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The Power Rangers Club (Reborn) - First Major Contest

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That's right.


Guys I had a convo with DNK the other day. I learned the big secrets, I was mind wiped but I have wrote the most important bit before hand.


*reads palm*


MK was based on guys from gundam win*shot*




EDIT: You know like logo.jpg and stuff.

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*puts down the extra long range sniper rifle* Damn. I missed by centimeters. So much for being like Lockon Stratos lol


To be honest, I can see MK be like either Gundam Heavyarms (maybe Custom) or Tallgeese III from Gundam Wing or Gundam Virtue or Serrave from Gundam 00. Lol he has strength and defense, maybe he has the weapons too.

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*puts down the extra long range sniper rifle* Damn. I missed by centimeters. So much for being like Lockon Stratos lol


To be honest, I can see MK be like either Gundam Heavyarms (maybe Custom) or Tallgeese III from Gundam Wing or Gundam Virtue or Serrave from Gundam 00. Lol he has strength and defense, maybe he has the weapons too.


Not so much.... try thinking around the middle of Wing. (If 'm not on for a bit, it's because I just started college... the moving was an insane day in and of itself.)

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The intro is all written up, just wanting to finish the pics. This is going to be an awesome episode. With some BIG occurrences.


I'll give you an intro. The episode is titled "The Once and Future Hero"


Anyway ... here's something you haven't heard in a while. NEW TOPIC.


So ... there was talk about Power Ranger theme parks .... WTF? Really? Who? What? Where? When? Why? Time to do what we do best ... predict, remark, and guestimate. What do you think these theme parks will be like? For example: will they be small, or large, exclusively PR, or part of a larger park. What kinds of rides, etc etc etc

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