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Ben 10: Universal Crisis[Accepting/Not Started/Advanced/PG-13/OOC]6 Omnitrix user spaces left

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Name: Gaspard

Gender: boy

Age: 17

Apearence: (No pictures) He has pointed ears and fangs. He wears a long cape and carries an energy sword and an adamantium gauntlet.

Alien or Human: (If alien, what race?) vampire/human= half-breed

Side: (Aliens or Plumbers) Aliens

Omnitrix User: (If so, make a spoiler with ten aliens. No pictures. You may have ultimate forms, but only five)

1 alien. It activates when he is dying and his hate for the plumbers and humans is gone. It becomes a creature made of the surrounding area. If nature, it can drain moisture from living things and the air around. If earth it moves the earth around at will. If lava, any weapon that it touches incinerates. If space then it controls black matter and the mind itself[/spoiler

Bio: (At least a paragraph) He was raised in a small village with his mother, a human and his father, an alien vampire. One day his father grew ill and died several months later. His mother and him were ran out the village by the plumbers because his father was a fugitive. They escaped on a slave convoy and were put into a concentration camp by Plumbers.His mother fell ill one day and a patrolmen whipped her with a laser whip. Gaspard out of anger summoned an omnitrix and an unknown alien that he can't use today fought and killed its way off the planet for him. On the ship his mother told him not to hate and to defend what he holds dear, then she died. After that much is unknown but he became a War General and received his weapons along the way. He now commands a literal space ship called the Death Ark which can travel at the speed of sound.

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Can i have one more? It's his right hand man in the Dark Cloud 2 game.

Name: Dr. Jamming

Gender: boy

Age: 20

Apearence: He is blue and has spiky ears. He has an eye monocle and carries a guitar around that controls the brainwaves of certain living things. He is dressed civilized and talks in a civilized manner

Alien or Human: (If alien, what race?) vampiric elf/human

Side: (Aliens or Plumbers) Aliens

Omnitrix User:

Bio: He was born and raised on earth in a Plumber's hospital. His parents are unknown. He was raised by a group of plumbers called the Splinter Cell. He has an IQ of 200 and can devise 100 battle plans within half an hour. He is nicknamed Jamming of 10,000 plans. He helped build the Death Ark and all of its security. All of the security are Ben Tennason clones that have all the aliens of Ben but they get destroyed very fast because they are very fragile except when in forms that have armor. His mentor was killed by the group he was in so Jamming forced them all to kill themselves with his guitar. He now serves Gaspard as a loyal subject.

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Will Finish Later


Name: Britney Minaj

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Apearence: Long Brown and Pink hair. Wears A pink shirt, Pink skinny ripped jeans and pink shoes.

Alien or Human: Human

Side: Alien's

Omnitrix User: Yesh :)

Bio: Britney is that typical wanna be Bad Girl that trys to fit in with the bad kids but can't seem to do a really bad thing. She is Sorta Emo and she doesn't have tons of friends. When she figured out Omnitrix's began surfacing around she tried finding one. She had finally had some luck and is now just having fun with messing around with the world, attacking innocent civilians makes her feel happy and she enjoys seeing people in utter pain.



[spoiler= Yo-Yo]

Appearence: Yo-Yo looks kinda like a giant Yo-Yo. Its had one leg coming out of the bottom and Two Three arms, Two on the sides and one at the top coming out. Her arms and leg look and feel like tons of yo-yo strings Rapped Together. Yo-Yo has pattern on her thats a Pink and Purple Swirl on her body and Her strings are in the same pattern and color as well.





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