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Club Dizzy ~ YCM's Random and Stupid Persons Club! We're not dying?


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What is 2+2?:Let's see...27634*43689767+5555-4444=764286 to the power of 3478563289 which comes out to...carry the 43748365....your face.

Why do you want to join?:Read the first part of my sig.

Why should I let you in?:3.14159265358979323...

Anything else?:I am obsessed with CHEESE!!!!!!!!

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What is 2+2?:Let's see...27634*43689767+5555-4444=764286 to the power of 3478563289 which comes out to...carry the 43748365....your face.

Why do you want to join?:Read the first part of my sig.That position is filled D:<

Why should I let you in?:3.14159265358979323...

Anything else?:I am obsessed with CHEESE!!!!!!!![/b]NO WAI' date=' MEE TWOO![/b']



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Username: What the F***

What's 2+2?: Walrus (Dont carry the 4)

Why do I want to join: whwjwbwj smurkle jorf

Why should I let you join: I liek stabbing people.

Anything else: If I become a trippy member, I probably won't stab something.

Also, I liek mushrooms. Which is probably why I liek stabbing people.

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Username: What the F***

What's 2+2?: Walrus (Dont carry the 4)

Why do I want to join: whwjwbwj smurkle jorf

Why should I let you join: I liek stabbing people.

Anything else: If I become a trippy member' date=' I probably won't stab something.

Also, I liek mushrooms. Which is probably why I liek stabbing people.



Not not not not not not Accepted.

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Username: What the F***

What's 2+2?: Walrus (Dont carry the 4)

Why do I want to join: whwjwbwj smurkle jorf

Why should I let you join: I liek stabbing people.

Anything else: If I become a trippy member' date=' I probably won't stab something.

Also, I liek mushrooms. Which is probably why I liek stabbing people.



Not not not not not not Accepted.


Username: WTF

What's 2+2?: 4

Why do I want to join: Because you tol me to.

Why should you let me join: Because you told me to.

Anything else: Nope

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Username: What the F***

What's 2+2?: Walrus (Dont carry the 4)

Why do I want to join: whwjwbwj smurkle jorf

Why should I let you join: I liek stabbing people.

Anything else: If I become a trippy member' date=' I probably won't stab something.

Also, I liek mushrooms. Which is probably why I liek stabbing people.



Not not not not not not Accepted.


Username: WTF

What's 2+2?: 4

Why do I want to join: Because you tol me to.

Why should you let me join: Because you told me to.

Anything else: Nope




Even # of nots = U iz in

Odd # of nots = GET THE MILK OUT!

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only 9 memburgers? One more before SigQuest ;D

oh noez

Soul~' date=' you need 2 submit by pm



Some people might just think this is a knock-off of club random, which, in a way, is. But Club Random never included stupid people ;D.

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