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Contest Club - Metallica. added to title for lulz. ;D


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Hi! The porpuse of this club is to hold several contests, no matter what about.






Donovyn Mikara Gerra

Neo Fusion






[spoiler= Current Contest: Brainstorm]

Let's here you people's ideas. That's the contest. The person who preents the best contest idea will recieve three reps. But, when I select the winner of THAT contest, the person who created the idea must pay the reps. The runner up of this contest, 'BrainStorm', will recieve two reps. Plus, if it's good enough, we might do that contest too.


[spoiler=Contest Ideas]

I may be doing a sig contest later. Probably relating to Inheritance Series.



[spoiler=previous contests]

[spoiler=Contest One: Reinforcements]

Okay, the point of this contest is to recruit as many members for this club as possible. The winner will recieve 1 rep from everybody else that recruited. You win by recruiting 5 people.



[spoiler=Contest Two: Splice - And -Seek]

Find three users with a Pokemon somewhere on their profile. PM me the name of the Users. That earns the first Rep. Then, splice the three pokemon together. I'll judge them. Winner will recieve three more reps.









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Guest Neo Fusion

A contest club?! I'd love to join!

*slips on a folder and falls on face*


but in all seriousness, this sounds fun

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Hooray, I'm winning already! XD


hey, Xion, when you get here, answer this question:


Can invited members who have been accepted also try to invite members as part of the competition?


And can I accept people?

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