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Club Nerd: We're in trouble...


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You know you watch too much Sailor Moon when:


- You carry a hard plastic rose in your coat - just in case

- Whenever a new business opens up in your town, you automatically think the Negaverse is involved

- Your best friend once caught you outside in a thunderstorm with an aluminum hat on yelling "Jupiter Thunder Crash"

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do you know how many duels i've won with this deck already? exactly fifteen. and i lost two times. (i just hope my fiend deck is apreciated.)

raviel lord of phantasms

the lady in whight

ryu kokki

gorz the emissary of darkness

x2 summoned skull

renge, gatekeeper of dark world



x3 ryu-kishin powered

flame ogre

dark master - zorc

dark effigy

la jinn the mystical genie of the lamp

wall of illusion

dark jeroid

x2 opticlops

melchid the four faced beast

the wicked dreadroot


soul exchange

axe of despair

ekibyo drakmord

contract with the dark master

tribute to the doomed

lightning vortex

swords of concealing light

black illusion ritual

black pendant


dust tornado

x2 seven tools of the bandit

destruction ring

remote revenge

cursed seal of the forbidden spell

trap hole


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It looks pretty good. But I near-never lose. Except this one time I was beta-testing this deck that was really suckish, against my brother's best deck, and that time I didn't draw any mnonsters for the whole game...


But other than that, I never lose!


Granted, my brother's horrible at YGO, so that's kinda a hollow victory... And I only ever really play him...

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Oh, I know, right? This one time, he was saying:

'I summon Ancient Gear Golem using Mausoleum of the Emperor! Attack Fox Fire!' 2000 LP

And then I was all:

'Magic Cylinder. You die.'-1000 LP

And he was like:

'But wait, this is only the second turn!'

And I said:

'Shut up and get in the soup.'



You can have a nephew because if your older brother or sister (way older, like college) has a kid, then you're officially their uncle/aunt, even if (this is possible) your own nephew is older than you

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Please don't post until you are accepted, which you now are.


We're nerds; we're death-proof.


How quickly you defeat your opponent means nothing. A friend of mine (playing Yugioh 2010: Reverse of Arcadia) beat the final boss in 5 turns, on his 15th attempt. It took me 87 turns, on the first duel. Speed is irrelevant. Skill is all that matters. If that requires taking 87 turns, then so be it.


In other news, check out my new Avi!

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It's a huge palace. It's good to know where you're going - especially since the enemies are such a pain even when your stats are maxed out. Personally, I wish they would've made it so you had to explore the entire palace, defeat the six bosses again, get some item, then unlock a special door to go to the final boss. That would've been MUCH better.


(Zelda fanatic)

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