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1on1 contest


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i will challenge u...

this my card





This card cannot be Special Summoned from Graveyard. This card can only Special Summoned by sending Machine and Dragon you control to Graveyard that Combined level is equal to this card. The controller this card must pay 500 life points. If it is not destroy this card. Increase this ATK by 300 every Dragon and DEF by 300 every Machine on the Field. Once per turn you can add 1 Dragon or Machine type from Graveyard to your Hand. You can Special Summoned 1 Dragon or Machine type to the Field equal level or below that material fusion. When this card Destroyed by Battle, Inflict 1000 Damages to your Opponent and your Opponent can Special Summoned 1 Dragon or Machine type equal material fusion level or below from his/her Graveyard or Hand.

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Well, this is interesting...there are two cards posted, but neither are from the person who set up the thread - doesn't that make this illegal? In any case, I'll judge between the two people who have posted...


Neither card has particularly good OCG or is particularly interesting. I can't read D.O.K. Dark Ruler says very easily, but from what I can see it is a better card with better OCG, although the picture isn't great.


So wolfman505 gets my vote, if this is actually a contest...

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