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Honor Questions

Yusei Fudou

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I am going to ask everyone who replies to this thread, about several things that deal with honor, and Japanese riddles.


For now, repliers: What do you prefer in this situation:-


The Lord Yakuro has caught you and you have no chance. He has his katana on your neck, and has given you 2 choices:

1- Either you work as his servant and fight against your village

2- Or you die and get buried in the swamp.


What would you do?

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Nice, you have some honor. People who are hungry for life would have answered the opposite.


The next question is (we're still in the easy ones):


Your enemy from Lord Yakuro's soldier is on the ground, weaponless. He's your bitter enemy, you can kill him! Would you? (Note: I know you want to look with honor, but really if you were in that situation, what'd you do?)


1. Kill him with the katana.

2. Throw him somewhere where snakes and animals live, as you can't kill him but you want to rid people from him.

3. Give him your hand and make him stand up to fight, giving him his weapon.

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Well, I know the third answer is correct, but screw that. I'd kill him.


Yeah yeah I have no honor... Whatever.


At least I'm alive.


Y'see, if you die with honor, you're dead. People remember you for a couple days, and then it's over. If you're alive without honor, at least you're alive...


And you can always tell people that you killed him honorably ;)

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I'd probably kill him with my katana. I wouldn't want to throw him into the animals because seeing him get eaten alive would be a little too cruel. I wouldnt give him a weapon because he would most likely get up, not think of honor, and try to kill me. In fatal combat most people have no honor and will do what they must to survive

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1st question: I'd rather be alive. (I do not believe in afterlife)

2nd question: Option number 2. (I don't want to kill him, I'd rather leave him to die somewhere. I wouldn't help him cause he might just kill me)

I don't believe that anyone has true honor in real-life situations (unless they've sent a robotic copy of themselves)

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Q1. 2): I do not want to live as anyone's slave, or 'servant', let alone one who is my hated enemy, and have to fight against my allies. I'd rather die.


Q2. 1): If he fights me in armed combat, he has to be prepared to die, the same way that I would be prepared to die. Showing mercy in that kind of situation would be dishonoring your enemy, and dishonoring your enemy is dishonoring yourself.

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