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Super Power School {PG16-Co-owned by J.T.B.-Remake-Started in IC-NOT Acceptin

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LOL! You have that app too? I'm using my parent's CP. But I do have a Wii including Internet. XD

And you know what's really funny?

I have a PSP I hocked up to the Internet, so when i'm getting ready to go to bed I can see what's going on in the, "Super Power School". LOL. XD

It's slow, but gets the job done.

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Oh ok, I just wanted to make sure you got it. If not I wanted to resend it farily quickly seeing as how I need that answer. I read it, and will reply to it as soon as I finish this post.

For everyone else, this is none of your bussiness...yet...as i've said to Wynn in another RP. YOU CAN HAZ NO SPOILERZ, THERE OURZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LOL, I got to give you credit Ekim, I would never so to venture and write down anything from the Wii. XD


Don't worry Compass, if you want i'll go post now and you can go find Shawn if you want. ;D

And you will be needed as MKS said.


Yep, you will be needed Compass, don't worry. ;D

Well, i'm off to catch up.


LOL, does everyone have all there devices hooked up to the internet! XD

I probably could post something from my PSP, but it would take forever.

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I picked the worst time to storm in! XD

You can't use your lightnin' unless you want to wait an extra day that Ky might not have. And he can't use his Dark Matter for the same reason. Plus, there is no way for Calyn to escape, and Matthew can't control his powers! I PICKED THE WORST TIME EVER! XDDDD

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