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Super Smash Bros. Struggle OoC Planning - [Started, Not Accepting]

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Yeah' date=' we only have 6 heroes and 4 villains.


Everyone is accepted, except J.T.B. I found your example post did nothing but break the fourth wall and had no story concept or anything, so it doesn't show good things.


@DarkMark: Going through intenet memes? Earlier Chocolate Rain, now the Rick Roll (and I love the RR song). Next get a dramatic groundhog gif. Or OVER 9000!!!


I've already decided that it is the Reggie Shrug next. If your on around 12:00 PM you may get to see it change ooooh! I am bored, so I'm going to try and have a different avatar everyday.

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Ok then, my computer was acting up Friday, the only day I could get on, so i'm gonna catch up a little.


1: Congradulations are in order for a ~Wynn~ for fixing th Post. Congrats...still not convinced your completely awsome though...but good enough for a Rep.


2: Glad to see it's up and running.


3 last but most important: Very much true, I didn't really know what to write in the example post, so I put something random. I shall now go and post a copy of some of my better work from another RP. Plus you really never gave us anything to base are example post off. Anyway, I can promise you i've done better work. Now if you go back to my App I will have edited it.

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Quite right, but if he has to be in one or the other put him with the bads. I mean, he's much more a bad guy. Man, I can't remember what I was thinking when I put that random junk in the example post. XD DX

Anyway, put him in the bad guy section if he has to be in one or the other. Plus, you could use some bad guys...

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Yes, I couldn't help myself, he's the best, and naturally OPd (which means he's not OPd in the eyes of this RP), which I love. Besides, Bowser and Fawful together in the same room might not be... the best...


Oh, and about Super Shadow, I won't be including the rings bit, so it'll just be like Super Sonic in SSBB, but probably a bit longer because these battle will be more intense, hopefully. I will include the Chaos Emeralds, of course, though Shadow only starts with one and the rest will be an important part of the story.

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Name: Kay Faraday (Goes by "The Great Thief", and "Yatagarasu")

Side: Heroes

Image: http://aceattorney.wikia.com/wiki/File:Kay.PNG

First Appearance: Ace Attorney Investigations - Miles Edgeworth

Developing Company: Capcom

Moveset: Standard punches and kicks and such. Standard Karate, Judo and acrobatic moves. She can also jump fairly high, but that's aside the point.

Final Smash: She runs into her foe at a high speed and launches a multitude of punches and kicks at the enemy. She then finishes with one last kick and throws the "Yatagarasu" Card at her foe, while running off at high speeds.

Example Post: Proto Man waltzed out of Light Labs casually, looking out at Metropolis City. "It looks so odd today. It...seems like it's foreshadowing...something..." uttered Proto Man, seemingly talking to himself. Just then, there was an odd noise in the distance. Short after, a puff of smoke appeared out in the distance. Proto Man frowned at the sight of the explosion and started to shake his head. "Wily, what are you up too this time? No matter, I bet it's nothing horrible." mumbled Proto Man. Proto Man then started started to whistle a tune as he started towards the city.




Name: Dimentio

Side: Villain

Image: http://www.mariowiki.com/File:Jester.jpg

First Appearance: Super Paper Mario

Developing Company: Nintendo

Moveset: Magic blasts, Teleportation and the likes.

Final Smash:

(It starts at 1:07).

Example Post: Proto Man waltzed out of Light Labs casually, looking out at Metropolis City. "It looks so odd today. It...seems like it's foreshadowing...something..." uttered Proto Man, seemingly talking to himself. Just then, there was an odd noise in the distance. Short after, a puff of smoke appeared out in the distance. Proto Man frowned at the sight of the explosion and started to shake his head. "Wily, what are you up too this time? No matter, I bet it's nothing horrible." mumbled Proto Man. Proto Man then started started to whistle a tune as he started towards the city.



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Clair' date=' just post your damn app.



Shut up. I just wanted to reserve a spot.



Name: Kumatora

Side: Hero

Image: [spoiler=Kumatora]




First Appearance: Mother 3.

Developing Company: Ape Inc.

Moveset: Her special attacks include PK Fire, LifeUp, PK Thunder, and PSI Shield. She gets drained after using them however. Is of standard body weight, medium jump range, moderate speed.

Final Smash: PK Ground: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eacogRpJwUc (Second-Last move that appears)

Example Post: Jane's eyes were closing, so she quickly snapped her fingers.


The mayor's neck snapped with her motions, and he fell to the floor with a thud. Jane awoke with new purpose as she lifted her control over the newly created cadaver. Spitting on his face, Jane giggled, sitting the mayor up at his desk as if nothing had happened. A little joke for visitors...


She casually took a glance out the cracked window and did a double take. She saw the two boys from the forest earlier, slicing through legions of Shine Soldiers. Jane laughed and sat down on the sill. She was having a good time.


There's nothing like a good show... she thought, enjoying the chaos unfolding below her.





Damn it, Shradow. You took Fawful. D:


I may post a villain later~

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Complete App



Name: Marx.

Side: Villain.

Image: [spoiler=]Marx.gif


First Appearance: Kirby Super Star.

Developing Company: HAL

Moveset: Special Moves include Bomb Drop, Teleport (will NOT be abused), Arrow Stream, Burst Beam.

Final Smash:

(2:51) - Black Hole.

Example Post: Jane smiled at Lucas, who was struggling to hold a furious Britney back.


"You're right for once," she giggled, advancing on him. "I'm not a Shine Soldier... I'm just a girl looking for new best friends to play with..."


Pulling his head towards her, she quickly kissed him on the cheek and winked. Then, she turned to Britney.


"Why are you so mean?" she asked innocently. Keeping her eyes locked on Britney, she slapped her across the face.


"Learn to have more fun..."


She ran into the brush, lighting a makeshift match on her dress.


Tossing the fiery wooden toothpick back at the pair, she giggled again as the grass was set ablaze.


"Have a good time, you two..."


Seconds later, Jane had disappeared into the forest.





Name: Kumatora

Side: Hero

Image: [spoiler=Kumatora]




First Appearance: Mother 3.

Developing Company: Ape Inc.

Moveset: Her special attacks include PK Fire, LifeUp, PK Thunder, and PSI Shield. She gets drained after using them however. Is of standard body weight, medium jump range, moderate speed.

Final Smash: PK Ground: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eacogRpJwUc (Second-Last move that appears)

Example Post: Jane's eyes were closing, so she quickly snapped her fingers.


The mayor's neck snapped with her motions, and he fell to the floor with a thud. Jane awoke with new purpose as she lifted her control over the newly created cadaver. Spitting on his face, Jane giggled, sitting the mayor up at his desk as if nothing had happened. A little joke for visitors...


She casually took a glance out the cracked window and did a double take. She saw the two boys from the forest earlier, slicing through legions of Shine Soldiers. Jane laughed and sat down on the sill. She was having a good time.


There's nothing like a good show... she thought, enjoying the chaos unfolding below her.



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