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  '~Evergreen~ said:

What came first' date=' the chicken or the egg?



Without going in and sounding like a nerd, the egg.


Also, it is quite possible that chickens are nothing more than a figment of our imagination, in which we have added taste and feeling to...o.0

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  'Ikatsui said:

Is Black a pervert (quote in my sig)?





Would mind If I killed you in my fiction?


I'd bad sad DX



BTW I knew the answer. It was a very nerdy way of figuring it out' date=' and it was actually the chicken. what does IMO mean?



Nerdy way:

Mutations resulted in the creation of new birds, each mutation changing more and more, until eventually, from an egg, what we call a chicken, was born.


IMO: In my opinion


@ Above: Cuz he's busy playing with your mother?

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What would my max damage be if I equipped my murasame with a shadow medallion when I am powered by the strength zone while wearing strongman's armor with a strength potion and a strength up spell while I am level 70?

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  'Deustodo said:

Then I shall make you being killed in my fiction. Yes. Why did you create such thread anyway?


Because I know you all <3 me =o



What would my max damage be if I equipped my murasame with a shadow medallion when I am powered by the strength zone while wearing strongman's armor with a strength potion and a strength up spell while I am level 70?


Strength is determined by Chuck Norris. You cannot defeat Chuck Norris' date=' thus, your max damage is 0.[hr']


Why does this remind me of a thread made by Nexev?


Because he is late for a fad that was a few months ago, and I decided to rain on his parade.

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  'Deustodo said:

You are soo innocent' date=' Lust. By the way, why does all members that become mod, with the exception of J-Max, start to act like ba- *Think about "correct" words* not nicely?



Because of the treatment that all you people give us, as soon as we turn into mods. I tried to be nice as long as possible while I was normal mod, but when a mod can't do something, everybody attacks that mod. It's just what happens. Don't blame us, blame yourselves.


  'Jord200 said:

is working with Gluttony going good? moving away from my really bad joke' date=' do you think I should bring back my YCM fan fic?



1. He's not very sexy, but he's got a good sense of humor.

2. You had a ff..? Sure..go ahead?

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