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Organization XIII

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Well, the carnival is tomorrow. And apparently, our last thread was killed by the glitch... again.


This is the third thread I have participated in posting in. This is the fourth in existence overall.


In other news, I have recently obtained a good luck charm, which is a gold coin. Discuss awesome good luck charms, and if you have ever had a situation where the charm actually caused some good luck.

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  'Le Créateur said:


Go there anyway.


I'd like to know who got into my bunker since I only gave 3 people the password' date=' Lar, Roxas, and...


I should have known that Nexev would tell the other Nexevs including Invisible Fonzie.




Frofro would be to nervous to open the door.


Nevex would have left him there until he payed a reasonable price


Invisible Fonzie wouldn't have done it as he has better things to do.


Vexfour is busy with the funhouse (which I need to get to work designing)


Frohawk is busy in the Void but would have assembled an army if he was bothering freeing people, so you'd have allot bigger problems to worry about.


Gunvil is a power leech, if he bothered freeing anybody that breath of fresh air is the last they would take.


Marv Red wouldn't even bother, he can think up allot better things than unsealing a guy.



@BB: these guys been around the whole time, if you didn't notice my personality is out of whack.

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We are unaware of at which point in the timeline that En-stupid name was sealed in a bunker.



As such if he was realeased earlier than 24 hours then they were sucpects.


Your lucky that they haven't been digested by the way.


Nexev's aren't born or made, you BECOME a Nexev a la Smith.


As such as long as they are alive I can't make more.


I heard they are renovating your innards.


So you may have some indegestion for a bit.


Then the WEIRD stuff happens.

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Guys, I'm going to PM two or three of you, asking what, in your opinion, the worst characters in FF history are. That way, I can make my fic I want to make.


That okay with everyone? It would be cool if I had some volunteers, but if there aren't any, I'm just going to PM randomly.

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Hi. I'm totally not taking advantage of the fact that you guys have a new thread so as to join when the thread isn't already well established and on hundreds of pages of posts. So yeah, that's not why I'm trying to join. I'll stop talking now.


Name: Andx

Species: Heartless

Square Enix games you've played/own: Final Fantasy I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, Tactics War of Lions, Tactics Advanced, Tactics Advanced 2, Mystic Quest, Dissidia, and Crisis Core. Also, Kingdom Hearts 1, 2, Chain of Memories, and Days.


So I've wanted to join in the past but for some reason never did it. I like Square games a lot and figured I might as well get around to joining this thread and see what all goes on here. It looks fun enough so I figured I'd give it a shot.

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Also approved. The fact that you dislike Striker is a plus.


And on the current subject, you should probably just include the worst character from each game.


I: Anyone really.

II: Guy

III: I dunno, too lazy to remember. Xande kinda sucks.

IV: I dislike Cid.

V: Haven't gotten far enough to say.

VI: Once again, I dislike Cid.

VII: SIT YOUR ASS DOWN AND DRINK YOUR GOD DAMN TEA. But in all seriousness, go with Cait Sith.

VIII: Uhh...Zell annoys me.

IX: That...thing. It was mentioned on that stupid list.

X: Wakka

XII: Vaan

XIII: I dunno.

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