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Super Smash Bros. Struggle OoC Planning - [Started, Not Accepting]

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Man I need to be on more...


LOL Shradow, fink-rats meddlesomeness, villans of badness, you can't make this stuff up! XD

2 more eh, man this is gonna take a while...


Yes DarkMark, if Shradow doesn't do Fawful good, with broken English and FURYS we will have to hunt him down. I didn't do broken English as an example cause i'm no good at it. That is why I will never make a good Fawful, that's no excuse for you though Shradow!


Ice. How do you know I want SuperKick you? Hmmmm?


I'm back on Creatures of the Night! (LOL, a reference I am willing to bet no one gets!)


Trust me, i'm in another RP that Pichu is in, he is totally always bossy and in control. Really annoying, -_-" plus he has bad Grammer, Spelling, Discriptiveness, Shall I go on? If he was that bad in the old RP, I wouldn't allow him on again...


And Ice makes a good point, do we really need 2 more heroes? I mean, as soon as we start this, i'm willing to bet you will be flooded with applications of all sorts. I mean, come on, SSBB RP. What is better then that?! XD

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Trust me' date=' i'm in another RP that Pichu is in, he is totally always bossy and in control. Really annoying, -_-" plus he has bad [b']Grammer[/b], Spelling, Discriptiveness, Shall I go on? If he was that bad in the old RP, I wouldn't allow him on again...


It's grammar and descriptiveness. ;D


But anyways, yeah. I'm just really impatient. No rush though.

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Dude' date=' Reggie Bush is shrugging, I think that's enough to start this RP...



It's actually Reggie Fils-Aime. You know him, right? He is the creator of the overpowering REGGIE SHRUG! He is more powerful then OVER 9000 mudkip Chuck Norris's. It's true. He also Rick Rolls those who Rick Roll him.


EDIT: So you will be the Grammar and Spelling Nazi this time Ice?

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Really Ice, who isn't? And yes, I need spelling myself, at least it's understandable...


Dude' date=' Reggie Bush is shrugging, I think that's enough to start this RP...



It's actually Reggie Fils-Aime. You know him, right? He is the creator of the overpowering REGGIE SHRUG! He is more powerful then OVER 9000 mudkip Chuck Norris's. It's true. He also Rick Rolls those who Rick Roll him.


EDIT: So you will be the Grammar and Spelling Nazi this time Ice?


Oops, I rushed it without a second thought. My bad, :lol: :oops:

Yes, I do...

LOL, he is the ultimate...:idea: hey Shradow, Reggies Fils-Aime part of your Top 3 baddies, Huh, huh? Epic no? XD (This is a joke if you didn't notice...)



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Name: (Character name.) Scizor

Side: (Heroes of Villains.) Heroes.

Image: (A picture of your character.)




First Appearance: (The first appearance, playable or not, of your character in a video game.) Can't Beat The Heat!

Developing Company: (The company that developed the game they first appeared in.) Game Freak.

Moveset: (Movesets will be whatever the character can do in his/her respective game(s), and are not limited except by what he/she can do.)

Plentiful Cloning - Scizor can make himself into an amount of ten copies of himself, but is drastically weakened throughout it. At this stage, the original is still the same strength, and, however, all can attack the enemy at once. If a fake copy of him is hit, it dies away. If the real one is hit, all the copies fade away.


Drastic Protection - A shield forms around his melecular structure, which can easily be broken, but it gives Scizor less weight, more speed, and a few bit more protection to attacks.


Wrought Smackdown - Scizor hardens his body and armor plates and lets them develop into a humungous set of blades pointing at the enemy. Once at a time, they are released at the enemy as missiles, which can be propelled back to the body after. This can only be used during a battle which things look bad for him.


Unbearable Era - Scizor gets in touch with his inside self, as his veins fade away and are turned into aura, which glows around him and lights up his eyes. A large hole forms on his chest, and, as it opens, it strikes all the aura into a stream of blazing fury fired straight at the opponent.


Final Smash: (Please include an example in the form of a video if you can, and if you do, just include any details if necessary.)

Wrought Delta Omega - Scizor gathers his mind as the ground around him forms into a sphere the enemy cannot escape from. Scizor can then go at three times his normal speed, and his attacks are certain to hit for one whole minute.


Example Post: (An example post, following the four lines rule, that roughly shows your level of RPing. Don't bs it and post something really good now and be lazy later.)


Scizor looked upwards towards the evening sky - the night had fallen. Little did he know his challenges would soon be talking to him round the corner. Never had he thought of himself as - one of those heroes he had been explained as time and time again. He hadn't even known the meaning of the word up till now. Since Tabuu was vapoured away, the land felt free and dismissive to evil. But, he could still feel, that in his sixth sense, that something drastically painful would come to him at one point.


"Shit, why me?"


He moaned to himself as he crunched up his hands. He heard a crack in the distance.


"Who goes there..?"


He turned around, alert, grinding his teeth. A shadow in the form of a human came along, so he opened forward his chest, and felt the aura running through his veins as his eyes became alight...


"Turn back! Away from me!"


...And fired.

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