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Club Nerd: We're in trouble...


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Nerds are epic. So join us. We're everywhere.


Here we discuss how underappreciated nerds are.


Username: (Self-Explanatory)

Codename: (Agent _____)

Area of control: (Once nerds rule the world, what country do you want control over? Note: Two people cannot share unless they both agree)




[spoiler=Elite Nerds]








[spoiler=Epic Nerds]


Shooting Star Dragon






[spoiler=Average Nerds]

Random Dude



[spoiler=Semi-Cool Nerds]

War Torn





Scar-Red Nova Dragon






[spoiler=Cool People]



Stick Spells




To gain ranks, post cards, act nerdy, and be epic. And never use the word cool unless you are insulting somebody. Cool is bad. Epic is good. If you post at least once after being accepted, you get out of the cool people rank. Because Cool people are pathetic. No offense.




The New Millenium of YCM

The Chaos Alliance (The Light Organization/The Dark Organization)

The Lizaris Clan.



[spoiler=Hall of Fame]


Creating the Club




Being seriously epic, even if he hasn't officially joined



[spoiler=Ultra Dark Magician]

First member to join by PM




First member to join by post

Respects must be paid to the fallen. Agent Black Storm shall live in our memory forevermore!










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[spoiler=steps to rule the world]step one - Hire someone to build nuclear bombs.

step two - hand the nuclear bombs over to a teenager. (about age 16 or so.)

step three - hold the teenager hostage and tell him to bomb the white house.

step four - report to fbi immidietly who did it, and that he got the bombs from a terrorist.

step five - if they take you in for a lie detector test, switch out with your twin.

step six - threaten people until they allow u to join the next elections.

step seven - kill everyone else in the elections with a knife.

step eight - ask a swordswallower how to swallow a knife.

step nine - if he sais no, threaten him with the knife.

step ten - swallow the knife.

step eleven - once you are in the white house, attack vatican city, for this is the smallest and wimpiest country in the world.

step twelve - next up, attack britain, i hate britian.

step thirteen - go to mexico and get one of their famous tacos before you destroy them.

step fourteen - keep attacking more and more countries. But first, get china and russia on your side by saying the other countries teamed up and attacked you.

step fifteen - after concouring the other countries, turn against russia.

step sixteen - tell china that russia attacked you

step seventeen - after concouring russia, attack china.

step eighteen - when all is done, if you are greedy, attack your own country and demolish them.

step nineteen - if you read this entire passage, you seriously need to go get a life!

username: jumpking55

CN: Agent penguin

AC: United states of America

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Technically, Antarctica is not a country, but a continent.

It is made up of seven territorial claims. The claims are from the following countries:

Chile, Argentina, Norway, Australia, France, The United Kingdom, and New Zealand.


ps. I told you I was the professor

Also, how could you own everything off this planet if it is yet to be explored. That would be like Barrack Obama being the president of the USA and living in Japan. This would be almost impossible.

Another thing: If there were a disaster in the USA, Obama would be there. If there were a disaster on mars, you would just sit and weep from your tiny house on Earth.


ps. Nice try

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Heh. I get all of Antarctica. Who cares about the other countries' claims?


I get whatever they discover in outer space. And you assume I have a house on earth, as opposed to, and I quote;


'We're gonna get a seat at the UN,

And an embassy on the moon,

Our web page is down right now,

But it should be workin' soon


And we are free, free, free, free, free, free, free,

From forced bilingualism, and democracy!'

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