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The Dragon Lords | I have left this club, see the last post for more information about it


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My Sunsong Amphiptere egg hatched recently, and my Geode Dragon matured :3

I may go egg hunting later; I still want to try and get a Guardian of Nature egg via Summon before I leave for college at the end of August.

Speaking of GoN's, I saw a mature GoN hatchling at the Allure of Neglected Dragons site; it looked pretty close to maturing into an adult.

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Put some into a click site to "seal the deal".


EDIT: My electric dragon became an adult. While I was listening to this.






Thanks. Good luck with the Sunstone.


I want these things to at least mature by the time I leave for camp in two days...



I'm pretty sure they will.



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Okay, now I really wish I could have done that tree competition, dang it. Second, I would love for 2 different tinsel dragons, but that stinks, b/c I can only get the silver, gold, or bronze one........


I want the silver one and FCD1.png which is one we all cannot have or get, darn it....:(


Now on my wishlist...


Silver Tinsel




Tinsel will be the hardest....

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