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Shuttleroid... A Roid that is actually good?

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wow... i never saw this til now




When this card is declared as an attack target by your opponent's monster, you can remove this card from play. When removed by this effect, this card is Special Summoned during your next Standby Phase. When it is Special Summoned this way, inflict 1000 damage to your opponent.


its an awesome Tribute Fodder... such if you have a Monarch... you summon this card... but it wont get destroyed, then it returns so you can tribute it the next turn (then you will say... TREEBORN RULES)


it coudl have some combos...


what do you think?

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Hmmm, never really thought of that before. Yea, it can be useful, for those who deck Machines and/or Roids, Cyber Summon Blaster (Although crappy) could give some strategy with that.


It's early in the morning, though. I'll need to give my brain time to defrost before I can think of anymore strategies using Shuttleroid.


(But man, if Konami made Tankroid to go with Navyroid and Shuttleroid and they delayed Armoroid Gaidengo until now and made it a fusion.........Roid decks would suddenly get better, a LOT better)

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