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Lugia vs Rayquaza vs Arceus


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Nature: Modest

Ability: Pressure

Move Set:

- Hydro pump

- Recover

- Hyper Beam

- Dragon Pulse

Weakness: Electric Attacks





[spoiler= Rayquaza]


Nature: Calm

Ability: Air Lock

Move Set:

- Dragon Claw

- Dragon Pulse

- Thunder

- Ice Beam

Weakness: Dragon






Nature: Bold

Ability: Multitype

Move Set:

- Earth Power

- Judgment

- Shadow Ball

- Refresh

Weakness: Ice




We'll assume that these Pokemon are all Level 100.


The Battle will take place in the air if that helps.



Who Would win?

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arceus is used to the ground and lugia is used to the seas while raquaza is used to the sky. i assume arceus is dragon type. so is rayquaza. all 3 know dragon type moves but lugia isnt dragon so lugia wins that. arceus' earth power cant hurt either. arceus only knows special moves. lugia has awesome special defence and lugia knows recover as well. raquaza only knows 1 pysical attack. dragon claw but lugia also has good defence. rayquaza can also use thunder but that still wont beat lugia or arceus. in the end even though raquaza has good attack and special attack, its down first. even if arceus uses shadow ball on lugia, lugia's special defence kicks in and it doesn't even bring lugia to half health. lugia uses dragon pulse bringing arceus to red health. arceus uses shadow ball again bringing lugia to red health. lugia uses dragon pulse and arceus faints. lugia is strongest with these moves.

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  'bobyjoe5000 said:

arceus cant fly and lugia is used to the seas while raquaza is used to the sky. i assume arceus is dragon type. so is rayquaza. all 3 know dragon type moves but lugia isnt dragon so lugia wins that. arceus' earth power cant hurt either. arceus only knows special moves. lugia has awesome special defence and lugia knows recover as well. raquaza only knows 1 pysical attack. dragon claw but lugia also has good defence. rayquaza can also use thunder but that still wont beat lugia or arceus. in the end even though raquaza has good attack and special attack' date=' its down first. even if arceus uses shadow ball on lugia, lugia's special defence kicks in and it doesn't even bring lugia to half health. lugia uses dragon pulse bringing arceus to red health. arceus uses shadow ball again bringing lugia to red health. lugia uses dragon pulse and arceus faints. lugia is strongest with these moves.



Arceus can learn fly by HM. =/

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  'bobyjoe5000 said:

arceus is used to the ground and lugia is used to the seas while raquaza is used to the sky. i assume arceus is dragon type. so is rayquaza. all 3 know dragon type moves but lugia isnt dragon so lugia wins that. arceus' earth power cant hurt either. arceus only knows special moves. lugia has awesome special defence and lugia knows recover as well. raquaza only knows 1 pysical attack. dragon claw but lugia also has good defence. rayquaza can also use thunder but that still wont beat lugia or arceus. in the end even though raquaza has good attack and special attack' date=' its down first. even if arceus uses shadow ball on lugia, lugia's special defence kicks in and it doesn't even bring lugia to half health. lugia uses dragon pulse bringing arceus to red health. arceus uses shadow ball again bringing lugia to red health. lugia uses dragon pulse and arceus faints. lugia is strongest with these moves.




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A better poll would be this IMO:


Lugia -Timid- @Leftovers

252 HP / 64 Def / 192 SpD

Ice Beam


Calm Mind



Rayquaza -Adamant- @Life Orb

252 ATK / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Swords Dance


Dragon Claw



Arceus -Adamant- @Choice Band

36 HP / 252 Atk / 220 Spe



Dragon Claw


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The movesets are terrible. Eury's are much better, though I prefer the one Dark chose for Arceus.


And yes, Arceus would win. His brutality would outdo Lugia's defenses, his Extremespeed would hit frail Quazy like a boulder against an old woman.



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  'Zexaeon said:

The movesets are terrible. Eury's are much better' date=' though I prefer the one Dark chose for Arceus.


And yes, Arceus would win. His brutality would outdo Lugia's defenses, his Extremespeed would hit frail Quazy like a boulder against an old woman.





Especially without Reflect to buffer against their Physical attacks and Lugia should be running 192 Speed and not Special Defense although it doesn't need that much Speed to outspeed Rayquaza and it won't outrun Eury's Arceus (at least I don't think so) but it will outrun the one Dark gave.


Still, Arceus would win since Quaza will die fast (Lugia's Ice Beam 2HKOs easily even without a boost or Special Attack investment and Arceus could just pick it off with ExtremeSpeed) since it is somewhat frail (by Uber standards anyway) and against Arceus and Lugia, it won't have time to set up and Lugia and Arceus can both take a hit from it even if it does manage to. Then between Lugia and Arceus, Arceus will probably win. Especially since Lugia is without Reflect to soften the blow of Shadow Claw and the fact, its rather poor Special Attack (by Uber standards) won't beat Arceus quick enough.

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  'Zexaeon said:

The movesets are terrible. Eury's are much better' date=' though I prefer the one Dark chose for Arceus.


And yes, Arceus would win. His brutality would outdo Lugia's defenses, his Extremespeed would hit frail Quazy like a boulder against an old woman.





Didn't run damage calcs, but what can a +0 Shadow Claw do to a Lugia? Can it at least manage a 2HKO, giving a solid OHKO (I think) after one Swords Dance?


Lugia isn't unbulky (so, it is bulky), so it can probably take a Shadow Claw, but the worst it can do back to Arceus is... Whirlwind. Or Toxic, but by the time Arceus goes down from poison, you'd have killed many things.

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A +0 Shadow Claw is normally enough to 3HKO (Lugia barely survives the second hit). But with an SD, which Arceus should always have, it will get a solid, guarenteed 2HKO, or a OHKO with the critical.


And yeah, Lugia doesn't have any good weapons to use against Arceus, so Arceus will definitely win.

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