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What came first' date=' the chicken or the egg?



Without going in and sounding like a nerd, the egg.


Also, it is quite possible that chickens are nothing more than a figment of our imagination, in which we have added taste and feeling to...o.0

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Is Black a pervert (quote in my sig)?




Would mind If I killed you in my fiction?


I'd bad sad DX


BTW I knew the answer. It was a very nerdy way of figuring it out' date=' and it was actually the chicken. what does IMO mean?



Nerdy way:

Mutations resulted in the creation of new birds, each mutation changing more and more, until eventually, from an egg, what we call a chicken, was born.


IMO: In my opinion


@ Above: Cuz he's busy playing with your mother?

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What would my max damage be if I equipped my murasame with a shadow medallion when I am powered by the strength zone while wearing strongman's armor with a strength potion and a strength up spell while I am level 70?

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Then I shall make you being killed in my fiction. Yes. Why did you create such thread anyway?


Because I know you all <3 me =o


What would my max damage be if I equipped my murasame with a shadow medallion when I am powered by the strength zone while wearing strongman's armor with a strength potion and a strength up spell while I am level 70?


Strength is determined by Chuck Norris. You cannot defeat Chuck Norris' date=' thus, your max damage is 0.[hr']

Why does this remind me of a thread made by Nexev?


Because he is late for a fad that was a few months ago, and I decided to rain on his parade.

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You are soo innocent' date=' Lust. By the way, why does all members that become mod, with the exception of J-Max, start to act like ba- *Think about "correct" words* not nicely?



Because of the treatment that all you people give us, as soon as we turn into mods. I tried to be nice as long as possible while I was normal mod, but when a mod can't do something, everybody attacks that mod. It's just what happens. Don't blame us, blame yourselves.


is working with Gluttony going good? moving away from my really bad joke' date=' do you think I should bring back my YCM fan fic?



1. He's not very sexy, but he's got a good sense of humor.

2. You had a ff..? Sure..go ahead?

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