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Marvel/DC - The Return of Magneto [PG13][Started][Accepting]


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Around the time everyone went to bed, I was conscious again, but asleep at the same moment. I was hearing everything as soon I was in the infirmary. I heard Jade come in. I didn't think she cares about me like that. I'm glad I was able to explain what was happening to me the next morning after the strange dream that actually made sense after seeing what happened.


In Thomas' dreams, he began to see something very strange. He saw what seemed to be a simulation of his arteries and veins filled with what seemed to be his blood. In what seemed to be time sped up to having a month be a second long, he began to see black residue building up in the tubes. from what it seemed to be ink, it was actually powdered lead injected in through his skin into his bloodstream that would spread much slower than an average vaccination that would take a day or two. What the Hell's going on? he thought.

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Gambit walked calmly up to the Xaiver Masion. "Man, I can't do this when its daytime?" He said yawning. He used the metal staff as a walking stick. He easily scaled the gate and landed with a soft thud. He walked quietly, and silently, up to the door. HE peeked in a window to see it deserted, most of the student asleep. Gambit climbed from window to a window on the second floor. He peeked in to see Logan asleep in his room. "This'll be a breeze." He whispered to himself.

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War. Logan knew it was part of his life, but thats all he knew.


"Ahhhhhh" Logan awoke with a scream from another dram and his claws out and ready. He retracted them and sat up on the side of his bed. Just sitting there breathing heavly and thinking. "3rd time this week." He thought to himself. He couldnt make any sense out of his dreams, or why he kept having them. He knew it obviously had to do something with his forgotten past. Logan didn't go back to sleep that night. He couldn't. He just lay awake for a while. Staring at the ceiling.

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Jade sighed for the uptienth time tonight. She had woken up not too long ago and she just couldn't get back to sleep. What is wrong with me? I feel tired but I can't fall asleep. Jade sighed and sat up grabbing her ipod from her night stand and her Rubix Cube. Jade threw on a t-shirt and some shorts before sneaking out of her room, and going to the "Chillin Space", as some of the kids like to call it. It wasn't anything but a couple of chairs, table and couches. Usually it was used to do work for the classes. Jade laid across the couch, with her head phones in her ears and she started playing with her cube. Man....This is boring...

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Gambit heard Logan's scream and whispered "Maybe not." He gripped his staff tightly as sneaked around the mansion, sneaking peeks in the windows every once in a while. When he looked in a window once, he saw a girl laying on a couch, listening to something, with something colorful in her hands. "Looks like some of these mutants don't sleep." He shook his head as he muttered to himself. "Spy on them. What should I spy on them for? Its not like their doing anything worth spying."

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"And what do you think you're doing?" A voice suddenly emanated from behind Gambit, and there was a small thud as Luka landed on top of Gambit's shoulders. "You don't think that the Professor wouldn't set up a guard once he knew Magneto was loose, did you?" Luka hissed in Gambit's ear. Luka could feel the energy flowing in from Gambit, and back out again, larger then before. Of course, not all of the energy was released. Some of it settled in Luka's stomach, and with all this energy inside him, Luka decided to use it. Using a technique learned from the Professor, Luka converted the power energy into heat energy, which he transferred to his hands. His hands immediately became burning hot, and Luka was ready to clamp them down on Gambit's neck if he tried anything.

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While Logan was sitting in his room, he heard a noise outside that sounded like some sort of a fight was going on. So he threw on a quick shirt and rushed out trying not to wake anybody, he didn't want to cause a panic. He rushed outside and found Luka on top of someone. Once getting a little closer, Logan realized it was the one and only Gambit. Enraged Logan shot out his claws and walked over to the 2 of them. "So Gambit, you got some guts coming back here. Tell me why I shouldn't just kill you right now?" Logan was pissed to see Gambit, he knew it had to do something with Magneto.

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As Jade laid there tinkering with her Rubix Cube, the last song on her playlist went off. Just as she was about to change the song she thought she heard something outside. So she stood up and looked out the windo, her eye widening at the sight. There was apparently a fight going on because Logan had his claws out, and there was another kid on top of a stranger's shoulders. Both looked familiar but she couldn't remember who they were. I'm sure Logan could handle him, but if needed I'll go get the professor

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Logan was just standing outside, waiting for Gambit to reply, it seemed like forever. "SO Gambit, do you have anything to say, or should I just asume I know why your here?" Logan asked him. Logan wasn't really surprised to see Gambit here, it was just like Magneto to send someone to spy on the school. But, he was surprised that Gambit had the guts to show his face around here again, so many people would love to have the chance to just beat the sheet out of Gambit, for everything he ha sdone to them. And what he might do again in the future.

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Gambit smiled at being caught by no other than his old friend Wolverine. He chuckled softly. "Well, I guess you should know why I'm here. Unless animal brain isn't smart enough to figure it out." He paused for a second before continuing. "Well, Logan, I'm thinking this could go two ways, possibly three. One, I could die along with, you, and whoever is in the room closest to us." He said ready to throw his staff, along with his abilites it would be fatal to all three of them. If he was going down someone else was too. "Two, you could let me go and the girl in that room survives, or three, the Professor would walk out, or really roll out, and command you to le3t me go and once again try to get past my mutant mind block."

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Logan chuckled to himself. "Or 4..." Logan made his claws come back out again. "I could cut your head off." Logan knew there was nothing that Gambit would be able to do, sure he is strong, but he isn't evil, just stupid. "So, you dont think animal brains is smart to figure anything out huh? Well you weren't smart enough to not come back here. So listen, here are the real three options. 1, I let you walk out of here right now, and you tell Magneto we are coming for him. 2, you try and hurt someone and I kill you. Or 3, I kill you. So it seems to me, like you should know which choice is the right one, but its really up to you. I'm not playing around with you anymore Gambit, either we finish this now, or you leave and hope I let you go." Logan was beyond pissed that Gambit showed up, and was even thinking of trying to hurt some of the students in here.

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Luka gestured towards Wolverine, telling him to stay still, and not do anything stupid. He could stop the mutant below him quite easily...or so he though. Luka's hands, which, a second ago, had been burning white hot, suddenly converted into electricity, which rolled in between Luka's fingers. With a quick maneuver, he pressed his right hand onto the top of Gambit's head. Electricity raced from Luka's hand, threw Gambit's skin and into his brain. Hopefully, the electricity would be enough to overwhelm Gambit's brain and knock him unconscious...

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Knock out Logan, next time. Gambit thought for second. Next time avoid getting the spying job. He cleared his throat before answering. "Well, Logan, All options so very tempting." He paused again. He thought about throwing the staff. "I guess being a messanger to Magneto isn't as bad as taking out an innocent girl." He said eyeing the window, able to see the girl who had the Rubix cube. "So Magneto will get the message." Then the electricity raced through his body, and his brain shutting down. He struggled to stay awake. "Choice one is out of the question." He whispered before colasping.

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As electricity shurrged through both Gambit and Logan, Logan grabbed ahold of Gamibt by the thrat and pulled him close. If elecrticty was going through Logan alot worse because of the metal inside of him, then he could conduct some of that energy to go through Gambit. Logan was very close to blacking out from the intense electrical energies, but he forced himself to stay and take the pain, he wouldn't let himself black out until he was sure that Gambit had first. So there they were, to old friends, no enimes, both together being electrified. Logan just wished he was able to die, so maybe this attack could end his life. Or atleast fix his memory. But it couldn't. And it won't.

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Luka could see he had made a huge mistake when electricity had started coursing through Logan, too. He had overloaded the watch. He wasn't in control of his powers anymore...but there was one thing he could do to try to stop it. Reaching out with the hand not coursing electricity, Luka managed to press a button on his watch. Instantly, he stopped pumping electricity. The watch had shut him down. Unfortunately, though, he wouldn't be able to use his powers until the shutoff went away. "Damn it." Luka swore. He'd have to be more careful next time. He nearly killed Logan, but maybe Gambit would be weakened by the attack enough they could take him down.

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Gambit tried to stay conscious. It wasn't easy. The electricity was instensified because of Logan's very risky and bold move. He swore he blacked out for a second but the surge stopped and it became sligthly easier. He thought about how Wolverine's body was rigged with metal. Logan's move was much more than risky, it was just plain out stupid. His vision faded in and out but he tried to keep his eyes open. He could live through it. He had to.

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Once Luka had stopped the electricity, Logan almost collapsed. He tried standing up and continuing to fight on, but with all of that energy that had rushed into him, it was too much. Logan fell down to the ground and collapsed on his face. His claws slowly slid back into his hands and he was out cold. He heard a few voices in his head before his pasted out, he didn't know who they were or what they were saying, he couldn't tell what was happening. Has so as he hit the ground he was out. Wasn't dead. But wouldn't wake for a while. That was as close to tell as he has ever been.

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Luka continued to swear for a while, but he finally stopped after a while and saw that both Gambit and Wolverine looked unconscious. Or, at least Wolverine was. Gambit was still conscious. I better knock him out... Luka thought tiredly, suddenly exhausted by all the power that had been flowing through him. With leaden limbs, Luka got off of Gambit and made to move towards a rock several ways away. But...he was too tired...he couldn't reach it...Luka collapsed halfway to the rock, out cold. It was a strange sight; Three men, two out cold, lying on the ground, looking almost dead.

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Gambit was dumbfounded by what happend. "That came out a whole lot better than I thought." He said to himself. He was extremely weak and relying completely on his staff to keep his self standing. He looked around. "Best be getting out of here before I'm attacked again." He whispered and began to limp away. There was more than one villian keeping the Xaiver Institute under their eyes. Hopefully he could get a ride with one with either a vehicle, or powers that would allow them to get out of there, or atleast one who carries a cellphone.

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*Next Morning*

Wolverine awoke and he didn't quite open his eyes. He tried, but he was very sensitive to the light right now. After about 5 minutes he opened them and saw Xaiver sitting in his room. "Wow professor, not one for privacy are you?" Logan had a bad headache and couldn't really move. He felt as if he was hungover.


"Logan, what were you thinking?" The Professor boomed. "You know if anybody comes here, that no student should mess with them, only you, Storm, or Cyclops should deal with them, or atleast come get me first! Logan, your recklessness almost got 3 people killed last night!" The professor was pissed.


"Look Professor, it wasn't my fault, I went outside cause I heard something, and Luka was already messing with Gambit."


The Professor sighed. "You should have none to tell him to leave. Face it Logan, you messed up with your anger and rage." The Professor sighed and gave a nod of dissapointment than began wheeling out of Logans room. "By the way, Magneto is up to something, you need to go and try to find a way to get to the Joker. He may hav some infroamtion for us. Find a way to get to him." The Professor left.


Logan had no clue how he would get to Joker. That seemed almost impossible without Magneto finding out. Logan got up and began getting ready to take off for this task. He started walking down the stairs and decided to get something to eat before he left.

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Gambit awoke in his tree, yes a tree . . . he had no home as of yet. Last night got a ride from the Green Goblin. Strange figure, he is. He reported to Magneto what happened and that the X-Men had something planned but he had no details. Gambit was told he would have a another mission soon enough. He jumped down from his very uncomfortable branch-bed. He heard a very loud pitch cackle of laughter. He turned around grabbing for his staff he let leaning against the trunk but it wasn't there. Then, the Joker walked around twirling around Gambit's staff. "Hehehe. Looks like you're missing something." Joker said in his high pitched voice followed by another cackle of laughter.

"Gimme that." Gambit said snachting the staff from Joker. "What are you doing here, Joker?"

"Its our turn to go patroling." Joker replied.

"Oh God."

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"I'm sorry, Professor." These were the first words out of Luka's mouth when he saw Xavier for the first time since he faced Gambit. Swaying, bleary-eyed and having the mother of all headaches, Luka looked like a mess, but it was nothing compared to that morning. Lets just say Luka overloading his powers came bad side effects.


Very bad.


But back to the present. The Professor, who had been caught in his office by Luka, sighed. "What can I say, Luka? That was one big mess, that was. First, you shouldn't have tried to stop him. You should have raised the alarm, instead of foolishly attacking him." Luka hung his head, ashamed. "Logan messed up also, but that is no concern of yours." The professor continued. "I'm sorry, Luka, but until you learn to master your powers, you're taken off of patrol duty." Luka started to protest, but the Professor cut him off. "Luka, you nearly killed yourself. You will be taken off patrol duty until I'm sure you are capable of handling your powers. Until then, you shall be taking lessons with a recent find of mine. He will teach you to focus your energies. His name is..." The professor wheeled over to his desk and picked up a piece of paper.


"...Green Lantern."

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After realizing that the suit is slowly poisoning me, I knew that I would have to be very careful at what I do in order to stay alive for as long as I possibly can. Let's just hope I can clearly explain this to the Professor the very moment that I possibly might feel like waking up. Although my memory might lack a bit when I begin explaining, at least I'll get most of the important details down so the Professor can take care of it or give me some advice.


Thomas woke up in shock and he screamed while quickly sitting up. He was breathing heavily. "Worst...dream...ever!" he yelled. Thomas got out of the stretcher. "So I'm dying?" he asked himself. "I never thought the day would come that I would go through a similar aspect to Iron Man." Thomas sighed and walked out of the infirmary. Me and my bad decisions, who would've figured!? he thought. As he entered the elevator, he began to have a headache, like he was drunk last night and is having a hangover. He ignored it when he reentered the school hallways.


Maybe the Professor is in his office. he thought. He then began to walk towards the Professor's office. He knows that death is one of his biggest fears, and now he has no other choice but to face it at a later time. Death. One of these days, he will face it and deal with that he might die, but he knows he at least will continue his beginning legacy after death by any means necessary, no matter how high the stakes are.


OoC: This happens after he talks to Luka and Luka leaves.

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Ooc: Sorry I was gone so long. I haven't been able to get on today.


Jade walked around mindlessly playing with her Rubix cube, and her head phones in her ears. She couldn't stop thinking about what happened last night with Logan, and the other two males out there. After that kid, who was on the intruders shoulders, used some type of lightening powers all three of them collasped. After seeing that she quickly ran and got the professor, but the intruder wasn't anywhere to be seen when they got back. She sighed staring boredly at her completed cube. "That was some night...Man I hope they're all right. Speaking of being all right, I wonder how Thomas is doing..." She thought aloud, once again mixing up her Rubix cube to start over.

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"He's fine, I just saw him in the hallway." Luka said as he caught up with Jade, looking slightly depressed. "Luka." He said as way of introduction, offering his hand to the girl. "I've seen you around, right? You're the toxic girl." He grinned when he thought about what he said. "No offense, I was just talking about your powers." Luka could feel the power rolling in, yet again, and he knew in a second Jade would feel better than ever.

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