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The Power Rangers Club (Reborn) - First Major Contest

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Interrupting fo a moment, I have a new topic fr discussion. New Logo, Season Name, Cast and Plot confirmed for Pwer Rangers 2011.




A new generation of Power Rangers must master the mystical and ancient Samurai Symbols of Power which give them control over the elements of Fire, Water, Sky, Forest, and Earth. Under the guidance of their all-knowing mentor and the aid of their devoted animal Zords, they battle the dark forces of the Netherword* and a mysterious Warrior bent on destruction.



Saban's PR Website: http://www.powerrangers.com/seasons-samurai.html

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I'm still wondering, though. Shouldn't we all have original appearances at all? For example, my character would have a special uniform that is used by the whole team but we would all have different colors along with anything else.


If need be, we can use pictures instead of descriptions.



Samurai? I thought it was Samurai Strike! That would a lot better, don't you think?

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Anyway there is a extremly good reason why Brandon is whereing a fallen suit.



There are in fact many reasons if you want.


Nexev is from horizontal universal tampering, IE, alternate world. Proto is from the past, an ancient being given sentinence and form.


Brandon may very well represent a forward motion in universal tampering as he is from the futur.


Also everyone wearing the nexsuit has 'fallen' Nexev fell from his heroship, Ralis fell from his superiority as a great power to a mere slave of a dickgod, and Bran fell with the entire world.



Endless correlation, you just have to see the strings like I do.

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huh .... apples and oranges


Season 1: orange ranger powers


Season 2 start: makeshift Emerald (stronger)


Season 2 now: no powers, but spear gives you slight improvement (weaker than original Orange, but stronger than human)


astral projection means a sprit shell in a way, it showed the old form for a moment, but you didn't actually change. It was merely like reinserting your old position as a guardian.

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Ooh. I get it. But Caoimhin's older. He's probably as old as Sean's father or grandfather.


Caoimhin's so old, he was part of Zordon's Forces of Good ten thousand years ago. Kinda working on the group that fought with Zordon but i'm not sure how Sean's ancestor would have looked like (seeing as Swift made up the species and their island) but cuz it sounds like they are part feline in nature, i keep thinking about Thundercats as a general idea of what they could be like in terms of appearance.


Don't know if there's much point in making the group that fought with Zordon...but...it kills time for me.

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