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Naruto: Extinction ( Rising Dawn Arc / Accepting / OOC)

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Your post about you shadow guy hiding from the Hyuuga which was my character. My character called yours out from hiding. Dude, are you serious, all that involves chakra. Not trying to get into a big argument about this, but sealing chakra requires chakra of your own, and bending light like you said also requires chakra. Both require minimal chakra as well as give off minimal as you said, and so the Byagukan can still see this. It's chakra either way, no matter what size or form, and the Byakugan can see this. As long as he's still giving off chakra, even minimal, my character can see it.

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Yes, but all living things give off chakra. Even though humans have the most, when my character has used minimal it becomes about as much as a hedgehog has or something, which means it would be lost in all the chakra's of the place they are in. Which means that normal byakugan's wouldn't be able to see it. It's like someone shouting, when a million other people are shouting aswell. You'd need fine senses to pinpoint that person.

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Eh...that whole thing sounds like a BS statement, not gonna lie because I asked a whole bunch of people about this and they said the Byakugan would still see it. Even if he does use minimal, like I said, the Byakugan can still see it. As far as it blending in with the other chakras, I kinda doubt that because it also sees actual images and outlines instead of only relying on seeing the chakra, and so it'd see his outline among the other "chakras". Like Neji said, nothing can hide from the Byakugan, that is why it is so powerful in terms of seeing chakra. To end this, I'm gonna go off the basis that my guy's Byakugan is at the level of Neji's which is way above average.

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Hey can you reserve me a spot? :)



Making a char right now.


Sure, though I probably won't be able to add it on the first post if I accept ya. Not until I have a load of free time, which I do not at this current moment (<--- Is lying).


Glad to have ya. =D



Anyways, I saw some posts that seem...unlikely to of happen...or rather, shouldn't of happened...or something along those lines. Those who did post such as I mentioned, the Leaf and all of those other Five Great Shinobi Villages are heavily, and I mean heavily, guarded by the Samurai and not a single Shinobi is allowed inside its walls or within a mile of it. Anyone who dares to show themselves would be caught, if not killed in the fight, and publicly executed if they do not cooperate with them. So, unless your character has a death wish, don't. =P

Just thought I'd share that.

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Guest Random Dude

Kotaro did lose most of his sanity over the course of those 5 years, so it wouldn't be too weird for him to go and stir up trouble. I'll edit my post anyway.

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Finally! I was unable to reply for these past few hours (12 or so) and after waiting long, I finally got a chance to reply. Woot! This causes for a celebration!


Bah! Screw it. >.>


Anyways, on a serious matter (well not that serious), I'll begin adding the profiles of the NPC's soon enough. And, whenever they're mentioned in the RP, I'll post 'em here and such. ^_^

Also, I'll add the rest of your characters in the first post (Once after I come back from a two hour drive to somewhere, of course). =P

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This is really frustrating now. Seriously, everytime I start an RP, this happens or something else. Luckily, I'll be able to fix this problem this upcoming thursday. So...yeah.


In other news, magnet soldier is now the co-owner of the "Naruto: Extinction" here on out. So, if somone were to join, please either post it here or PM it to either of us.


Anyways, the RP will be on hiatus until I get my connection back online. Which is to say, in 3-5 days. Not unless magney says otherwise.

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Hiatus means "On break" or something. =P


And sorry, I was using my friends' ugly keyboard that time. XD


Right then, there is something I need to discuss with ya, magnet. But it will have to wait until I get my connection back. Which should be soon, I hope. =\

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  • 4 weeks later...

Right then...after a long, yet frustrating 2 and a half weeks, I finally got my connection back. Anyways, lets forget about all that and get on with the RP - That is to say, if anyone else is still interested in RPing or moved on. I don't mind either way, though. Its their decision.


Right, since we've missed a lot, we'll move ahead to the second Arc and get on with the RP.


But before I get to it, please, to those who are still interested either post here or PM me. That way, I'll know who to add or remove on the first post.


Some minor details about the next Arc. Still working on it. Its like, 4 AM here.



Rising Dawn Arc



The Samurai Order and whats left of the Shinobi Remnants have miraculously discovered that Renzo Tatsuki, former Eighth Hokage, knows the location of the last Rikkudo's Artifact, and that both factions have placed all their resources and focus on finding the former Hokage.


The last time Renzo's name ever surfaced was that that he was creating a nostalgic organization...


Its name...Akatsuki.

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