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New Gaia Cards... No, not those Gaia Cards...

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I am talking about Gaia Plates, I was looking at Gaia Plate the Earth Giant, and I was thinking of making a Earth/Rock based archetype that focuses on beat down and removed from play. Here are a few that I have right now. If someone could correct there OCG if need be, and maybe give suggestion on cards/effects/pictures, it would greatly be appreciated. Here are the cards I have made so far. (PNC) = Possible Name Change


[spoiler=Gaia Plate Monsters](NEW) Gaia Plate the Earth Berserker (PNC)

Monster / Effect

Level 4

When this card Attacks or is attacked by an Opponents monster, send 2 Rock-type monsters from your deck to the graveyard or destory this card before the Damage Step.


DEF: 200


Gaia Plate the Earth Bound

Monster / Effect / Tuner

Earth / Rock

Level 2

If this card is removed from play during your opponents End Phase, you can select one "Gaia Plate" monster from your deck and send it to the graveyard, then return this card to the Graveyard.

ATK: 200

DEF: 500


Gaia Plate the Earth Colossus

Monster / Effect / Synchro

Earth / Rock

Level 10

1 "Gaia Plate" Tuner monster + 1 "Gaia Plate" non-Tuner monster.

When this card is Synchro Summoned, select one monster on the field. This card gains Attack and Defense equal to Half the Attack and of the selected monster. During your Standby Phase, remove from play 2 Rock-Type monster in your Graveyard or remove this card from play.

ATK: 3000

DEF: 1000


(NEW)Gaia Plate the Earth Creator

Monster / Effect

Earth / Rock

Level 4

When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can remove it from play to special summon one level 4 or lower "Gaia Plate" monster from your deck in Face-up Attack Position. If the Monster is Sent to the Graveyard, Remove it from Play instead.


DEF: 200


Gaia Plate the Earth Destroyer (PNC)

Monster / Effect

Earth / Rock

Level 4

Once per turn, you can Select 1 Rock-Type "Gaia Plate" monster in your Deck and send it to the Graveyard to increase this cards Attack by 500.

ATK: 1500

DEF: 1000


Gaia Plate the Earth Golem

Monster / Effect

Earth / Rock

Level 4

When this monster attacks or is attacked, you can remove from play 1 Rock-type monster to halve the Attack of the monster that battles this card until the end of the turn.

ATK: 1400

DEF: 500


Gaia Plate the Earth Immortal

Monster / Effect

Earth / Rock

Level 4

When this card is removed from lay from the graveyard, you can send on "Gaia Plate" monster from your deck to the graveyard to special summon this monster during the End Phase of that turn in face-up attack position.

ATK: 1900

DEF: 0


Gaia Plate the Earth Restraint (PNC)

Monster / Effect

Earth / Rock

Level 3

Remove from play this card and one other Rock-type monster from your Graveyard to negate 1 attack this turn from a monster your opponent controls.

ATK: 500

DEF: 1600


(NEW)Gaia Plate the Earth Summoner

Monster / Effect

Earth / Rock

Level 4

Remove from play this card and one other Rock-type monster from your Graveyard to special summon one Gaia Plate Monster from your Hand in Face-up Attack Position.

ATK: 1500

DEF: 600


Gaia Plate the Earth Vanguard (PNC)

Monster / Effect

Earth / Rock

Level 5

You can special summon this card by sending one Rock-type monster from your Deck to the Graveyard. You can only Special summon 1 "Gaia Plate the Earth Destroyer" per turn. This card can only be used as a Synchro material for a Rock-type Synchro monster.

ATK: 2000

DEF: 1000


[spoiler=Gaia Plate Spell/Trap Support](NEW) Rejuvenating Earth (PNC)

Spell / Quick-play

Select Up to 2 Rock-Type monster in your Deck and send them to the Graveyard. Select the same number of Removed from Play "Gaia Plate" monsters and return them to the Graveyard.


(NEW) Quick Sand Trap

Trap / Normal

When your Opponent Special Summons a monster, removed from play 2 "Gaia Plate" monster from your graveyard to negate the Summon and Remove it from Play.


Dust Hurricane

Trap / Normal

Select up to 3 Rock-Type monster in your Deck and send them to the Graveyard. Select one Spell or Trap card on the Field for each card send to the Graveyard and and destroy them. Then shuffle the Deck. This card cannot be activated in a Chain.


Plate Launcher

Spell / Quick-play

Select 1 Rock-Type "Gaia Plate" monster in your Deck and send it to the Graveyard. Select one face-up Spell card on the Field and destroy it. Then shuffle the Deck.


Riches from the Soil

Spell / Normal

Remove from play up to 2 "Gaia Plate" monsters from the Graveyard from play. Then draw a card for every "Gaia Plate" monster that was removed from play do to this card's effect. The monsters removed from play by this card cannot use there effects this turn.


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Thanks, I just added a few cards ^-^

I am thinking of taking out the "then return this card to the Graveyard." in "Gaia Plate the Earth Bound"


But thanks for the Help, I added some new cards into it, they have (New) next to them. Give them a look and tell me what you think, I hope the set was okay ^-^

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6/10 post card pics please.


>.> Read section please, this is WRITTEN cards, not real cards, I am currently looking for real pics, that's why I posted them here. Don't ask for something I shouldn't have to put down because this spot I don't need them, and they shouldn't effect the rating.

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An aesthetic tip: Unless your search cards search "cards" instead of "monsters", you don't necessarily have to have the archetype in each card name. Take for example Riches from the Soil. That's a perfectly decent name, and has no traces of "Gaia" or "Plate" in it. Try and expand a little more with your names.


6/10 post card pics please.


>.> Read section please' date=' this is WRITTEN cards, not real cards, I am currently looking for real pics, that's why I posted them here. Don't ask for something I shouldn't have to put down because this spot I don't need them, and they shouldn't effect the rating.



Protip: Don't feed the troll.

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When this card attacks or is attacked by an opponent's monster, send 2 Rock-type monsters from your Deck to the Graveyard, or destory this card before the Damage Step.




If this card is removed from play during your opponent's End Phase, you can select one "Gaia Plate" monster from your Deck and send it to the Graveyard, then return this card to the Graveyard.


1 "Gaia Plate" Tuner + 1 or more "Gaia Plate" non-Tuner monster.

When this card is Synchro Summoned, select one monster on the field. This card gains ATK and DEF equal to half the ATK of the selected monster. During your Standby Phase, remove from play 2 Rock-Type monsters in your Graveyard or remove this card from play.


When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can remove it from play to Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Gaia Plate" monster from your Deck in face-up Attack Position. If the Monster is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, remove it from play instead.


Once per turn, you can Select 1 Rock-Type "Gaia Plate" monster in your Deck and send it to the Graveyard to increase this card's ATK by 500.


When this monster attacks or is attacked, you can remove from play 1 Rock-Type monster in your Graveyard to halve the ATK of the monster that battles this card until the end of the turn.


When this card is removed from play from the Graveyard, you can send on "Gaia Plate" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard to Special Summon this monster during the End Phase of that turn in face-up Attack Position.


You can remove from play this card and one other Rock-Type monster from your Graveyard to negate 1 attack this turn from a monster your opponent controls.


You can remove from play this card and one other Rock-Type monster from your Graveyard to Special Summon one "Gaia Plate" monster from your hand in face-up Attack Position.


You can Special Summon this card from your hand or Graveyard by sending one Rock-type monster from your Deck to the Graveyard. You can only Special Summon 1 "Gaia Plate the Earth Destroyer" per turn. This card can only be used as a Synchro material for a Rock-type Synchro Monster.


Select up to 2 Rock-Type monster in your Deck and send them to the Graveyard. Select the same number of removed from play "Gaia Plate" monsters and return them to the Graveyard.


When your opponent Special Summons a monster, remove from play 2 "Gaia Plate" monsters in your Graveyard to negate the Special Summon and remove it from play.


Select up to 3 Rock-Type monsters in your Deck and send them to the Graveyard. Select one Spell or Trap Card on the field for each card send to the Graveyard and and destroy them. Then shuffle the Deck. This card cannot be activated in a Chain.


Select 1 Rock-Type "Gaia Plate" monster in your Deck and send it to the Graveyard. Select one face-up Spell card on the field and destroy it. Then shuffle the Deck.


Remove from play up to 2 "Gaia Plate" monsters in your Graveyard. Then draw 1 card for every "Gaia Plate" monster that was removed from play due to this card's effect. The monsters removed from play by this card cannot use their effects this turn.


That was fun.



Attack and Defence: ATK and DEF

graveyard and deck: Graveyard and Deck

Opponents: opponent's

do: due

Field: field

Spell card: Spell Card

I'm sure there's more, I'm just too lazy to find them.


Overall, this set is excellent. 9/10

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