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Shadow Zero Vs. Neo Fusion Member Card Battle

Shadow Zero

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This is a card contest between Neo Fusion and myself to see who has the better member card. First to ten votes wins. Here are the requirements for when a person is voting.


NO stupid reasons like the card having a better pic or things like that.

Be specific about your reasons as to your voting. Votes that are to vague will not be counted.

Absolutely NO Biased voting. Be as impartial as possible.


All votes will be tallied up by either Neo Fusion Or myself. Any votes that do not adhere to all of the above rules for voting will not be counted.

The winner of the card contest will get 3 +reps and 30 points from the loser. The loser gets nothing. (sorry :()

Now let's get this show on the road! :)


[spoiler=The Cards.]


[spoiler=Card Lore]

This card can only be Normal Summoned by Tributing 2 monsters on your opponent's side of the field and sending 2 Spell and Trap cards on your side of the field to the Graveyard. Once during either Main Phase, you can discard a card from your hand to the Graveyard or pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon a Level 4 or lower monster from your Deck, Graveyard, or removed from play area. During your opponent's Battle Phase, you can discard a card from your hand or pay 500 Life Points to have one of your opponent's attacking monsters attack another monster on your opponent's side of the field. If this card is destroyed by battle with an opponent's monster whose ATK is higher then the original ATK of this card, take control of that monster during your opponent's End Phase.






This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 4 WIND monsters in your Graveyard that were destroyed by battle. When this card is Summoned, place 1 Dagger Counter on 2 of your opponent's monsters. Monsters with a Dagger Counter on them cannot switch battle positions or be used as Tributes for a Tribute Summon. During the 2nd Main Phase after this effect is used, you can select and take control of 1 monster with a Dagger Counter on it. The selected monster can only attack a monster with a Dagger Counter on it. During the End Phase of the turn this effect was used, destroy the selected monster and inflict damage to both players equal to the destroyed monster's original ATK and DEF. When this card is destroyed by a card effect, add 1 Spell Card from your opponent's Graveyard and add it to your hand.




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Huh, so you have the first vote eh? Actually, that requirement is only meant to be for Normal Summoning it. Basically like how Obelisk can only be Normal Summoned by Tributing 3 monsters on your side of the field. But yeah, that's basically how it's supposed to work.

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Thanks!~ ^^

So that's 1-2 so far.

I am still accepting Marsuvees vote thought since his "otherwise what DL said" comment basically says that he has the same view as DL on this other then the stupid part of the reason.


the stupid part of the reason doesn't adhere to the first rule?

Meh, The validity outwieghs it, so I'll be merciful and still accept the vote. e_e

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Guest Neo Fusion

so far DL and Mars have voted

we cud get more chibi members, and Akatsuki as well, it's just a matter of convincing them to vote (stupid el make)

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  'Donovyn Mikara Gerra said:

Fusion. It seems more balanced. (More useful' date=' and powerful, effect, but harder to get the monster on the field to use it.) And, it's like a more balanced, monster version of Ring of Destruction.





I dislike fake types also

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I vote Fusion.

Honestly, I believe that they are both very useful cards, but Fusion's effect can be a lot more useful in more areas than Shadow's can. For example, Shadow's effect tends to be in an area when you're in a tight spot (and somehow survived with 2 bluff cards, probably), and Fusion's can be used in a lot more areas. Fusion's is also a very good counter against Deck Destruction that involves the user's monsters getting destroyed, because WIND monsters will quickly be sent to the Graveyard. They're both good, but I still think Fusion.

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