◇ Void ◇ Posted May 19, 2010 Report Share Posted May 19, 2010 [spoiler=plot]"Our time has come. For 300 years, we prepared. We grew stronger. While you rested in your cradle of power, believing your people were safe...protected. You were trusted to lead the Republic but you were deceived, as our powers over the dark side had blinded you. You assumed no force could challenge you and now...finally...we have returned." The Great Galactic war of 3,681 BBY Contuinues to Deverstate the Galaxy as the Jedi and the New order of the Sith Empire continue to battle for Supremecy. The Republic's defences are Slipping as the Dark side approaches Its Goal and the Jedi cannot Fight the war alone. There weakness to the Sith is not of There lack of defences, its for there Lack of Supplys. A Mandalorian Blockade has ment all Main trade routes are useless and Coruacant is close to A Civil war from the Hunger of millions of the Lower levels. And the Ambasators hoard the Food for themselves. This is Turmoil. Now, its time to make your place in this story. Will you Master the ways of Good with a Lightsaber as a Jedi Knight or Practice the Dark skills of a Sith Inquisitor? "You were deceived. And now, your Republic shall fall." [spoiler=Rules]1. ALL Yugioh Card maker fourms Standard and Roleplaying Rules Apply.2. 4+ Lines of text per Roleplaying post. No execptions.3. Try to Remain active, i feel this may be become A good roleplay.4. Your characters may change sides over time with my Pemmision.5. Your Class is Designed on how you combat and React In this roleplay.6. Have fun. [spoiler=Classes][spoiler= Jedi Knight]The Jedi knights are the Most common of all jedi, skilled in the arts of Lightsaber combat and Dont heavly call apon the Force, Though if overwealmed they will. There Lightsabers Colours are Blue and will Commonly wield Two lightsabers and has skill with dual Weaponary. [spoiler= Jedi Sentinal]Jedi Sentinals are a rarer class of jedi, Balanced in both in Lightsaber combat and The skillfulness of the Force. There lightsabers colour is Yellow Or users of Duel lightsabers use one of each colour, few Using Double bladed lightsabers, even knowing of them being frowned apon in the order . [spoiler=Jedi Counslar]Jedi Counslars are the Rarest of Jedi in the order because they Focus on the Force, Requiring a Strong bond in it, and not apon Lightsaber combat much, though know basics and a Few skills. There lightsabers colour, though Rairy used is Green and tend to have one shoto lightsaber. [spoiler=Sith Warriors]Sith Warriors are Dark jedi whom have Fully embraced the dark sides power. They rely on not of the force itself but apon Lightsaber combat mostly. As tradition there Lightsabers blades were red or crimson and Many used Double bladed if trained corectly by there Sith lords. [spoiler=Sith Marauders]Sith Marauders are a Lesser known class of the Dark side of the Force, Warriors fulled by The taints of Rage, Lust and Power there Force powers Equaled there Powers of a lightsaber. They though never used Double bladed lightsabers as it Limited there power. But traditionaly They use Red crystals. [spoiler=Sith Inquisitor]Sith Inquisitors are, Like the Jedi Counslars, The rarest of there order and of any class in Both orders of the Force. They consist the followers of, and Powerfuly Bonded, the dark side of the Force. Though They Highly focused on there Force mapulation they have the Lightsaber skill of a Sith Warrior. Many who have this class become Shadow hands and Sith lords with Ease. There Lightsabers colours are of the Rare Violet and Purple crystals and consist with one Normal sized lightsaber and one Shoto lightsaber. [spoiler=Application Form (Remove anything in Brackets)]Name:Age:Gender:Speises: (No Customs, But Human Sub spesies aloud.)Appearance: (A paragraph or a picture.)Personality: (2-3 complete sentences.)Class: (Check Class List)World of Origin: Bio: (At least 1 paragraph.) [spoiler=My Applications][spoiler= Icaani Sudowoda]Name: Icaani Sudowoda (Prounced: ICC-Annie Sue-Doh-WOAH)Age: 15Gender: MaleSpeises: Echani/Miraluka Hybrid Appearance: Last time he was seen alive by the jedi Order he was of Normal Hight, Light skin and Bandged eye sockets to cover up his Miraluka hertage. As with Padawan and Jedi Tradition his Silver, Echani herratage Hair was Spiky with the Tradition padawan Brade at the back. His robes was a Silvery version of the standard jedi robes.Personality: Ichanni was a Very quiet jedi, Almost Silent, But did Talk In Situations when he was Stressed out. Due to this trait he could only comunicate with simple Nods and shakes or with sign language. Other then that he had Great Presision with many skills, a sign of his Powerful conection to the force.Class: Last known, A jedi Counslar.World of Origin: EshanBio: Iccani is a rare hybrid of two Sub-Human Races, Born on Eshan he was Rased up until the age of 3, Which when during a Vital Mission with the Sun guard he was Discovered by the jedi order, His Force Powers stated by Miraluka people being "Enveloped by Stars". After careful Considerations he Was given to the order two years later to begin his Training. Over the years he Grew to hoan his Abilitys with one Notable power; Battle Medatation. Though his master, which was the same jedi who discovered Him on eshan, Did not have much time for his Padawan due to his Dipomatic powers and somehow Became to stuggle to talk to others. With thw sith's return He started to experence combat with jedi, Showing a Side of reckleness and A lack of emotional control. This caused issues, even Unlocking the ability to choke via the force apon his master. Though he was still accepted, given additional training with a new master. At 14 there was a Small attack apon one of the core worlds and which lead to his Kidnapping by Darth Malgus himself. Its been a year and A recent holocron shows he still Lives, being moved from ship to ship and being tortured to use his Battle Medatation. The jedi counsil are considdering now to save him, before he falls to the dark side. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted May 19, 2010 Report Share Posted May 19, 2010 It isn't Jedi Inquisitor. It's either Master or Counseller. Name: Unknown. Known as the Sith Guardian.Age: Unknown. Is believed to be over a 3000Gender: MaleSpeises: Humanoid. Unknown.Appearance: [spoiler=] Personality: A unknown person. He is secretive and solemn. He is very quite and merciful, but when wronged he is ruthless and unstoppable. He is one of the types to sit in a corner and do nothing, watching others go about their daily buisiness.Class: Rogue Sith. Believed to be a founder of the sith order though.World of Origin: Unknown.Bio: Most of his past is a mystery. He is believed to be one of the original ten siths, and is also believed to be the murderer of most of the other founders. Only two escaped. His power came from his own secret skill to take the energy and skills of those he kills. He was believed to be dead once, when a group of 20 Jedi managed to shoot down his Starfighter, but he somehow survived. This was revealed when each of the Jedi that had killed him died in a single day. He has mastered many skills, such as the ability to control lightsabres with his mind, allowing multiple battles to go on at once. He can also use his force skills to fly and allow him to breath in space. He also wears a battles suit with uncountable perks and weaponry. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Dragon Duelist Posted May 19, 2010 Report Share Posted May 19, 2010 Name: Dark LuiciousAge: UnknownGender: MaleSpeises: HumanAppearance: Personality: His personality is the main reason he became corrupted by the dark side of the force. He is completely insane, being a split personality he second half quickly became immersed in the dark side of the force. He is also known for being a Sadist enjoying the torturing of innocent beings for fun.Class: Sith InquisitorWorld of Origin: KorribanBio: He was born on Korriban being raised up on the world of the Sith. He originally inspired to become a Jedi, running away from his home world quickly making it into the academy. The masters watched over him sensing that he had a dark side, and quickly they found out they were right. After loosing a fight to a younger padawan his inside side took over easily over coming even the masters of the temple. He retured to Korriban and began his training as a Sith. Years after completing it he now perpares to return to the jedi temple and plans on destroying it all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JadenxAtemYAOI Posted May 21, 2010 Report Share Posted May 21, 2010 Name: Tyren KwayskerlAge: unknownGender: boySpecies: (No Customs, But Human Sub species allowed.)- minichlorianAppearance: (A paragraph or a picture.)- http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r236/publius1801/JacenandAnakinSolo.jpgPersonality: (2-3 complete sentences.)-He is calm and tends to talk in a poetic way. He feels no anger, he feels nothing but the calmness of the wind. He is determined to kill his brother who is the "Yin" of the two.Class: (Check Class List)- jedi masterWorld of Origin: TatooineBio: (At least 1 paragraph.) He is the embodiment of the force. He is a being made entirely of minichlorians. He first became a being at the beginning of time when the Original One made everything. He started out as a young boy with blonde hair. He grew slowly while learning the ways of a jedi. He specializes in using 8 lightsabers at once by using the force to fight with them. They can combine into different weapons as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spartan919 Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 Name: Amseth SenescaAge: 37Gender: MaleSpecies: Human[spoiler=[b]Appearance[/b]:] Personality: (2-3 complete sentences.)Class: Jedi SentinelWorld of Origin: CorelliaBio: (At least 1 paragraph.) [Reserve please. Finish when I have more time] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ANBU Posted May 22, 2010 Report Share Posted May 22, 2010 Reserved please.. Filar Nitzan, Sith Inquisitor Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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