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B- 178: Infected


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Made from pure bordem. Enjoy!


[spoiler=Ch. 1]Chapter 1 - Escape


I had to escape.

I couldn't take it anymore, the tests, the pain. I hated it. I hated it so much.


They call me B-178, or "Biohazard-178". I am the only human ever recorded to have survived a biohazardous disease, called

Hemo chelosis, or Blood Claw. It hardens the blood, then portrudes from the skin in the form of spikes. It's terribly painful,

and most people die within days. For some reason, however, I survived it, though now my entire left arm is covered in them.

They study me, test me, confine me, yet they cannot find why I survived. They treat my like a stray dog, starving me to death.

They always wear helmets around me, and they refuse to speak to me. I despised it, so I escaped. It was simple, really. All I

had to do was kill one of the doctors that check my vitals every 15 minuites, and walk out. The security is scarce here; they

never expected me to escape. I walked down the hallway, noting the various beings kept on this station. "Huh", I thought to

myself, "These animals don't have it bad. At least they have each other". I walked down the gloomy hall, wondering what to do

next, when I got spotted. "Hey! Freeze!"


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The Fan Fic Section is kinda dead, so getting comments is rare in the start.


Anyway, to cure this threads emptyness I'm going to inform you that if that's a whole chapter, it is waaaaaay too short. Make it a lot longer. Another tip is to start a new line when someone says something, let's take your fan fic as an example:



They call me B-178, or "Biohazard-178". I am the only human ever recorded to have survived a biohazardous disease, called

Hemo chelosis, or Blood Claw. It hardens the blood, then portrudes from the skin in the form of spikes. It's terribly painful,

and most people die within days. For some reason, however, I survived it, though now my entire left arm is covered in them.

They study me, test me, confine me, yet they cannot find why I survived. They treat my like a stray dog, starving me to death.

They always wear helmets around me, and they refuse to speak to me. I despised it, so I escaped. It was simple, really. All I

had to do was kill one of the doctors that check my vitals every 15 minuites, and walk out. The security is scarce here; they

never expected me to escape. I walked down the hallway, noting the various beings kept on this station. "Huh", I thought to

myself, "These animals don't have it bad. At least they have each other". I walked down the gloomy hall, wondering what to do

next, when I got spotted. "Hey! Freeze!"



They call me B-178, or "Biohazard-178". I am the only human ever recorded to have survived a biohazardous disease, called

Hemo chelosis, or Blood Claw. It hardens the blood, then portrudes from the skin in the form of spikes. It's terribly painful,

and most people die within days. For some reason, however, I survived it, though now my entire left arm is covered in them.

They study me, test me, confine me, yet they cannot find why I survived. They treat my like a stray dog, starving me to death.

They always wear helmets around me, and they refuse to speak to me. I despised it, so I escaped. It was simple, really. All I

had to do was kill one of the doctors that check my vitals every 15 minuites, and walk out. The security is scarce here; they

never expected me to escape. I walked down the hallway, noting the various beings kept on this station.

"Huh", I thought to myself, "These animals don't have it bad. At least they have each other".

I walked down the gloomy hall, wondering what to do next, when I got spotted.

"Hey! Freeze!"



I'm to tired to look for spelling errors, so that's just some basic tips from Kuroda.


EDIT: I almost forgot to comment on the actual story. It looks interesting, and if you just make the chapters longer and make new lines at the right places, this could be something I'd care reading.

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