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Which is exactly why they should WAIT until KH3FM is out before making any kind of collection. More people would buy it if they did that.


But then again, they'll probably just release TWO collections in the hope that people will buy both anyway.

And they will.

(So will I.)

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The release schedule will probably end up as such:


1. Dream Drop Distance

2. Re:Collection

3. Final Versus XIII (I highly doubt it would be released by this time, though)

4. Birth by Sleep Volume 2 (Though this could be released before Versus XIII)

5. Kingdom Hearts III

6. Kingdom Hearts III: Final Mix (Possible including BBS HD if that doesn't already exist yet)

7. PS4

8. Re:Collection 2

9. Kingdom Hearts IV

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That list is a most probable chain of events, not including the inevitable extra FFs that will most likely be entering the shelves, especially after the PS4. And it also doesn't include a Re: 358. That one is slightly less likely but they did it for CoM. Plus, I'm wondering what the system collections will be for. Most likely PS3, but they could pull another blind one on us and go for the Wii/ Wii U. They've worked with Nintendo before. It's highly unlikely, but anything is possible for SE.


This is Nexus Death, btw.

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I'm not certain of why they remade Chain of Memories, but that might have just been to put all existing games in the series on the PS2. With the DS games, I think they'll stay on the system because the DS was good enough for them. Re:coded was made to make coded available overseas. Re:Collection makes sense because, as Nomura said, more people should get into the series, and the collections for God of War, Metal Gear Solid, and the Ico games are certainly making me consider each series. 358/2 Days and Re:coded utilized the touch screen, although I'll agree not as much as they could have. Remaking those games would be best for the 3DS. I could see them being remade on the Wii U, with the controller working as the touch screen, but then you have to consider the multiplayer for Days. A 3DS collection is the best way to remake then.


In other news, I have heard that Type-0 is basically a Monster Hunter game disguised as a Final Fantasy game. I'm probably going to get Type-0, but I'd like to learn more about it first. I've read some ideas that it should be ported to the Vita, which is something I have been thinking about as well. Type-0 will be on two UMDs, but I didn't get a PS1. A Vita port would put both UMDs on a single cartridge, and could possibly improve the quality of the game.

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I highly doubt V will be on the DS, since Square Enix has already shifted its focus to the 3DS. IV had a good reason, since the DS version was a remake of the original game and the PSP version was a collection. The only reason for V and VI to exist on both would be for some port/remake of Final Fantasy Anthology, and even then chances are they'll go with the Vita instead of the PSP.


Times are changing.

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Well, I'm not going to dump my money into getting a 3DS just yet. Sure, I won't have FFV on my handheld...or OOT...or Starfox 64...but hey.

I'd love to have it on my DS, yet companies are still pushing for the 3DS, since a three-dimensional feature to just about anything is really piquing interest nowadays, not that anybody hasn't noticed this.

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Funny thing is, if I wanted GBA games, I would go play them on the GBA.


N64 games? Wii Virtual Console and a still functioning N64 cover that. I have no need for a less than useless so-called "upgraded" handheld.


All I see is a DS with an extra "Off" switch, because that 3D be hurtin the eyes.

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And what about GBA games that you don't have and are too expensive to get if you're even lucky enough to find it somewhere? Then again, I'm not getting the Vita because it has even worse backwards compatibility than the 3DS, but the 3DS still looks more appealing. It's both entertaining and obnoxious to watch you oppose the 3DS like a stubborn fanboy, since you're not even going to argue against the circle pad and the gyroscope. The 3D definitely needs improvement, but if that's your only reason for not getting a 3DS, then that's just pathetic.


I'm not saying the 3DS is a masterpiece, but I think it is at the very least a worth successor to the DS. Besides, ask yourself: If you were to improve upon the DS, what would you have done? You can't say "Leave it as it is" or anything to that effect, because that's cheating.

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They remade Chain of Memories because Re: CoM was originally the bonus disc that came with KHII: Final Mix+.



Apparently that was where they drew the line for things they could screw the rest of the world out of and still sleep at night.





Also, Nomura's intended order is Terra - Ventus - Aqua.




Oh, and hooray for 20 free games from the ambassador program.

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The gyroscope is actually fairly accurate, and is probably not much different from the one used in the Wii, if different at all. I have nothing against the Gyroscope except that after trying it with 3D on it seemed to screw with the visuals.


As for the Circle Pad, I believe thats a blunder both Sony and Nintendo made, simply because that circle pad isn't as effective (imo) as the standard D-pad or Control Stick. Yes it's sleek and conserves space, but at the cost of functionality. (If your wondering what I'm referring to, I'm referencing the PSP Go)


The reason I don't want a 3DS, is the same reason I don't currently own a DS or DSi. I'm simply not interested in it, frankly I haven't been able to find a game for the new Nintendo handhelds that I've wanted to play. So if you thought that the 3D was my only reason for not buying one, is just demeaning.


Now as for the Vita port for Anthology, I didn't respond to that because I wasn't aware of the Playstation Vita. Seeing that, I think it'd be cool to have it ported to that. granted the touchpad on the back will be an issue for me because of the way I hold my Handhelds, but I'd manage.

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Complaining about things you can turn off is stupid. Would you prefer being FURCED to use the 3D? The meowtion controls in Heavenly Sword were horrendous. So I went into the options menu and turned them off. Purroblem solved. Between the choices of having something, not having something, or getting to not only choose but alter said decision at any point in time, the latter is always the best.


The only reasons this wouldn't be true: You want your children to realize the impact and consequences of their choices and not go on thinking anything they do can easily be reversed, or you are infuriated at the purrospect of someone being able to enjoy something you don't enjoy. If you expect to raise your children via a video game then you should never have been allowed to breed in the first place. The latter is so petty and purrposterous that a lobotomy should be added to your sterilization.


I do agree that there is a dearth of quality games for the 3DS currently. Then again, most systems have had hiss poor launch lineups due to developurrs' inexpurrience with the development kits. Usually, we get our paws on one good game early on and get the others later in the year. The 3DS does have a few factors working against it, however:


- Its early gems are technically either ports or remakes.

- Stupid people are stupid and think the 3DS is just another DS like the scenario with the DSi.

- People are growling more and more impatient, leading to erosion of the current release cycle's tolerance.



Purrsonally, I buy all the new systems immediately due to the inevitable wave of pawesome games. My patience usually pays off, and when it does it's beautyiffull.

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@Amethyst: I am the Leo of this group. It is me.


But why even put Re:CoM in KH2:FM+?


I'm aware that Nomura intended Terra -> Ventus -> Aqua, but I don't think that's what the order ends up like.



@Enzax: You're not supposed to use the 3D with the gyroscope. I honestly don't blame Nintendo for not making that work, because it sounds difficult. The circle pad is far superior to the PSPgo's which was just awful. The PSPgo shouldn't even exist, but since it wanted to have the slider design and the 3DS wanted to maintain a clamshell design, the circle pad makes sense. Besides, the GameCube controller I and I've found that the circle pad is much, much better, although that's just because the GameCube controller is horrible anyway.


Why don't you want the N64 remakes, Kid Icarus Uprising, or Dream Drop Distance? Get it for the sake of convenience.


I'd prefer the games to be remade on the 3DS, mostly because I find it better suited for them. The Vita is a joke, and has an even less interesting library of games than the 3DS. The 3DS being a port machine makes sense, but with the Vita, it's the entire idea of the system.

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I agree Gamecube Controller sucked big time. As I said the circle pad statement was imo, so it works for others, just not for me. N64 remakes are just that, remakes. I've already beaten them once, I'm not inclined to do so again simply because they look nicer. I never liked the Kid Icarus series and I'll just wait for the inevitable Re: 3D that will come out for the Playstation 4 or whatnot. A DS of any sort just doesn't pique my interests at this time. Should an Anthology port be made for the 3DS, I might get it or I might just wait for the Playstation Network version to come out, or just not play them again.



Hey, woah there pussy cat.


I don't have the money to buy every console and handheld released into the world, thats why I only buy them when I see something I want to play on them. Sure I get it around the time the new one comes out, but it doesn't matter as long as I enjoy what I've bought.

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@Amethyst: I am the Leo of this group. It is me.


But my sign is gog damn Capricorn. Besides, Broken has a catniption every time I stalk like Gamzee.


.........plus I use cat puns IRL now out of habit.


But why even put Re:CoM in KH2:FM+?


Rule of Cool


I'm aware that Nomura intended Terra -> Ventus -> Aqua, but I don't think that's what the order ends up like.


I was happy with that order. Plus it's really furustrating going to zetta slow Terra after playing as Ventus or Aqua.


There's a fancy timeline thing in the Trinity Archives if you get confused on the order of events.

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I was fine with playing as Terra before Ventus, but the timeline is what makes me think Ventus should have been before Terra. I will admit that Ventus is the most fun to play as.


If I ever bother with a Critical run, I'll try and play it more faithfully to the timeline, which I was already fully aware of.

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