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Organization XIII

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Because' date=' Nex, I am actually inspired to write those.


However, do bear in mind that my laptop is up and running now, and that it's pretty much all set up. So I'll once again be able to stay up late into the night writing to my heart's content. So just wait for me to be a little inspired and I should be good. And this time I actually did already start on it, too - I started writing it a couple weeks ago, when I said I was actually getting on that, but since I could only write it at school and because I had rehearsals and shows and all that, I couldn't focus on it.


Now our show is over, though, and my schedule has calmed down, so I should be able to direct more focus at the fic.



I am not paticuraly upset, just the only thing I had to say.


Besides I have a Q&A thread, also you could always add a new character to help with writers block.


After all, what would Theta do if she possessed Davy today.


I'm sure she'll rape an ass or two.


Cause that's what shark vore Theta will do.


Or remenber, flashbacks! Vague backstory that gets slightly less vague from a whole chapter!


And still raises even more questions!

IT worked for Kubo in Pendulum, worked for those ninja guys with there flashbacks, and it will work for you.

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What can you expect

From filthy electric mouse?

Their whole disgusting race is like a curse

Their fur's a sick yellow

They cast thunder on there swellows

They're morons, as I said

And worse



They're permanoobs! permanoobs!



Barely even menbers



permanoobs! permanoobs!



ban them from the forum!

They're not like you and me

Which means they must be morons

We must post the youtube link of war!



They're permanoobs! permanoobs!

Dirty spamming devils!

Now we post the youtube link of war!



This is what we feared

The Gangsta is a demon

The only thing they think is godmodding



Beneath there smogon facts

There's no intelligence intact



Obviously they don't even think.



They're Permanoobs! Permanoobs

Barely even trolling

Permanoobs! Permanoobs!



Spammers at the core



They're opinions different from us

Which means they must be losers



We must post the youtube link of war!



They're savages! Savages!

First we diss a whole bunch

Then we post the rp of war.



Permanoobs! Permanoobs!



Let's go flame a few, men!



Savages! Savages!



Now it's up to you, men!



Permanoobs PErmanoobs

Barely even sentinet!

Now we must post the link to war!



Yeah should have went with both sides instead of one side, but I'm tired.

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Well, excuse me for not knowing my Disney songs by the lyrics.


More importantly, I'm sure it could be an improvement. A little reworking, and a guitar solo could fit right in. ^_^


Anyway, time for a topic.


What is the most irrationally annoying thing to you? Something that annoys you like hell, but it doesn't make sense why.

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MEanie, I like birds.


What annoys me is bad rping since it seems so common, then I have moral dilemnas.


Should I ban this guy knowing that it will end the war and the rp? And does he even deserve the ban.


I'll have to ask Rinne one day.

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Yo! I wasn't sure if I was accepted or not, but I asked, and apparently I am o.0 which is news to me.


Anyways, Nexev yes, you should even ban Pikachu. Or just let everyone storm their base. Either way, it seems that bad RPing is VERY common, and that's why RPs like this don't exist. Pitting groups of RPers against each other doesn't work too well in a War. I feel sorry for them actually. Plus, the thing we don't have that most RPs that stay alive and well is a common enemy. RPers always want to one-up each other when they are enemies. Nobody likes to lose at something they wanna do. If you are both fighting the same person, that eliminates that factor, and therefore people don't always try to GM.

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There are plenty of things that irrationally annoy me. One of those things is people who put pictures of characters in their avatar / signature without actually knowing anything about said character.




You probbaly never even heard of Shupppets last stand in Gold.


Fending off hundreds of people trying to break down the pokemon tower to honor them. Armed with only a few attacks, fending off wave of psychic pokemon.


Only to be mistaken for a tissue by Mr Fiji and sneezed on.



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There are plenty of things that irrationally annoy me. One of those things is people who put pictures of characters in their avatar / signature without actually knowing anything about said character.




You probbaly never even heard of Shupppets last stand in Gold.


Fending off hundreds of people trying to break down the pokemon tower to honor them. Armed with only a few attacks' date=' fending off wave of psychic pokemon.


Only to be mistaken for a tissue by Mr Fiji and sneezed on.





That was pretty lulzy. Do you think of this stuff yourself? GIMME YOUR MATERIAL.

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