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Pfft' date=' you could easily simulate the actions of love, why waste your time making soup from a sausage peg?



Love and In Love are 2 different things. You can simulate in Love, which is naught but an instinct to make you mate. It is a feeling of Euphoria and Happiness that has you on a constant high. Love, after that fades, which is usually within 2 years, is a choice. You cannot fake a choice to love.

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Pfft' date=' you could easily simulate the actions of love, why waste your time making soup from a sausage peg?



Love and In Love are 2 different things. You can simulate in Love, which is naught but an instinct to make you mate. It is a feeling of Euphoria and Happiness that has you on a constant high. Love, after that fades, which is usually within 2 years, is a choice. You cannot fake a choice to love.


Why are we discussing such useless things anyway?

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Emotions are never useless Creator, it's what drives us.



Any inventor worth a salt grain should understand this, people follow routine, with preferences they will always do the same thing repitivly.


There are two things that gumm the clockwork and allow innovationb, monotony or a hatred of continuing the spiral, and emotions which impower people to break from this.

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Sometimes you have to listen to the mind before the heart. Sometimes it is the other way around. All depends on the situation.


What I mean to say is don't let them get out of hand, and possibly cause harm to you or someone else.


But you still haven't answered my question; Why are we discussing love?

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