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~Unofficial YCM Gamer Review Thread~

Hollow Ichigo!

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Okay I will have a new game every week. If there are any requests (any console) please feel free to post away and they will be next on the list of reviews. Simple as pie...well maybe prepackaged pie in my case.



[spoiler=List of Reviews]









[spoiler=Current Reviews]

* Split/Second for PS3









As much a Kart racer as an arcade racing title, Split/Second is a game predicated on screwing over other competitors as much as finding a perfect driving line. The premise is simple: as a contestant on the television show Split/Second, you'll race against other drivers on a track designed to be destroyed.


Over all I would give it an 8.5/10



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Guest Lily

Okay... I would like to make a suggestion. PLEASE don't write such a small review. It's barely explaining to me what's good and what's bad about it :/

Think about some of the key subjects that make a game good...




-Storyline (If any)




But I would like to make a suggestion. Rocket Knight.

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