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Deus Ex Machina Cards:


Shining Draw

Quick-play Spell Card

If you draw this card, activate it immediately. Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a level 4 or lower monster special summon it. If that monster is used as material for a tribute, fusion, ritual, or synchro summon add its attack points to the monster you summon.


Drawing Shadow

Quick-play Spell Card

If you draw this card, activate it immediately. Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a level 4 or lower monster special summon it. If that monster is used as material for a tribute, fusion, ritual, or synchro summon the summoned monster loses its effect. When the summoned monster attacks, the effects of all face-up cards on the field are negated until the end of the damage step.


Trump Cards:


Elemental Hero Rising Neos

Level 10

Fire, Warrior/Fusion/Effect

"Elemental Hero Neos" + "Phoenix Gearfried"

This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by Fusion Summon with the above Fusion Material Monsters. While this card is face up on the field, other monsters you control cannot be destroyed by card effects. When this card is destroyed, special summon one of its fusion material monsters. If you summon an Elemental Hero, deal damage to your opponent equal to its attack. If you summon "Phoenix Gearfried" deal damage equal to it's defense and it is treated as an effect monster with its listed effect.



Helm of the Beyond

Equip Spell

Remove 1 Gemini monster in your graveyard from the game to activate this card. Equip only to a Gemini monster. When treated as an effect monster, the equipped monster gains the effect of the removed monster in place of its own. Also, if the equipped monster is also equipped with Supervise, raise its attack by 500 points.


Quick Draw

Continuous Trap

Remove an Equip Spell in your hand from the game and equip this card to a monster you control as an Equip Card. This card gains the effect of the removed card.

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If you draw this card, activate it immediately. Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a level 4 or lower monster special summon it. If that monster is used as material for a tribute, fusion, ritual, or synchro summon add its attack points to the monster you summon.


If you draw this card during your Draw Phase, Activate it. Reveal the Top card of your deck. If it is a level 4 or lower monster special summon it, If not, send it to the Graveyard. If that monster is used as material for a tribute, fusion, ritual, or synchro summon add its attack points to the monster you summon.


That seems like Proper OOC, though I would limit to one of the 4, as all for might be OP'ed. Maybe make is so they are 4 separate cards?


Also, that's an estimated version of OCG, so I donno >w>;;

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Well Gaia Plate, technically it and it's dark counterpart are supposed to be a little OP, because they are Deus ex Machina cards in a story. It actually doesn't exist as a card even in the story, it's a card manifestation of the force that ensures balance in the universe. Only one person can even use it (though he can temporarily grant the power to others) and the user must be resolved and in dire need.


Maybe I'll add a "this turn" as a condition despite the intended "THE POWER OF THE COSMOS SMITES THEE!" effect of the cards. How about I restrict it to "when it's used as material for a special summon" (which would cover fusion, synchro, and maybe some other situations I'm not aware of).

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