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The Apprentices of Da Vinci - making up stuff for the sake of terrorism!


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Our epic story begins in the depths of a dead anti-synchro club, where 2 brave souls struggled to fight against boredom and inactivity. In a spamfest of failed ideas, one of them devised a plan to bring together the most inventive (and probably deranged) minds of YCM to form a community like no other, in the hope that one day it will discover immortality!


But seriously now, let's get to the point.


This a repspam oriented, non-general talk club. Members will be appreciated especially for their ability to play an important role here, and not just for being active.


[spoiler=What this club's all about]In this club, people will have to post inventions they think of. The invention could be anything and usable in any domain, as long as it doesn't exist yet.


After a device is posted, other members of the club will have to point out its flaws, and the inventor will have to fight off their arguments. In the end, if the inventor prevails or is "that close and somewhat realistic", he will get positive rep.


[spoiler=Rules]1. All YCM rules apply, except for swearing. Yes, in this club, swearing is not prohibited in any way, as long as it does not involve spam.

2. Please keep spam to a minimum...of zero, in order to keep this club working. If you spam, you will get a spam warning. After 3 spam warnings, you're out.

3. There cannot be two invention discussions at the same time. If one is on, you cannot post your invention unless it's over. After 5 warnings on this matter, you're out.

4. BUMPing this club is only allowed if nobody posted for at least 24 hours.




[spoiler=Hall of Fame]Here, the inventions that pass criticism are added, with a brief description of what they are supposed to do and how do they do it.


[spoiler=Hall of Shame]A top consisting of the most failed inventions.


[spoiler=Mention]All inventions that do not enter the Halls.


[spoiler=Member Ranks][spoiler=Ranks by Authority]These ranks are based on the time you spent here, your amount of posts, whether you post everyday or not, and various donations (like club sigs). The higher the rank, the higher the powah (each higher rank can do all that the lower ranks can):


Regular Member - when you're in. No powah.


Advanced Member - after you spent some time here. Members can be Advanced by Mods, Super Mods and Leaders. Advanced members have the powah of notifying that someone is breaking the club's rules (no, Regular Members can't do that, it would be considered spam). Advanced members can be demoted and banned by Super Mods and Leaders.


Moderator - after you really became a noticeable here, a Leader can turn you into a Moderator. Mods can turn Regular Members into Advanced Members, give warnings, and give suggestions for improving or changing the club (if a Member rank would do that, it would be considered spam). Mods can be demoted and banned by Leaders.


Super Moderator - hard to get here, hard to get out after. A Moderator becomes a Super only after all 3 Leaders agreed on that matter. Supers can ban Regular and Advanced Members and demote Advanced Members, can warn Mods and accept new members. Supers cannot be banned, and can only be demoted if all 3 Leaders agree.


Leader - me, Lexa and that other guy. And no, there will be no new leaders.

[spoiler=Ranks by Skill]How good are you at making/discussing/tearing down inventions here. I won't add ranks for now.







That Other Guy


Regular Members

Majora Raichu



[spoiler=App]Who cares about apps?


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That's actually a great idea! Ohwait, it doesn't have the club name in it...



Meh, I'll try getting one done. If unsuccessful, I will have to pay somebody to do it instead.


And yeah, you're the other guy.


Raichu Added.

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