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1999 - I 5 years old.


I played Doom when I was 8, Honestly I still have dreams about those demons.


Yeah, I am an old man compared to the rest of you. =p


I thought those demons were freaky - until I played Doom 3. Now when I see the old demons of the Doom series, I laugh - because the ones in Doom 3 were just....DAMN!


If anything, the screams of the demons were worse than the actual appearances.


For Silent Hill, it was the dark atmosphere (and that flashlight didn't help much), haunting music (it certainly did its job well), and the freaky events. Remind me NEVER to take a vacation to Silent Hill - EVER!

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Fear isn't weak at all actually. Fear is what drives us to evolve and to build. We build things to overcome our fears, and then we evolve to the point where that fear no longer exists.


Also +1 Rep to anyone who can tell me where this quote comes from:


"Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst."

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I saw it, then quietly and slowly stood up and left the room for a few minutes.


That is why I've only made 1 play though on the bloody game...


Can't say I blame you on that one. At least now we know why he's carrying that big sword. (He's compensating for something)


The game was good in the beginning, but got stale and lost its effect near the end.

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It really did honestly.


I never got around to playing the others sadly.


Anyway I'm off to my couch, see ya later/tomorrow.


See ya later. Here's a brief summary of the other games if you want.


SH3 - A legit sequel and does a good job of freaking you out throughout the game. Good plot. Worth playing.


SH4 - God awful. You don't even really GO to Silent Hill and the plot is just plain stupid (and the last boss is mentioned in SH2).


SH: Origins - Decent. You can actually PUNCH enemies to death in this one.


SH: Homecoming - Haven't played and heard it's more action oriented


SH: Shattered Memories - Haven't played and the lack of combat makes me NOT want to play it

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