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Super Smash Bros. Struggle OoC Planning - [Started, Not Accepting]

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Since there's no more villains allowed, I can't apply as Cervantes de Leon. I will apply for another hero.


[spoiler=Master Chief - Halo]

Name: Spartan 117 a.k.a. Master Chief


Side: Heroes


Image: [spoiler=MC]





First Appearance: Halo


Developing Company: Bungie


Moveset: Master Chief's moveset centres around his weaponry. He holds three guns: a shotgun, an assault rifle and a sniper rifle, each with its own rate of fire. Damage scales on the range it is fired from. He can hold his own in close combat, especially with his shotgun, but prefers not to be caught in a brawl. MC is a heavy character despite his size, making him hard to knock off the edge.

[spoiler=B Moves]

B: MC fires his held weapon. If he is holding another item, he will throw it and take out a weapon. Shotgun has powerful knockback and power in close quarters, but loses effectiveness the farther away MC is to the enemy. Assault rifle does rapid and steady damage at medium range, but hits less the farther away it is. Sniper is slow firing, but high power, powerful knockback and range make up for it.

Side and Smash B: MC throws a random grenade: either frag, plasma or flame. Frag has the highest damage and powerful knockback, but rolls around. Plasma sticks to enemies, but has lower damage and little knockback. Flame creates a spreading fire that causes gradual damage. Smash B throws the grenade farther.

Down B: MC swaps his weapon for another.

Up B: MC deploys a Grav Lift under him, launching himself upwards. If the Grav Lift lands on a surface, other players can use it for another five seconds.




Final Smash: UNSC Orbital Strike: MC calls in for support and his whisked away on a Pelican Transport. Then the whole battlefield is bombarded for ten seconds with heavy artillery from UNSC battlecruisers in orbit. After the strike is finished, MC flies back in fully healed.


Example Post: (Refer to previous example?)



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Name: Infant Metroid (Nicknamed "Baby" or "The Hatchling")


Side: Hero







First Appearance: Metroid II: Return of Samus


Developing Company: Ninendo


Moveset: Feeds off of energy, Ram, (anything else I can think of later >_>)


Final Smash: Feeding off of energy until victim is at critical health

(10:07 to 10:46)


Example Post: (Does it have to relate to this?)

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While elsewhere, The Black Knight is forming all the baddies and preparing to send them out. Informing of the goodies, and bribing them with one thing they each want most. Plus they are picking their targets. That's about all that is happening in th bad guy camp.

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Name: (princess) Peach

Side: Good

Image: princess-peach.jpg

First Appearance: super mario bro.s (as peach) (named Lady, in donkey kong)

Developing Company: Nintendo

Moveset: peach uses a variety of move, such as, countering attacks with her toad, or gliding through the air on here pink umbrella. She can also throw turnips she picks out of the ground.

Final Smash:

Example Post: Already posted one on my first...do I have to post a new one?

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Sorry, I've been having to get on and off constantly, and more people keep coming, so I've been busy with editing it in. I think I now have a good chance to do so, so I'm getting something started soon.


@Ikatsui: Oh, just put an example post then.

@Wynn: Yes, you can start as Peach.

@J.T.B.: Well, the Black Knight isn't forming all the baddies, that's the new Tabuu. I thought you may have gotten them mixed up.

Where are Master Chief, Kay, and Link exactly? You said abandoned buildings, do you mean the Abandoned Zoo?

Do you guys think we have enough people? We have 11 (soon to be 12 with the Metroid) heroes, and 7 villains, plus Tabuu and his elite minions.

Clair, .Legend, Oleon, you guys need to post, and Metroid guy, hurry up with the example post.

I gotta get off again...

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