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Super Power School {PG16-Co-owned by J.T.B.-Remake-Started in IC-NOT Acceptin

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RP TIME, that is when your cured remember? We are going to Life RP after thoes 2 days. Don't worry, we arn't skipping. Nor rushing, i'm just saying these are our last, 'rucus', days. Then, we will be living a normal life RP.



I clicked a link to your song and I see this puppet with a finger over it's mouth. Yeah, that's why I don't watch horror films. >.>


And, whatcha talkin' bout' Willas? XD HAD TO!

We can still tease Joey, what you talking bout'?

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But then she tried to sue the Ice Cream man who just summonded his army of Flying Ice Cream Trucks on her. With ICE CREAM CANNONS! XD Her sweet tooth became her downfall, hopefully she isn't in a sweet coma and can post. XDDD

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But then she tried to sue the Ice Cream man who just summonded his army of Flying Ice Cream Trucks on her. With ICE CREAM CANNONS! XD Her sweet tooth became her downfall, hopefully she isn't in a sweet coma and can post. XDDD

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Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White and

"Monty Python and the Holy Grail"'s Black Knight, and

Benito Mussolini, and The Blue Meanie and

Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie.

Robocop, the Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader.

Lo Pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger.

Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan,

Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan

all came out of nowhere lightning fast and kicked Peg in her girly rear. XD THEN RANDOM FLYING ITALIAN ICE CREAM TRUCKS ATTACK! XD

No offense Peg, we just messing with you. And if you are angry reading this, then we are doing a good job. XD

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[spoiler=Rin(Female) and Len(Male)]GSC_Kagamine_Rin_Len_1.jpg








AND THAT'S nOT ALL OF THEM! Vocaloids are programs in a music and voice generator using english and Japanese dubs. You can make practically anything with vocaloids!

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Well that much is obvious Wynn...I think we were able to figure that out. And we aren't even making it...


No, I haven't. But cool, no awsome, no, EPIC. There might be hope for this yet. :D But there is a problem. Can any of you guys sing? Cause...let's just say, I have powers to make people go death... XD DX T_T ;.; D:

Let alone we have to write the lyrics...and I ain't no writer...so there is deffenetly still ALOT of work to do...


Plus, is it a free program? Let alone, is it even accesable to people like us? Cause if that's the best the people who make cartoons got. I bet they aren't giving it up...

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