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Secrets of the Pokemon Cafe {Accepting}{PG-13}

Tortoise Kyle

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OOC thread: Here


This is an RP to advertise my club, the Pokemon Cafe. This is not a Club specific RP, though it'd be nice for you to join if you're in the RP.



The Pokemon Cafe is a humble Cafe in the new pokemon region of Chugo. Or is it? You are a secret agent behind the scenes of the Cafe, working to stop Team Rocket from doing the bad things they've done for so long.





Failure to follow these rules will get you kicked out of the RP.


1. Mild swaring is allowed. Please do not post @55 or something similar, it's Ok to post the sware word.

2. Absolutely no god modding, meta-gaming, or power-playing.

3. Make your posts as well thought out as possible. Don't just post 4 lines of blah to get post count. Dialogue only post also generally become boring.

5. As all Rp's, this is and Advanced RP. Atleast 1 to 2 paragraphs per post is required.

6. No legendary's. They can randomly appear, but only little effect on the plot is accepted.

7. All other YCM rules apply.





Only 1 per person


~Character name:








~Description (Not picture):




~Occupation in the orginization:


~Pokemon (Only up to 3 from start):





[spoiler=Мᴀṩ₮єя ₮ѳяtᴓiṩԑ]

~Character name: Kyle


~Gender: Male


~Age: 18


~Hometown: Sunnyshore City (Sinnoh)


~Description (Not picture): Kyle's height is average. He has almost shoulder length brown hair, with green eyes. Wears an old green t-shirt, with dark brown cargo pants. On his left arm is a green Poket'ch. Has a tan that shows his love for the summer sun.


~Biography: Kyle was born in Sunnyshore city, where his dad worked as a vendor in the seal market. At the age of 11, he went out to stop evil orginizations when Team Rocket stole his sister's Combusken. He now leads the Cafe to stop any and all evil activity.


~Occupation in the Cafe: Leader


~Pokemon (Only up to 3 from start):

Torkoal, Skarmory, Poliwrath.












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