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Yu Gi Oh New Dual Academy - OOC

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This is my first RP i made so I'm going to give it a shot. Don't be mad at me :(.


The original dual academy was destroyed after a big earthquake hit that region. so the new duel academy is located 43 miles outside of new domino city in a almost replica of the original dual academy. new and old students have moved to this new location that some say was built on top of the chamber of the spirits.


Skeleton for characters (need at least 5 to start.)






Appearance (picture or description doesn't matter):

Duel Spirit (Only 3 duel spirits for the whole group):


Dual Disk:

Background (no amnesia):


here is my character:

Name: Xavier Masadon

Age: 26

Dorm: Yellow

Weight: 147 lb.

Height:6' 0"

Appearance: Xaviers appearance

Duel Spirit: Elemental Hero Flame Wingman

Deck: Elemental Hero's

Dual Disk: Xaviers Dual disk

Background: Grew up on the streets of new domino city. his only friend was his duel spirit that was warped around his neck after his parents abandoned him. At the age of 14 he enrolled at duel academy but couldn't get in the firs year because of the earthquake.

Duel spirit card: http://www.yugioh-cards.net/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/dp1/unl/huge/DP1-EN010.jpg

Enjoy 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Accepted Characters




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Name: Stewart

Age: 21

Dorm: Red

Weight: 140 lb

Height: 6' 2"

Appearance : long sleeved black shirt with black trench coat, black pants, black hair,black hat, sky-blue eyes

Duel Spirit : N/A

Deck: Neo-Spacian Dark Panther or my darksides deck

Dual Disk: Black Duel disk

Background: I have grew up on the streets of domino city. I have a spiret of a 5000 year old evil sirit living inside me that duel in my place some times hents the darkside deck (to be posted on a later date...)

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Name: Blake

Age: 13

Dorm: Yellow

Weight: 103lb

Height: 5"3'

Appearance : Black hair blue eyes weres a black jaket, with blue pants

Duel Spirit : N/A

Deck: Parodox

Dual Disk: Black Duel disk

Background: he grew up in society but never understood it he just wants to duel but his parents are a little on the other side of it, he met this wierd guy who gave him his Paradox deck, it confused him at first and now he doesnt no if he cant stop using it

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