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Ask That Scientist Called Nexev


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Oh, Rammu, didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Scientist Called Nexev, or ATSCN.


Here you can ask me any questions you like and I will answer them.


Some answers may sound silly but they are all correct.


How do I know? I asked myself, "Am I ever wrong?" and I said no.



Since me being wrong about that would be silly, I am clearly all knowing.




In addition this thread is a knockoff of Ask That Guy With The Glasses at thatguywiththeglasses.com


You can find his stuff here:


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Guest Tainted Black

If a farmer plants a chicken's head. after brutally wringing its neck, will it fertilize the crops like a fish head?

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If a farmer plants a chicken's head. after brutally wringing its neck' date=' will it fertilize the crops like a fish head?



That's a very good question.


The ansewer is no. Chicken heads grow chicken trees.


Most people think that chicken are animals but that's just hollywood. They are fruit.




How many cookies can a dog eat before it dies? What if the cookies have Mountain Dew in them?

Silly Mark' date=' you can never kill a dog with cookies.


Cookies are tasty and thus good for you.


In fact you should feed you dog cookies every day. If it looks sick that's cause you aren't feeding it cookies enough.


Some people may tell you cookies are in fact BAD for dogs but they are psychopaths. Therefore you should kill them and put them in pies. Like a barber chap who was my roommate in college.


You will end world hunger and get rid of the stupid people, then you will get a Nobel Prize.


Would I lie to you?



What is the meaning of life? And how can I cheat myself out of it?


The meaning of life is to die. Of course there are a bunch of loopholes around it so make sure to kill yourself with a group suicide with a lawyer, I suggest tainting the drinking water.


Then the lawyer can sue God, robbing the lord and savior of money and his faith and men, then you can go to back to life.


Of course if God gets upset he accidentally causes huge disasters, but it's not your problem and is a huge exagertation.


I did it myself a while back and all the world had to do was deal with a chap named Hitler.


But isn't the Holocaust a worthy price to pay to make sure that I am still here to enrich your lives with my genius?



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Guest Tainted Black

My sis made me think of this one based on that harlet married to my dad


What purposes do skanks serve to society, since they cannot cook?

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What color's my underwear?


Nexev! What does the scouter say about his power level?!


That's a very good question.


What no it's not. The powers not on.


However it would say 2 kumquats and a zigsagoon.


This is because all scouters like to screw to with you and are big fat liers.


You should kill it.


I just fed my dog a bunch of cookies. It looked at me with joy and glee' date=' so I must say thank. I recently found a scary thing, and it has startled me so much I must ask for your advice. Is there anyway for me to remove

from my head? If not, should I add something to it to make it worse?

Thriller was originally in the bible, however the passages with it (the book of Lulz) was destroyed by the Vatican because they were evil at the time. Micheal Jackson rediscovered the passage from divine intervention because he was our lord and savior. However we then accused him of being a pedo so God had to get a new savior.


Stephanie Meyer.


Yes, thanks to media TWilight is officially as holy as the bible.


I was afraid I was evil once but that so oversinned everything I could come up with.


Thank you.

My sis made me think of this one based on that harlet married to my dad


What purposes do skanks serve to society' date=' since they cannot cook?


Because while they can't cook, their milk is very nutritious.

I have an entire company that distributes milk from my harem.


I call it Garelick Farms.


Plus they can also make sandwiches and if they don't make the sandwiches, you always get some exercise enlightening them on what was the correct response was.

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Recently I have discovered a race of mole people that live in my backyard. My dog, about ten minutes after eating the cookies, went on a killing rampage. I want to know where I should hide the mole people, who on the site I should enlist for help in hiding the bodies, and where you believe the mole people came from. I think it was Canada.

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Nexev! my question is KUMQUATS?


That's a very good question


Was it not said in Night that the questions you ask God more important than the answers?


If so then this is truly one of the most important things in this world.


The answer is not one for me to say' date=' you must go to the mountains, meditate and play the entire Training music playlist and fine the answer yourself.


Recently I have discovered a race of mole people that live in my backyard. My dog, about ten minutes after eating the cookies, went on a killing rampage. I want to know where I should hide the mole people, who on the site I should enlist for help in hiding the bodies, and where you believe the mole people came from. I think it was Canada.



You shouldn't hide them, you should kill them.


Mole people are like smurfs, they are communist.


In america that means they must die.


Cause freedom of speech is a subjective term used by dumb people who think there opinions matter.


To hide there bodies I suggest asking Revolver Amethyst, he is a great cook and can probbaly hid the red cadavers as delicous pastries.


As for where they come from, where do all unwanted american things come from?


Mexico of course.



Will I ever have incest with my sister? :[


Silly Xirno we are all God's children.


So you already had.


You plowed her like a tractor and planted your seed in her so come harvest you can reap the crop of babies that came from it.


I hope you enjoyed it.


Lord knows I did.



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Will I ever have incest with my sister? :[


Silly Xirno we are all God's children.


So you already had.


You plowed her like a tractor and planted your seed in her so come harvest you can reap the crop of babies that came from it.


I hope you enjoyed it.


Lord knows I did.




But I'm a virgin and an atheist...


And by sister I meant someone with female parts born from my mother's womb.


So, will I ever have incest with a girl born from my mother's womb?

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What is?


That is a very good question.


There is a magical place where you will regain your faith in God and know that all is right on earth.


This is not that place.


This is a internet forum. A prototype of hell adapted by the military to use against Communists until they gave up and let us use it.


Will I ever have incest with my sister? :[


Silly Xirno we are all God's children.


So you already had.


You plowed her like a tractor and planted your seed in her so come harvest you can reap the crop of babies that came from it.


I hope you enjoyed it.


Lord knows I did.




But I'm a virgin and an atheist...


And by sister I meant someone with female parts born from my mother's womb.


So' date= will I ever have incest with a girl born from my mother's womb?


Ah my mistake.


You didn't have insect.


She raped you.



And you were moaning like a whore the whole time.


I have this on tape, I can't believe I forgot.


How completely silly of me.


Your sister is evil.


I intend to ask her out, she sounds like someone I can relate to.

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I have this on tape' date=' I can't believe I forgot.


How completely silly of me.


Your sister is evil.


I intend to ask her out, she sounds like someone I can relate to.



Send me the tape.


Dear god send me the tape.


I'll spit out all the other Nexevs if you send it to me.




Will I ever have incest that is consensual?

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