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The Power Rangers Club (Reborn) - First Major Contest

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Like you said in the topic. WTF?!


I got no ideas whatsoever about what these Theme Parks are like. What would be a better topic is how would you make a Power Rangers CONVENTION, where it would be and how long it would last, along with what will there be in it.


And for the episode name, who exactly is that "Hero"? Is it a secret like everything else planned?

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Unfortunately, the arcade can't happen, ever since arcades lost their liking back in 2000. I would say that there would be both a kids, teenagers, and adults section of the theme park, the teenagers section being a martial arts studio to help learn the moves shown by the unmorphed rangers of the entire series. The adults section on the other hand would be hard to think about.

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I don't think it'd have to be that divided up. The train idea is really cool though. And I'd also have to agree about it not being that big. Not seeing a Six Flags or Disney size thing. As far as attractions, maybe there'd be like one of those ride simulators of being in a zord during a battle.


And as far as who the episode is named after ... maybe you, maybe me, maybe Ralis, or Bruce Lee. Who knows?


- FYI, yes, rhyme was intended. It's 2:44 am here after Fashion Night Out in NYC ...thus I'm silly sleepy. lol

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What?! Arcade games failed since 2000?! I beg to differ, some of the newer ones are quite as good.I always play Time crisis 4 whenever I go to the movie theater. lol It took me an hour to actually beat the game with 4 different people to be player 2.


Anyway, the martial arts studio seems fun though. lol I bet they'll probably act out a scene from the show though.

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martial arts studio sounds good in theory but the would probably be some faults in it like the fact that it would cost quite a bit of extra money to pay for them to teach cuz they ain't gonna do it for free for what i would expect to be basic self defence moves with the average person not likely to be able to do more complex fighting techniques and the only other thing that the could teach them is the shouts and grunts they do when they are fighting.

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They couldn't do training. Demonstrations maybe ... but not general training. Why? Here goes:


1) DISRESPECT - it takes away from the true spirit of the martial arts. It's about discipline, and respect. And people jumpin into/leaving in the middle of a class would be VERY disrespectful. And you would get a very watered down, impractical, completely useless form.


2) LIABILITY - each person that signs up for martial arts, MUST sign waivers and have insurance. If one person got hurt in the slightest, they would have a tremendous lawsuit on their hands.


3) UNFAMILIARITY - there would be soo many different type of people, not just physical build, but also ability. You would have numerous classes and make it completely inefficient. You can't have someone teaching a tornado kick (one of the trademark PR moves) without them having learned the basic fundaments as well as having tremendous lower body strength and balance. If you don't have these, it could lead to a twisted ankle at least, but more likely breaking something. Which brings us back to #2.


4) BORING - since they could do the more advance trademark stuff easily (as stated in #3) they would have to do basic punches and stretches, which if someone were there for only that day, would find VERY boring and would much rather prefer the trademark moves that look cool. But i already explained what would happen with that in #3 and #2. And #1 since you must learn to walk before you can run.

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Looks like DNK has pretty much pointed out most (if not all) faults with the martial arts studio idea. Best we would ever get is some preformance act done by some other acrobatic/martial arts people which would most likely be a crap preformance.


EDIT: wonder if anyone else is gonna chip in on the discussion?


anyway, how far from completion are the pics, DNK?

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What?! Arcade games failed since 2000?!


Of course.


I beg to differ,


They're only popular in Japan now, since they began there.


some of the newer ones are quite as good.I always play Time crisis 4 whenever I go to the movie theater. lol It took me an hour to actually beat the game with 4 different people to be player 2.


And how can you do that when most arcades in the US have been shut down.


Anyway, the martial arts studio seems fun though. lol I bet they'll probably act out a scene from the show though.


It may be a bit hard to reenact a scene from an old episode if they got rid of the monster and pawn costumes years ago.

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still have quite a few to work on, but considering this episode's layout - the zords/megazords can wait for next episode, thus i can start once these last 2 are done. I just have to scann the pics and work on one other.


That's good. At least i know there won't be much longer to wait. Hope everyone will be online for the next episode.

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I always loved the Tekken arcade ports. Except for the music. It sounds so weird compared to the video game.



Oh and DNK, you forgot one fault:


Itelligence/humiliation: The person might be stupid, end up saying that he can do better and possibly make a giant fool out of themselves and the master teaching them. Not only that, he could end up unknowingly hit someone, especially a little kid.

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You know, the best way to get the ultimate arcade experience is to head to Japan and look up English translated Arcade Use Instructions. Either that or look up how to make your arcade systems with actual games. Any other possible idea works too.

I think the best way to experince the arcade, is go to a place, find a game, insert quaters, AND FUCKING PLAY IT!


Going to japan ruins arcading as it is meant to be a casual yet enjoyable experince.


And your also implying Arcade games are not actual games.


Yeah that's great your a dick.


Soul Caliber series says hi.

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I always loved the Tekken arcade ports. Except for the music. It sounds so weird compared to the video game.



Oh and DNK, you forgot one fault:


Itelligence/humiliation: The person might be stupid, end up saying that he can do better and possibly make a giant fool out of themselves and the master teaching them. Not only that, he could end up unknowingly hit someone, especially a little kid.


Of course. :o I can't believe I forgot that one. ;) Thanks bud

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