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Club Nerd: We're in trouble...


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I'm both of those.


There's more to it than just that. You have to be patient enough to check out every thread with new posts every day and make sure nobody is braking the rules. It takes a certain kind of person to do all of that. Someone who plays the game 5 or 6 hours straight every day of their lives until they stop playing. Oh, but there's more... Waaaay more... Don't get your hopes up. If you've ever made certain kind of remarks about a person's gfx, or card, or anything they created that's a really rude remark and doesnt help them at all, then you dont qualify to become a player mod unless you've grown from that. You cant critisize people that are new to YCM or just gfx or new to anything unless you be helpful at the same time. And if you are someone who critisizes ppl just because it makes you feel good because it's one more person that you're better than, or if you critisize ppl because it helps you in any way such as getting free posts and getting a bigger post count, than that's not the aditude of a player mod. But there's way more than that. I dont feel like explaining everything.


I think you would be a novice / decent player mod. Of course I dont know you very well. That's just my opinion.

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*Falls off a cliff* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! OOPH! *Falls unconscious*

Shooting star dragon! Stop posting that! You posted that in the duel arena club as well!

Strat, could you fix the banner on the thread starter? Try uploading it to tinypic, and getting the IMG code. I need to put you in the affiliates in the Dark Org. but I need the pic of the banner.

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