Clair stepped out after him, shifting her long black hair to the side as she bit her blue lip. 16, she was the eldest of the children with long silky black hair and sharp green eyes. She wore a denim jacket with a tight white shirt and elegant white trousers, shifting her small brown leather bag anxiously. Zack jumped out with a white baseball cap in his hand, shaggy black hair ruffled up. He shrugged off his brown leather jacket and carried it under his arm as he walked around in a yellow tank top. His old jeans trailed the ground as he opened the door out of the garage leading further into the house. Ronald the family's father had picked up the crew from his ex-wife, who had dumped him with her children. Despite that he cared for them deeply though sometimes his seemingly wise morals didn't make much sense but they helped Jason with his writing, especially poetry. Ronald had bronzed skin with short blonde hair with round grey eyes. He wore a simple black tee with jeans as he twirled his keys.


The children gawked at the giant house, Jason zipping around the house in his hyperactive state, Zack and Clair marching around the top floor. The duo peered into a room to find it covered already with Jason's clothes spewn all over the place and a grinning brother jumping on the bed. By the time Clair turned around Zack had already dissapeared. She pushed open heavy glass doors as he came out onto a wooden balcony, looking over the outside of the house. There was a pond, some gardens, a playground and a slated area with a barbeque and lights.


Ronald had also explored the house and was in the kitchen, throwing cubes of ice to Zack, who gathered them into a small bag. Clair noticed that Zack had a limp due to some strange reason.


"Ray, this house is amazing!" She gushed. Ronald shrugged back.

"Just teach Zeo not to jump from the second story." Ray chuckled and Clair joined in.

"You're serious, aren't you?" Clair abruptly asked. Ray nodded back, and she looked to Zack, who was sitting on three stools, holding the bag of ice to his ankle. "What's the record now?" Clair laughed.

"Three minutes and twenty-three seconds." Zeo replied seriously. A thud outside broke the laughter and they all ran out to the porch where Jason was standing on the table. He stuck his tounge out at Zeo.


"No bad ankle." He teased.

"Jay, I'm gonna RIP YOU UP!" Zeo growled and he lunged at Jason, who jumped away and Zeo continued to hobble after him. Seeing his chance, Jay leapt onto a swing, rocking it until he jumped onto the top of the slide. The playground he was on had a series of places, including a group of slides, swings, see-saws and a roundabout. Zeo, knowing he was screwed, backed off as he limped back to the others.


"Where's Blake anyway?" asked Clair, looking around and noticing his absence. She looked at Zeo, who shrugged.


Blake, 17 with badly cut brown hair and muddy brown eyes wandered the front of the house, his casual white tank top and jeans making up for his mess up above. The first thing he always did was survey the neighbourhood. He pulled his skateboard out of the car and got himself a kick-start, the white board grinding on the gravel footpath. The many houses along the roads seemed devoid of life as he skated across the town. The first person he met was an elderly man who shouted at him, making him promtly kicking on the back of his skateboard and catching it as it flew though the air.


"Sorry sir." He said to the man as he held his board, swaying. The man had a red suit with a black tie, with some grey hair and aged green eyes. He muttered something about more hooligans wrecking the place as he stormed away.


"Well at's just antisocial, eh?" A voice behind Blake sighed.


He spun around to find someone about two years younger than him leaning against a picket fence. He had messy tan hair with bored green eyes, dressed in a heavy brown coat and jeans. Blake scoffed.


"And you are..?" Blake asked, tilting his head.

"Oleon, but you 'an just call me Leo, newb." The teen replied.

"Right, Oley. So what goes on 'round here?" Blake asked, indicating to the uninhabited space around him.

"Not much... Need'ta go out inta town to get anywhere." Oleon replied.

"What?" Blake was dumbfounded.

"Ne'a mind dat, you'll get used'ta it."

"Sure...." Blake frowned. "Well Oleon, you're cumin' wit me," He said as he slung his arm around his back. "Damn, that's contagious." He chuckled.

"I don't actually talk like that, you know."

"You gotta be kiddin' meh."

"Sure, why not?"

"Just shut up now."


The two were later back at the new house, much to the disaproval of Ray.


"Where the hell were you?" He scolded, folding his arms.

"Please, mother, it's a new neighbourhood." Blake replied sarcastically. Ray sighed and turned back into the kitchen, quickly folding a sandwitch. He cut out a peice and threw it into his mouth while Zeo took another. Clair was sipping on a carton of iced coffee, her mind elsewhere. Oleon was looking around the house, his head rotating as he did so.


"You know, Codey used to live here..." He commented. Jay was jumping down the steps at the time, and he made a measly jump off the last step.

"Whoever he is, he had one bouncy bed." He remarked as he dived into the refridgerator, pulling out some more juice.

"I'm glad we stocked the fridge before we came here." Clair muttured to herself, throwing her carton into the bin. "I'm going outside." She called as he slunk out of the room. Zeo followed her, wincing slightly at the pain in his leg.


"Who's this Cody fella anyway?" Jay asked as he pulled out a stool. "He's left blu-tack all over the wall."

"I'd rather not say..." Oleon replied. "Anyway, who are you?"

"Fine.... Anwyays, Jay, you?" Jason huffed.

"Oleon, or Leo. Preferably Leo." Oleon told him, leaning against a bench.

"You got out and play on the slide of whatever, explore the house." Blake shooed, turning to Oleon.

"So, Leo... Who was Cody?" He questioned.

"He's this 15-year old guy, rich, a blondie, fit, you get the point. What makes him stand out is, while his parents were off on work trips, he'd have giant parties and such." Leo began.

"What's the big deal?"

"He'd have a different girl in his bed every week. Y'know where I'm getting at?"

"So he was a stud?"

"I guess you could say that..."

"So where is he now?"

"He's got his own house now, he's 17. He still lives 'round here though, but he works his butt off. Literally. Well, not really..."

Blake raised an eyebrow. "Wuzzat supposed to mean?"

"There was a rumour that he's a prostitute..."


At this Blake burst out laughing. It was ridiculous, he wondered what 'Cody' was actually like. Leo frowned.


"Seriously..." He tutted sternly.

"It'll be great to meet him... Reckon we could see him some day?"

"Sure, just don't catch him while he's drunk."

"Anything this guy doesn't do?"

"Drive a car."


The second duo then departed, leaving Ray in the garage and Jay outside. An old blue Nissan pickup truck parked on their driveway, and Ray looked behind him to see another figure climbing out of the driver's seat. Jay heard the car too, and came rushing towards the front of the house.


"Ugh, been driving around for ten minutes now.." A voice grunted as another blonde head appeared from the car. Arthur was a tall person with black eyes and curly golden hair. He dressed in a simple white tank top and camo print trousers. Jay grinned as another person, a child, emerged from the back seat. He wore an orange cap with purple bolt headphones on the design, with short brown hair and eyes. He had a black hoodie on with grey trousers over his legs and shoes.


"Hey! Mach! You moved here too? Whadda coincidence! We just moved here as well!" Jay called out, laughing at his terrible joke. Micheal, aged nine, also known as 'Mach' due to his current t-shirt of the Pokemon character 'Machop' though he never wears that nowadays, was an old friend of Jay's. Meanwhile Arthur and Ray were takling animatedly about something.


"Race you to the store!" Jay shouted as he ran into the garage and mounted his bike that had been transported earlier, Mach following until he realised his bike wasn't here.

"I have no money!" He shouted at Jay, who didn't listen. Mike sighed as he went indoors to catch up with the others. Blake had already befriended someone, Clair wasn't here and Zeo had also gone off somewhere.


"This guy seems like a riot!" Blake chortled. Mach simply walked in and got a carton of juice for himself, and Oleon instantly changed the subject.


They had all more or less settled in.


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