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Organization XIII

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Well, great minds think alike. =D


It's an interesting game. It was made back when Square and Enix were seperated. Enix and Treasure (known for off-the-wall games) worked together. It was a 2D platforming game where you could grab things and shake them - or throw them. You should look it up. It was a LOT of fun - and the ending for the game depended on how many gold gems you found throughout the game.

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Well, great minds think alike. =D


It's an interesting game. It was made back when Square and Enix were seperated. Enix and Treasure (known for off-the-wall games) worked together. It was a 2D platforming game where you could grab things and shake them - or throw them. You should look it up. It was a LOT of fun - and the ending for the game depended on how many gold gems you found throughout the game.

XD They do.


... Sounds like Crystal Bearers.... I hate that game...


@Creator: He shamed Simba, the lion king?! HOW DARE HE?!

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Yes, Captain Twincest is the best lord. Definitely.


The BEST "Royalty" is Joshua.

The best girl is Amelia.

Best Dark Magic User is Ewan

Best Berserker is Ross

Best Lord is Ike, for sheer RAEP. Then Hector. Pansywood can suck it.

Best guy is Haar.

Best Snarker is Shinon.

Best "Swordmaster" variant is Lyndis. Joshua already has a spot, and Karel does not use the Rienfleche(French Bow =win).

Best Elemental Magic User is Nino.

Best Thief class is Jaffar.

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If you can beat the Iron Imprisoner IV, then the Final Episode will be NOTHING to you. Seriously, it was a joke. I beat it at LV33.


Oh, I got another fun question for you guys:


Let's say there was a Square-Enix fighting game (NOT like Ehrgeiz, like Marvel vs Capcom 2 with the LARGE character roster) and you could choose any FIVE characters to play as. Which five SE characters would you choose?




- Neku Sakuraba (TWEWY)

- Marina Liteyears (Mischief Makers)

- Roxas (Kingdom Hearts)

- Lenneth Valkyrie (Valkyrie Profile)

- Ramza Beoulve (Final Fantasy Tactics)

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...... Oh God... =3


-Kefka Palazzo (Final Fantasy VI)

-Adelle (Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift)

-Roxas (Kingdom Hearts 2 and 365/2 Days)

-Colonel Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)

-Medusa (Soul Eater) Yes, they made a Soul Eater game.


Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)

I am now declaring war on you. For teh lulz, of course.

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Xemnas (Kingdom Hearts)

Aqua (Kingdom Hearts)

Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)

Agrias (FF Tactics)

Lightning (FFXIII)



Finished Final Episode.


Now to finish the reports!


Also secret bosses.



I got 3 words for those secret bosses: train a lot. You might get your ass handed to you a lot of times. This is one of the best ways of beating the bosses.

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Ammy, I FREAKING LOVE YOU for saying Agrias right now! I am SO glad to finally see another fan of Agrias!


Oh, word of advice against Vanitas' Lingering Spirit:


DO NOT USE HEALING SPELLS - EVER! (If you do, he'll use one himself). The guy has INSANE defense (half damage from physical attacks and quarter damage from magic attacks). His base DEF is 27 and his base ATK is (get this) 80! If he hits you, you're going to die. DODGE LIKE MAD!


Also, make sure to have Seeker Mine or other Mine abilities - they WILL come in handy, trust me. The rest of your slots should be healing ITEMS. It doesn't matter what your HP is at as long as it is abouve 1. It's going to be a LONG fight, so be prepared. Use Aqua for this fight - as her Cartwheel's invulnerability will save your LIFE. You also can't just go in and rush him - that would be suicide. When you get a free moment, either use your healing items or set your mines and lure Vanitas toward them. (They do decent damage to him). He's only got ONE life bar, but it goes down SLOWLY!


One more thing - if you see him go into that black ball. Just dodge. You cannot hurt him and he'll send clones that come out of shadows to hit you. They don't follow you around, but don't let them hit you - or you get blinded (which isn't good). Your Shotlock is also useless, so don't use it. Also, don't use your D-Links - they're a waste of time.

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