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Club Nerd: We're in trouble...


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i'm on strats side! i summon sketch wolf!(1500 atk 1800 def once per turn if sketch city is on the field you may destroy one spell or trap card.) next i activate sketch city!(every sketch monster gains 300 atk. once per turn special summon 1 sketch monster from your deck) i activate sketch citys effect and summon sketch pacman! (atk 2300 def 0) i end my turn!

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I'm on strats side! I sacrifice sketch wolf to play, "despair from the dark!" (Atk 2800 / def 2500 / effect: When this card is sent from your hand or deck to the graveyard by an opponents card effect, special summon this card to the field.) I end my turn.


... Sry dragondestroyer, I sacrificed your card...

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I draw! I summon elemental robot in attack position!



[spoiler=elemental robot]465233.jpg



And I use his ability to summon...



[spoiler=elemental midget]465233.jpg



I use his ability and discard twister from my hand to the graveyard to special summon...



[spoiler=robot dragon]465233.jpg




Next, I use robot dragon's ability and send despair from the dark to the graveyard to increase robot dragon to level five! Now, I tune robot dragon with elemental midget to synchro summon...



[spoiler=mizu no kyojin]465233m.jpg





[spoiler=I end my turn by playing elemental boost.]465233.jpg


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I summon my Mist Valley Soldier! Next I activate Double Summon! I summon Twin-Sword Marauder! Now I tune them! Clustering hopes will become a new shining star! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! Take flight! STARDUST DRAGON! Now I activate Triple Summon! I remove Double Summon in my grave from play and normal summon Turbo Synchron! Now I Special Summon Turbo Booster! I tune my new monsters! I Synchro Summon! Formula Synchron! Now I tune Stardust Dragon and Formula Synchron! Clustering dreams will become a new shooting star! Become the path its light shines upon! Accel Synchro Summon! Be born! SHOOTING STAR DRAGON! (lvl 10 ATK: 3300) Now the five top cards are: Junk Synchron, Effect Veiler, Hyper Synchron, Nitro Synchron, Shield Warrior, Shooting Star Dragon attacks someone from the other team 4 times and wins!

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muhahahahah! i draw! i activate sketch city! rise! sketch griffon! i summon sketch wolf! i activate polymerization, and fuse sketch wolf and griffon together! i summon, sketch wingwolf! (atk 2850 def 1900 when this card is summoned, add one sketch monster or full color to your hand. if sketch city is on the field, special summon one sketch monster from your deck, then inflict damage to your opponet equal to the level x500) i activate his effect and add full color to my hand! next i special summon, sketch paladin! (atk 3000 def 2400 if sketch city is on the field, then every standby phase you gain 1000 lp) now, pacman! attack! inflict 700 points of damage to mr.d.o.k.! then, paladin, and wingwolf also attack! (are we playing by 4000 or 8000?) if we are playing by 4k then you lose mr. d.o.k.!

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Sorry, but I'm really busy with all the other RPs, and this club, and 2 other forum sites, and I have a big test coming up in school, and I just don't think I can keep up with ANOTHER thread. So sorry, but I can't join. I already deleted the reservation post, if that's what you mean.

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