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Organization XIII

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Pssh, some Sony fan you are.




I could care less about anything in 3D since we can't truly achieve 3D. Instead you wear funny glasses that make the show/movie/game look like a pop-up book.


I call this 2.5D, 3D is holograms.



I want Final Mix because I haven't played the Final Mix content (Curse you American Industry).


I wasn't Saying it was better. Just people will buy the 3DS cos it seems better.

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As Roxas said, I'd love to own the collection for the same exact reason. Even though I traded in my PS2 to raise money for my lovely PS3, I did keep the KH games in their boxes, since I couldn't let them go incase I ever got the chance to play them again. But now with Re:Collection, I'm actually getting really excited to play through the games again on the PS3.


I honestly hope they enhance the graphics, yes. I'd love to see how sexy the characters would look in that way. The world would be even more amazing too. It'd just be eye sex the whole way through.

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I wasn't Saying it was better. Just people will buy the 3DS cos it seems better.


Probably, but I was giving my reasons against it. Personal preference if anything.


As Roxas said, I'd love to own the collection for the same exact reason. Even though I traded in my PS2 to raise money for my lovely PS3, I did keep the KH games in their boxes, since I couldn't let them go incase I ever got the chance to play them again. But now with Re:Collection, I'm actually getting really excited to play through the games again on the PS3.


I honestly hope they enhance the graphics, yes. I'd love to see how sexy the characters would look in that way. The world would be even more amazing too. It'd just be eye sex the whole way through.


I agree completely.

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PSP only beats 3DS in terms of battery life. Any other argument is invalid because the system isn't even out yet.


Though it's a common complaint that Square repackages their games way too often, I don't mind it. I actually think Final Fantasy IV deserves one last remake even though the Complete Collection isn't out yet. Yes, it looks pretty so far, but I liked how the graphics on the DS version where in 3D. Not that kind of 3D. You know what I mean. I can understand that even the PSP can only hold so much, but I want to see the 3DS to have the final remake of the game. The 3DS should have some kind of collection for I, II, and II for the 3DS and then finally get around to remaking V and VI.


I'm getting the 3DS for the software, and I consider the 3D gimmick nothing more than an additional feature.

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Re:Collection is nothing more than a name I thought of in case Square does end up deciding to make a PS3 collection of the PS2 games. In the interview I read, the interviewer only suggested remaking the first one, and I think Nomura was split on that idea.


Either way, if Square insists on releasing yet another Kingdom Hearts game that isn't KH3, I'd rather it be Re:Collection.


On the subject of collections, they could probably package Days and Re:coded into something for the 3DS. Maybe Birth by Sleep as well, but that would be awkward.


About the Move, I read the RPG designers are unsure about integrating it into the genre. Knowing how Nomura fiercely opposed Final Fantasy XIII getting an Xbox 360 port, I would imagine he wouldn't want to make Kingdom Hearts III designed for the Move.

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No I meant what I said, I use the Wii for Motion Control (not that I play it often to begin with).



imo I'd rather see FFV and FFVI go without a remake, than a DS remake. I have nothing against them, (FFIV remake was epic) it's just that I don't think the same thing would work with FFV or FFVI.


and I used Re:Collections because I don't want to say "Kingdom Hearts Collection" or "KH Box Set". Besides I think they should use that name, it fits the KH series.


I'll get a 3DS, just so I can play Pokemon White if anything. I'm going to assume it is compatible with normal DS games for when I go to buy Days.

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Holy crap, I'm gone for 4-5 days on a trip to Macaracas, and like 8 pages go by >.>


On the topic of a new Kingdom Hearts...I'd buy it, if it were not for the fact it would probably be in Spanish. So no.


I DO however, intend to buy Pokemon Black&White, despite the probability it will be called Pokemon Negro y Blanco.

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I'm getting Pokemon Black.....because I like the white legendary in it better. FIGURE THAT MINDFUCK OUT.




5 Phoenix Wright games, Chrono Trigger, FFIV, FFTA2, and 358/2 Days all say hello.







@Dorian: I specifically asked for most of those things, and I honestly don't care if you think they were meh.


Should've just bought 'em yourself and got something useful.


It's times like these where I think disabling post count in this section wouldn't make much of a difference.


Since I want to save my money, I'm just going to pay the rest for Re:coded when I pick it up and put a single dollar towards Pokémon White (inb4racejoke) >_>. I'm going to get the 3DS from Best Buy, since I got a $50 gift card for there that I intend to use for that.


Ratchet & Clank > Sly Cooper > Jak & Daxter for me. Ratchet & Clank is probably my favorite non-Squeenix game franchise.


I took the money I had and used it to buy the last of my school books. Everything I else I have is still in bank.


Q: Aren't most, if not all Squeenix games for Sony? Personally I'd like to see a company that's stuck with Sony for so long try something new. KH PC.

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