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The Power Rangers Club (Reborn) - First Major Contest

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OMG, so I'm busy trying to find the full song for the opening of the new Yugioh 5d called "Going my way". and the artist Masaaki endoh apparently did the power ranger song. Now I don't know if this was a cover or the real original version, but OMG I love the instrumentals of it. Almost as epic as Aaron Waters.




PS: If you want to know the Yugioh opening I'm talkin about ... ( i personally am obsessed with this song right now) Much like the power rangers one, the instrumentals are just awesome.




PPS: Where's Aya, I have a feeling she'd get a kick out of this. hahaha

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I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one. Samurai is a bit rushed. The rangers are already rangers, and already have their zords in the first episode, including the megazord. It only took until the 4th episode to show a new zord, and more and more keep popping up each after 2 episodes. And here's the kicker. The guy who play Cole in Wild Force is now playing the Human Form of the Neutral Antagonist, if you haven't realized it. He only looks different by his clothes and that he now has a beard after all those years. That kinda pissed me off a bit, since we might NEVER see a Wild Force ranger EVER return in future seasons.


And the new opening sounds ridiculous. Where's Rob Wasterman(The original composer of music for PR) when we need him; to make an opening that doesn't rip itself off from the original?! *Sigh* maybe I'm overlooking it a bit.

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Skull probbaly didn't want to join, which is why he didn't show up.


Bulk actually requested to have a role in Samurai, hence why he is there.


But I admit, when I saw the first few episodes I was wondering what the f*** was going one. I felt like I was watching episode 6 not 1.


Fast collection of zords is no big deal as bonus zords are shown very earliy. The elephant zord was gained very quickly in Jungle Fury


DNOVA: getting on it, he has this pretty big wall of text.

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Fast collection of zords is no big deal as bonus zords are shown very earliy. The elephant zord was gained very quickly in Jungle Fury


That is true...forgot about that....^^;


EDIT: BTW, out of all the rangers from all the series, who is your favorite ranger from what series??


For me..it would be Tommy Oliver(Green Dragon Ranger, White Tiger/Falcon Ranger, Red Zeo/Turbo Ranger, and Black Ranger). Before it was Jason, but after I saw Tommy and the fact that he was all bad@$$ when he was Rita's servant, but got even more bad@$$ when he became the White Ranger.

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