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Organization XIII

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Directly fighting with you doesn't really make them the main villain. You could be fighting someone but there's the chance that it's all just part of the true villain's plan. Seymour wasn't even the final boss' date=' Yu Yevon was.


Can't we agree on a Big Bad Duumvirate?



No, I'm pretty sure it was Seymour. You fight Sin, then Yu Yevon, and after that you fight a very pissed off Seymour. Angry because he can't become Sin anymore.


Yes, yes we can.


Yeah No.


You fight Sin, then Seymour, then Jecht/Sin, and finally Yu Yevon.

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While Jecht is definitely cooler' date=' Seymour definitely deserves to be called the antagonist of X. He's the one you're directly fighting with most of the time anyway. Jecht shows up to actually fight against at the very end and while he has been messing with Spira, it's not really his own will. He was made to turn into Sin and has to fight. Well, I can't view him as the antagonist anyway. And then there's the fact that Seymour is the final boss.



So Jenova is the antagonist of FFVII and Ultros is the antagonist of FFVI?



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While Jecht is definitely cooler' date=' Seymour definitely deserves to be called the antagonist of X. He's the one you're directly fighting with most of the time anyway. Jecht shows up to actually fight against at the very end and while he has been messing with Spira, it's not really his own will. He was made to turn into Sin and has to fight. Well, I can't view him as the antagonist anyway. And then there's the fact that Seymour is the final boss.



So Jenova is the antagonist of FFVII and Ultros is the antagonist of FFVI?




That's not a bad thought, now I had the time to think about it.

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While Jecht is definitely cooler' date=' Seymour definitely deserves to be called the antagonist of X. He's the one you're directly fighting with most of the time anyway. Jecht shows up to actually fight against at the very end and while he has been messing with Spira, it's not really his own will. He was made to turn into Sin and has to fight. Well, I can't view him as the antagonist anyway. And then there's the fact that Seymour is the final boss.



So Jenova is the antagonist of FFVII and Ultros is the antagonist of FFVI?




Yes, because obviously I meant for my FFX specific example to be applied to every other Final Fantasy.

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While Jecht is definitely cooler' date=' [b']Seymour definitely deserves to be called the antagonist of X. He's the one you're directly fighting with most of the time anyway. Jecht shows up to actually fight against at the very end and while he has been messing with Spira, it's not really his own will. He was made to turn into Sin and has to fight. Well, I can't view him as the antagonist anyway. And then there's the fact that Seymour is the final boss.


So Jenova is the antagonist of FFVII and Ultros is the antagonist of FFVI?




Yes, because obviously I meant for my FFX specific example to be applied to every other Final Fantasy.




The Sarcasm Detector is off the charts.



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[spoiler=I got permission from Roxas to post this]Things changed since I was a member last and I want a chance to change my "bad legacy" into a "good legacy". I would like the chance to prove that and become a member here again.



Again. What do you mean again? Explain yourself.

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Striker I suggest this, remenber when I said that if someone I trust gives you there reccomandation saying you approved?


That still stands.


Let this not be a stepping stone, for this is a mountain with slopes far to steep.


Rather, use other clubs as stepping stones, change your image to those around us, then we will give you a second slope.


Once you have conquered others prejudices then the title of heartless shall be your trophey.

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While Jecht is definitely cooler' date=' [b']Seymour definitely deserves to be called the antagonist of X. He's the one you're directly fighting with most of the time anyway. Jecht shows up to actually fight against at the very end and while he has been messing with Spira, it's not really his own will. He was made to turn into Sin and has to fight. Well, I can't view him as the antagonist anyway. And then there's the fact that Seymour is the final boss.


So Jenova is the antagonist of FFVII and Ultros is the antagonist of FFVI?




Yes, because obviously I meant for my FFX specific example to be applied to every other Final Fantasy.




The Sarcasm Detector is off the charts.




Here you go. This one goes pretty high, but it won't take levels OVER 9000!!!

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.....Damn, Ohama has been through a whole lot of sheet.




This is the greatest picture ever.


Your about to think plot development is about to happen, that they are going to make the mantis guy a sortof sympathetic character.






Imagine if you could do that in other mangas.


Naruto: Yatta frendship speech, sasuke bla-




Aizen: All according to pl-



This is even greater than I AM A MAN!

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