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Club Dizzy ~ YCM's Random and Stupid Persons Club! We're not dying?


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[align=center]Welcome to Club Dizzy


I just realized, I'm the third person to name a club after themself :D


[spoiler=Purpose of club]Club Dizzy is a club for the completely random and stupid people on YCM.


[spoiler=Memburgers][spoiler=Trippy people]Dizzy~



[spoiler=Seriously Confused people]jimmytheflame



[spoiler=Dizzy people]bakupenguin




cookie cook sodapop


Cindy ♥s You


[spoiler=Rules]1. No Flamming

2. No spamming

3. No Tr-- you know the drill

4. 1 Trippy person can accept, as can 2 Seriously Confused People



What is 2+2?:

Why do you want to join?:

Why should I let you in?:

Anything else?:

[spoiler=My App]Username: Dizzy~

What is 2+2?: Blue

Why do you want to join?: Because is random.

Why should I let you in?: Because I iz ur clon

Anything else: I'm secretly a razzberry




[spoiler=Random Contests (UPDATED!)]5-Memburger Contest: Give us a theme song! PM me a song and it might win! The winner will be bumped up one rank and given 2 reps.

Winner with a Rick Roll: Xion, our newest Trippy.

Status: Closed

10-Memburger contest. SigQuest Status: Open

Collect some awesome quotes and I'll post them here for everyone to lol on. All quotes must be submitted by a PM

150-Memburger contest. Status: Locked

500-Memburger contest. Status: Locked

1000-Memburger contest. Status: Locked.


[spoiler=Affilations]Last Duel Duel Club

Club Random





^ Thanks to our 3rd accepted memburger, Soul~^[/align]

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What is 2+2?:Evis

Why do you want to join?:I'm very strange

Why should I let you in?:Dunno

Anything else?:Shark


Accepted' date=' insta-Seriously Confused.




so, whta are my powahs?

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What is 2+2?:Evis

Why do you want to join?:I'm very strange

Why should I let you in?:Dunno

Anything else?:Shark


Accepted' date=' insta-Seriously Confused.




so, whta are my powahs?


Once we get another member, you and another confused can accept. I will add more soopah powers later.


Basically, you can half accept, and other stuff.

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does the banner have to be long ways or up and down?


Perferably like




| |

| THIS |



man' date=' and i had a cool one with an old guy.. oh well



Well, there's no point in not showing it to me.

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Username: wut dat meen?

What is 2+2:Dirth. Duh. It's that number between 7 and 9. Ask Avery or Emma for details.

Why do you want to join: Death Stares make my day happy.

Why should I let you in: I have see food. See? *opens mouth*

Anything else:I really like ihop. They have the best hash browns around.


did i win teh pretty pin pony?

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Username: wut dat meen?

What is 2+2:Dirth. Duh. It's that number between 7 and 9. Ask Avery or Emma for details.

Why do you want to join: Death Stares make my day happy.

Why should I let you in: I have see food. See? *opens mouth*

Anything else:I really like ihop. They have the best hash browns around.


did i win teh pretty pin pony?


... You're not not not not not not accepted... As a Confyoosed memburger.

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Username: Darklink4021

What is 2+2?: *head explodes* 2?

Why do you want to join?: Because the world is square.

Why should I let you in?: Because you don't want the world to stay square.

Anything else?: I like slapping people with raccoons.

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