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Super Power School {PG16-Co-owned by J.T.B.-Remake-Started in IC-NOT Acceptin

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its not joeys power to be honest its the poam itsself. the event that joey was talking about with kyo happens only once every year. its called the night of the blue moon its when the worlds energy is at its peak. the thing is ugh the name of it carrys a mass amount of energy its self and tends to f with super powers incluiding joeys. it only lasts for about 10 minutes max enless said on the night of the blue moon but even still its pretty scary and thats the reason the second to last line is the power the world should have hid joey was talking about the blue moon itself.

btw the name of the poam is the blue moon rapsdy

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I'm not busy this week, just today. T_T


I agree with you Compass, but Ekim has a reason.


Ah, thanks for posting that Ekim, I was alittle clueless on that aspect of Joey.


Blue Moon Rapsdy, You're not the only one who knows this Ekim...


LOL! But here's the thing MKS, Wynn has stopped posting. So he won't help. And Shawn is gonna END Calyn next post, cause i'm sick of this mussy Shawn. For now, i'm bringing the inner badrear out of him. 8)


Oh yeah, don't try to save Calyn. It's futil, only his phasing will save him. And if he doesn't post withen today or tommorow, he's dead...i'm sorry, but he needs to stay active. Even if it's in the OOC Thread. That tells me he wants to be part of this RP but just doesn't have the time. He has obvioulsy lost intrust, so there is no reason for him to remain if it can make my character's development easier.


BTW, Pegasasu, we should allow more people to join. This RP only has 5 people. Enough yes, but imagin if we had more. ;) Just a thought.

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Nope. ;)

Seriously though, i'm gonna strike him in the neck and put him in a coma. When he starts posting again he can wake up from his coma. Till then, I get to be badrear. 8)


He's lucky, you convinced me not to kill his character. I'm still putting him in a coma due to EXTREAM LOSS OF BLOOD. And there is NOTHING you can do about it. XD

Don't worry, when he posts again you can do something about it. Until then though, you can't. XD (I'm bad...)

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