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I did no such thing.



That would be because it is the size of a tank gun perhaps?


Oh... that explains it' date=' you ducktaped [i']several[/i] guns together, only a few of them were BFGs.


I apologize, my bad.


Anyway that's a dumb gun even if you didn't just tape a few together, I made billion more supior weapons in the 1-3 minutes it took to write this post.


Origiga cannon, FEWLIFE 344, P-P 5, Kit-10 saw, Ultra-mega-super-gargantuan-death-undogable-adjective-spamming FJAELREO, Vid-roze, WCTSGRLS, QWERTY, cntrl-alt-demobomb, Hydrothrower, Robot Attack Pea, Elefucker, THE ETC 9000.



Seriously, you can't just say a name and expect it to be this cool fancy weapon.


The sad thing is, I actually can probbaly explain the working and history of every single gun I just wrote, you just added a letter and increased the number on a existing gun.


Ducktaping weapons is MORE inventive than slaping an upgrade.


BTW, another example of Creator's constant need to overcompensate.

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Enviroment Terrafomation Cannon?


It's designed to alter terrain to give you a suprise advantage and screw up enemy strategy. It's primarily usen defending forts and bases but is occasionally used during invasions to remove obstacles such as swamps.



US millitary is more impressive than I thought. O.0



And you don't need write ups on all your weapons unless you expect people to thank it's cool.


You can't say, here is an SMP 7809 and expect it to instantly be considered cool and awesome.



That's the advantage of a real or famous gun like BFG, SMG, or hell, the brute spiker, people know what it is, they have reason to expect it to be cool.


Imagine if they never showed you what a star destroyer looked like and what it could do.


NOONE would be impressed by it.


EDIT: I guess I bash you since I have a thing against arrogance and such, so I'm extremly easily annoyed by people acting like they can be really cool or do really cool things with no adequte explanation.



In my defense while this whole thing may be hypocritical I never expected to be Vexen or a sub-leader or anything important, I joined YCM to read a fanfic by God Kaze and join RPs, then I found Organization XIII, failed miserably at an app, tried again a few posts later, and joined, not expecting anything but to join a rp.


Then somehow I wound up being popular.


No idea how.

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I was thinking British Military but if the US has that good for them.


So I'm guessing you want Write ups just so you can say "so what" and bash me some more.


Fine I'll bite, I'll get you one for my Collapser Cannon. Not that anyone cares, seriously.


If it wasn't for the fact that I'm good at it I would just stop making weapons if everyone acts like Nexev.


Oh btw Nexev, I would still think the Star Destroyer is cool.

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What are you talking about?


[spoiler=Collapser Cannon]The Collapser Cannon utilizes the quantum space physics of a Black Hole to , simply put, Collapse the space around someone or something. It has three settings, each one giving a different result. The first setting is where it aims at a specific target and collapses that target's space. The second setting targets an aera and generates a Black hole the size of a dime, which would collapse the space in a 5km radius. The third setting genrates a Wromhole for expediant travel. Now the gun itself also contains a null void crystal which protects the user's space from the black holes generated by a Collapser Cannon running on the same space frequency as the crystal. As such every 10 Collapser Cannons are immune to each other's effects and as such so are the users. However the Cannons aren't meant for repeated use and can sustain temporal damage, which can be fixed, but takes time. The Collapser Cannon is used primarily as a self-defense weapon, but can be used effectively in the offensiver role.



There Nexev, you happy now?

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Very, there are some science issues but those are pretty much unavoidable.


But you wouldn't think a star destroyer was cool until you figured out what it is. A person can tell what a halbred is, even a halbred with adamentium, but if you only refer to something by name no one will figure out what it is, they could only guess.



So you need at-least a small weapon description of like a sentence so people know what the big deal is.

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Like your weapons don't defy scientific facts/laws/theories. I think you can overlook those.


Anyway now I'm guessing I'll have to do one of these for each of my weapons huh.


Even so several people can be intrigued by just a name, I mean most of the people here didn't (not in this thread but people I know on this site) know what a halberd was until I explained it to them. but they still thought it was cool.

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Like your weapons don't defy scientific facts/laws/theories. I think you can overlook those.


Anyway now I'm guessing I'll have to do one of these for each of my weapons huh.


As I said, pretty much unavoidable.


Anything Sci-fi has this.


X-wings for instance, why have wings when the purpose of wings involves air, which doesn't exist in space.


Or TIE fighters, how do you get in one. Do you really have to use a ladder?


Then why doesn't Star Wars have ladders.


And how if someone is in a force field that can block energy shots and swords but doesn't eventually burn from the fact that heat can't escape it so when you naturally burn off energy as heat it builds up till you burn.



To name a few.



But you don't have to do it for every weapon, only ones that aren't self explaning, and it only has to be a sentence, so someone can have an idea of what it is.



The same things work in rps and ffs.


I mean, it was really only implied that it was a gun.


That made an assumption that it was a big gerbil with a depressing name just a valid belief as it being a gun.


But no one can doubt what a collapse cannon is after reading it.

@DL: actually yeah, I had no idea I'd get this far.

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True, oh and the TIE thing I can answer.


All TIE fighters that went for launch were hanging on the a railing of sorts. There is a walkway next to them so the pilot walks/runs up to his TIE, and climbs in from above.


As for the X-Wing it was designed for both Space and Atmospheric combat, thus the wings. Plus the lasers are on the wingtips.


As for the Force field, I think it lets stuff out, but not in. If not the idk.


So I need one for the Positrion Cannon, Particle Launcher, ASI-21 Mk II, and the like. Great thanks.

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True' date=' oh and the TIE thing I can answer.


All TIE fighters that went for launch were hanging on the a railing of sorts. There is a walkway next to them so the pilot walks/runs up to his TIE, and climbs in from above.


As for the X-Wing it was designed for both Space and Atmospheric combat, thus the wings. Plus the lasers are on the wingtips.


As for the Force field, I think it lets stuff out, but not in. If not the idk.


So I need one for the Positrion Cannon, Particle Launcher, ASI-21 Mk II, and the like. Great thanks.



If you use them, it's not hard.


For example you probbaly can just call the positron cannon a laser and that's all you need for description.


And PR is right. But I already made a megazord so I have it covered.


But here is were you are wrong.


Robots work for EVERYTHING.


Sabotage? Give it a buzzsaw.


Stealth: invisibiltiy cloak and maybe make it outta nanobots.


You can put anything on a robot and by combining them you can make special robots for every occasion from a few basic ones.

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