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Super Smash Bros. Struggle OoC Planning - [Started, Not Accepting]

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Rinne has promised to help' date=' so I'm going to make a new thread of the first post, and this one and the new one will be merged, and the bad post will be deleted. There's no character limit problem, it's just a glitch.


EDIT: I tried reposting it, it's still glitchy...



Oh, ok, sorry to hear that. Well, at least Rinne will help. Anyway, i'm gonna finish my App now. Be back when it's done.



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Well lets see...I could do....no.....mabye....nah...oh i know. intoducing



Name: Jigglypuff (eeeepiiiic)

Side: good

First Appearance: Pokemon blue(or red) (or green) (i dont know ehich was first)

Developing Company: Nintendo

Moveset: Jigglypuff can attack in an array of attacks, such as punching his opponent with great force, putting them to sleep by singing, attacking with his whole body, or even, falling asleep...what its very devistating

Final Smash: he bloats up, up, up, then BOOM, shrinks down and blasts away anyone near him

Example Post [spoiler=warning, this is my post from the video game worlds collide, thus it may cause confussion]

this is in the first person of megaman....me...in the video game worlds collide IC: "Hmph, take that" I said as I defeated metal man with my cannon arm. "Now i can just do what i always do, STEAL YOUR WEAPON!!!!"I exclaimed happily. "Now that i have these metal disks, fighting the others will be much easier." I was talking to myself. Suddenly, a portal opened up beneath me. "What th-aaaaaaaah!!!" Next thing i knew i was somewhere completly differant. I saw penquins walking all over the place "WHERE THE HECK AM I...AND WHATS WITH ALL THE PENQUINS!!!!" I got my metal blades ready to shoot incase they were enemys



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I will join. I will apply twice because I can't tell whether you are restricting the characters to video games.


[spoiler=Osaka - Azumanga Daioh]

Name: Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga


Image: [spoiler=Image]





First Appearance: Azumanga Daioh Volume 1?


Developing Company: Anime by J.C.Staff


Moveset: [spoiler=A Moves]

A: Instantly appears in her 'karakasa' outfit and spills a tray of hot tea on the enemy. Low damage, sword priority


Side A: Osaka does the 'yandianen' schtick, smacking the enemy with a backhand. Low damage, sword priority


Low A: Low kick. Low damage, sword priority


Aerial A: Body Slam. Low damage, sword priority


Aerial Side A: Front flip kick. Low damage, medium priority, Meteor Launcher


Side Smash: Instantly appears in a swimsuit and inner tube and performs a sliding tackle. Medium damage, sword priority


Down Smash: Sneezes. Absolutely useless.


Up Smash: Feints a strike to above and moves to the side.



[spoiler=B Moves]

B: Throws a sea slug at the enemy. Sticks to enemies like Pikmin, but they have a slowing effect instead. Cannot be picked up. Low damage, low priority


Smash and Side B: A lightning bolt strikes right in front of Osaka, shocking her. High damage, minor knockback. Smash B has a lower damage but has powerful knockback.


Down B: Osaka lights a firecracker and places it on the ground. It explodes a five seconds later like a cracker from the Cracker Launcher, but weaker.


Up B: Puts on round pigtails and flies upwards for three seconds.




Final Smash: Rise and Shine: Jumps into the background and grows massive. She pulls out cut-outs of a hawk and eggplant in her hands and a cut-out of Mt. Fuji on her back. She says "Hawk! Eggplant! Awaken!", then the hawk and eggplant cut-outs become real and massive and bounce around the stage, doing massive damage to anyone getting hit while the Mt. Fuji cut-out spews fire, raining ash that slows enemies down. This lasts about 15 seconds, ending with a flash of light and Osaka returning to her original position.


RP Sample: [spoiler=Sample from Pokemon: Winds of Orlana by Saiba Aisu]

The brambles around the end of the path shook more and more loudly, as if there was something getting closer. When the noise was at its climax, a pink ball popped out of the bushes. The ball seemed to grow legs as the creature slowly made it's way out of the brambles. The creature was revealed to be a Jigglypuff with a fluffy lock of hair on its head, dragging a large handbag behind it. The Jigglypuff stopped in the clearing and only turned around after resting for a minute. The Jigglypuff was startled by the human and the snake-like Pokemon behind him, but did not appear scared. The Jigglypuff simply continued to drag its cargo across the forest floor.


Then, a voice was heard calling from the forest.


"Maro! Maro-chan! Get back here! This ain't funny anymore!" a female voice called out. As soon as the Jigglypuff heard the voice, it seemed to panic and started to frantically drag the bag with it. Then, a woman with a large sun hat burst from the brush and grabbed the bag away from the Jigglypuff.


"Maro-chan! Why would you do something like that! Now we're in the middle of a forest with no way of finding our way back! What are we gonna do without a tent or anything?!" Nyoko scolded Maro, grabbing its ears in a punitive manner. After a few seconds of this, Nyoko noticed that they weren't alone.


"Oh...Hey there! Sorry if we disturbed you! I don't know what's gotten into Maro-chan, but somehow he managed to get into the forest with my bag. I have really got to stop daydreamin' like that..."


OoC: I have returned.



She stopped her moving' date=' glanced around puzzledly, and muttered a little quietly. "Uhm, Lancelot? I think we're lost..." she muttered after a moment, glancing around. She thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye, and whipped around, only to find it had evidently been a figment of her imagination.


A chill went down her spine.



The brambles around the end of the path shook more and more loudly, as if there was something getting closer. When the noise was at its climax, a pink ball popped out of the bushes. The ball seemed to grow legs as the creature slowly made it's way out of the brambles. The creature was revealed to be a Jigglypuff with a fluffy lock of hair on its head, dragging a large handbag behind it. The Jigglypuff stopped in the clearing and only turned around after resting for a minute. The Jigglypuff was startled by the human and the snake-like Pokemon behind him, but did not appear scared. The Jigglypuff simply continued to drag its cargo across the forest floor.


Then, a voice was heard calling from the forest.


"Maro! Maro-chan! Get back here! This ain't funny anymore!" a female voice called out. As soon as the Jigglypuff heard the voice, it seemed to panic and started to frantically drag the bag with it. Then, a woman with a large sun hat burst from the brush and grabbed the bag away from the Jigglypuff.


"Maro-chan! Why would you do something like that! Now we're in the middle of a forest with no way of finding our way back! What are we gonna do without a tent or anything?!" Nyoko scolded Maro, grabbing its ears in a punitive manner. After a few seconds of this, Nyoko noticed that they weren't alone.


"Oh...Hey there! Sorry if we disturbed you! I don't know what's gotten into Maro-chan, but somehow he managed to get into the forest with my bag. I have really got to stop daydreamin' like that..."






Second will come if this is rejected.

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This is a remake of the original one. I have edited the rules and also plan to conduct a smoother story.



- Standard YCM and RP rules apply.

- Each member may have up to 2 characters: 1 hero and 1 villain, 2 heroes, or 2 villains.

- If necessary, character choices regarding sides of Hero vs. Villain will be limited. (Ex. Too many good guys? From now on, only apply with bad guys, or vice versa.)

- If your character is a silent protagonist/antagonist, keep it that way, use actions instead of words, except any phrases they might use. (Ex. Mario - "Let's a go!")

- Any and all characters must be property (or partial property) of Nintendo or a 3rd party company.

- Only 1 character may be a 3rd party character, not both.

- No killing characters.

- Before you join, I must accept or deny your character. Choose sensible characters so you can save yourself some time.

- No Halberd. The Halberd is a lie.





[spoiler=Character Application]

Name: (Character name.)

Image: (A picture of your character.)

First Appearance: (The first appearance, playable or not, of your character in a video game.)

Developing Company: (The company that developed the game they first appeared in.)

Moveset: (Movesets will be whatever the character can do in his/her respective game(s), and are not limited except by what he/she can do.)

Final Smash: (Please include an example in the form of a video if you can, and if you do, just include any details if necessary.)

Example Post: (An example post, following the four lines rule, that roughly shows your level of RPing. Don't bs it and post something really good now and be lazy later.)






[spoiler=Miles "Tails" Prower]

Name: Miles "Tails" Prower



First Appearance: Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Developing Company: Sega

Moveset: Tails isn't much of a fighter, but he is still versatile during a fight. He can propell himself forward of fly using his tails. He can curl up into a ball to fly into enemies for damage, or slam them with his spinning tails. He can use various machines that are around, and also wields a powerful wrench.

Final Smash:

- Tails' plane, the X-Tornado, flies into the battlefield, where Tails takes control, letting lose a barrage of homing machine gun blasts and having the availability of its flying maneuvers, such as somersalts and barrel rolls.







[spoiler=Young Link]

Name: Young Link



First Appearance: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Developing Company: Nintendo

Moveset: While still a child, Young Link is a skilled swordsman, and along with the powerful Gilded Sword and Mirror Shield, he wields a variety of weapons, such as a bow with three types of arrows, normal, fire, and ice, a hookshot to latch onto things, bombs, and a few bottles for holding essential items. He wields a large variety of masks, and his main ones are the Deku Mask, Goron Mask, Zora Mask, and the Bunny Hood.

[spoiler=Deku Mask]

It transforms him into a Deku. As a Deku, Link can dive into deku flowers, getting a boost to fly for a very short period of time. He can also perform a spin attack that gives him a slight speed boost.



[spoiler=Goron Mask]

This mask transforms him into Darmani. In this form, he can curl into a ball, roll along the ground, and if he rolls long enough, spikes can protrude from his body or he can curl and jump up and pound the ground. He can also perform powerful punches, far greater than what a human could do. He can form a near-impenetrable shield with the spikes on his back.



[spoiler=Zora Mask]

This transforms him into Maku. In this form, he can easily speed through water, and can use the fins on his side as both swords and boomerangs. He can also create a shield of electricity for a short while.



[spoiler=Bunny Hood]

It is worn simply on his head, and it allows him to run at much higher speeds and jump to great heights.



Final Smash:

- Young Link dons the Fierce Deity's Mask, transforming into Oni Link, where his powerful is increasd exponentially and he wields the powerful Double Helix Sword, which can fire powerful energy blasts with a single swing.








[spoiler=Chritian Exodia]


Name: Lucario



First Appearance: Pokémon Diamond/Pearl

Developing Company: Game Freak

Moveset: Lucario, as a Fighting-Type Pokémon, is a skilled fighter. He also wields the strange power that is aura, which enhances all of his attacks and allows for some unique ones, such as his Aura Sphere attack. The aura gives him the innate ability to get more powerful as he is more and more injured, where his true power isn't unlocked until he is on his last legs.

Final Smash:

- Lucario flies high into the air and lets loose a powerful blast of aura, decimating all that stand in its way.









Name: Bowser



First Appearance: Super Mario Bros.

Developing Company: Nintendo

Moveset: Bowser is a large, strong chracter, and his moves reflect that. He can use his strength with punches or attackx with his shell. He also has several means of indirect attacks, such as his fire breath, throwing hammers, or his vacuum ability. He can utulize his minions, the Koopa Troop, when they are available.

Final Smash:

- A spike of adrenaline sourges through Bowser's body for a time, causing him to grow to an immense size and multiplying his strength just as much. This can only be used in a near death situation.




Name: Fawful



First Appearance: Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga

Developing Company: AlphaDream

Moveset: Fawful is more of a thinker than a fighter, and it shows with his indirect approach to fighting. His main weapon is his vacuum headgear, which can inhale objects, fire balls of energy, latch on to enemies and drain their energy, and allow Fawful to fly. It seemingly has a mind of its own and can function similarly. Fawful also uses lesser weapons such as laser guns.

Final Smash:

- Fawful harnesses the power of the Dark Star and becomes Dark Fawful for a time, where he has power over darkness.







[spoiler=Dark Link]

Name: Dark Link



First Appearance: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

Developing Company: Nintendo

Moveset: He is very similar to Link when it comes to his weaponry, but his techniques and level of skill is quite different than that of his light counterpart. He wields a Dark Master Sword and Dark Hylian Shield, both ablaze with darkness. His skill in swordplay is very advanced and he is a master swordsman. He wields various weapons such as a boomerang, a bow and arrows, bombs, a grappling hook, among many others.

Final Smash:

- Dark Link unleashes the power of the Triforce of Courage combined with his dark nature to unleash a fury of slashes enfused with dark energy. It contains darkness, which can deal massive damage physically, and corruption, which can assault the enemies' minds.







[spoiler=Majora's Mask]

Name: Majora





First Appearance: Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Developing Company: Nintendo

Moveset: As Majora's Mask, she can float around with surprising agility, she can spin at enemies to try and hurt them, and shoot a beam of fire. As Majora's Incarnation, she gains incredible speed and agility, and great dance moves, but while in this form she is relatively weak and can only fire balls of energy at enemies. Her most powerful form, Majora's Wrath, is a force to be reckoned with. She wields two whips, which can be whipped at enemies with incedible speed and power. She can release two spinners which home in on targets to assault them with their spinning blades.

Final Smash:

- Majora summons the might of the demented-faced moon of Termina, crashing it down into the ground, causing a fiery explosion across a wide area.








It has been some time since Tabuu was defeated and was sucked into the void of Subspace.

But recently, small Subspace areas have appeared, sometimes for prolonged periods, sometimes for but an instant. Whenever this happens, bits and pieces of the Subspace army appear from the darkness to wreak havoc before disappearing.

Now, the Isle of the Ancients has reappeared from Subspace, surrounded in a veil of darkness. Protected by the Subspace Gunship, which has somehow reassembled and reappeared with the isle, all attempts to reclaim it have failed.

With the isle, Tabuu is rumored to have reappeared as well. Whether or not the rumors are true, what is true is that the Subspace Army has steadily been rebuilding itself, and a dark presence has accumulated on the Isle of the Ancients.

Spread thin across the world through their various travels, the original heroes must once again form together to combat Tabuu's forces, with the help of new heroes.But across the world, the Subspace Army has begun its assault.

The war has begun...


That's what happens if I repost it... I think I'm gonna have to close this, I need to get this worked out, in case it happens to any of my future RPs. I won't have this locked, but no one post here until I can get this fixed. Sorry about this, really.

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Well Shradow old chap, hate to disturbe you trying to fix the Technical Difficulties. But the question that the previous two posted is also my question as well. Hate to bother you with a question the other 2 did, but...am I accepted?


No, i'm not British. Just trying it out. XD

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Here's my video game character app.


[spoiler=Yoshimitsu - Soul Calibur]

Name: Yoshimitsu


Side: Good


Image: [spoiler=Yoshimitsu]yoshimitsusciv.jpg



First Appearance: Soul Calibur


Developing Company: Namco


Moveset: [spoiler=A Moves]

A: Two flowing vertical slashes. Medium power, low knockback

Side A: Forward stab. Medium power, medium knockback

Aerial A: Strike with his flagstaff. Medium power, meteor strike

Side Smash A: A powerful upwards slash. Medium-High power, medium-high knockback.

Down Smash A: Spins his two swords on both sides. Multiple hits, ends with a powerful slash.

Up Smash A: Powerful spin upwards. Medium-high power, medium-high knockback.




[spoiler=B Moves]

B: Poison Breath. High damage, no knockback, 75% chance of causing sleepiness, 25% chance of poison.

Smash and Side B: Ninja Slash. If enemy is about to hit, Yoshimitsu slashes past them, doing massive damage and heavy knockback. If not, it is a weak hit. Smash B takes longer to perform but is even more powerful when successful.

Down B: Meditation Stance: From this stance, Yoshimitsu can teleport then attack.

Up B: Yoshimitsu spins his sword to fly, slashing anyone above.




Final Smash: Heaven's Judgement - Yoshimitsu dashes forward and selects his target(s). He stuns them with a few slashes and teleports behind them. As the target(s) raise their head, Yoshimitsu sends them flying with a single powerful hit, finishing with a pose and saying "Heaven awaits!".


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I'm closing this temporarily (hopefully). I'm not having it locked, just no one post until this problem is solved. If lots of time passes, I'll just to necrobump it or something.


Wynn gave me an idea, if you fee like it, just quote the post and make it appear in the quick reply box, then try posting it to see if it will work for you (make sure you do preview post, because then you'll see if it'll be invisible).

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- Standard YCM and RP rules apply.

- Each member may have up to 2 characters: 1 hero and 1 villain, 2 heroes, or 2 villains.

- If necessary, character choices regarding sides of Hero vs. Villain will be limited. (Ex. Too many good guys? From now on, only apply with bad guys, or vice versa.)

- If your character is a silent protagonist/antagonist, keep it that way, use actions instead of words, except any phrases they might use. (Ex. Mario - "Let's a go!")

- Any and all characters must be property (or partial property) of Nintendo or a 3rd party company.

- Only 1 character may be a 3rd party character, not both.

- No killing characters.

- Before you join, I must accept or deny your character. Choose sensible characters so you can save yourself some time.

- No Halberd. The Halberd is a lie.

[spoiler=Character Application]

Name: (Character name.)

Image: (A picture of your character.)

First Appearance: (The first appearance, playable or not, of your character in a video game.)

Developing Company: (The company that developed the game they first appeared in.)

Moveset: (Movesets will be whatever the character can do in his/her respective game(s), and are not limited except by what he/she can do.)

Final Smash: (Please include an example in the form of a video if you can, and if you do, just include any details if necessary.)

Example Post: (An example post, following the four lines rule, that roughly shows your level of RPing. Don't bs it and post something really good now and be lazy later.)




[spoiler=Miles "Tails" Prower]

Name: Miles "Tails" Prower



First Appearance: Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Developing Company: Sega

Moveset: Tails isn't much of a fighter, but he is still versatile during a fight. He can propell himself forward of fly using his tails. He can curl up into a ball to fly into enemies for damage, or slam them with his spinning tails. He can use various machines that are around, and also wields a powerful wrench.

Final Smash:

- Tails' plane, the X-Tornado, flies into the battlefield, where Tails takes control, letting lose a barrage of homing machine gun blasts and having the availability of its flying maneuvers, such as somersalts and barrel rolls.







[spoiler=Young Link]

Name: Young Link



First Appearance: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Developing Company: Nintendo

Moveset: While still a child, Young Link is a skilled swordsman, and along with the powerful Gilded Sword and Mirror Shield, he wields a variety of weapons, such as a bow with three types of arrows, normal, fire, and ice, a hookshot to latch onto things, bombs, and a few bottles for holding essential items. He wields a large variety of masks, and his main ones are the Deku Mask, Goron Mask, Zora Mask, and the Bunny Hood.

[spoiler=Deku Mask]

It transforms him into a Deku. As a Deku, Link can dive into deku flowers, getting a boost to fly for a very short period of time. He can also perform a spin attack that gives him a slight speed boost.



[spoiler=Goron Mask]

This mask transforms him into Darmani. In this form, he can curl into a ball, roll along the ground, and if he rolls long enough, spikes can protrude from his body or he can curl and jump up and pound the ground. He can also perform powerful punches, far greater than what a human could do. He can form a near-impenetrable shield with the spikes on his back.



[spoiler=Zora Mask]

This transforms him into Maku. In this form, he can easily speed through water, and can use the fins on his side as both swords and boomerangs. He can also create a shield of electricity for a short while.



[spoiler=Bunny Hood]

It is worn simply on his head, and it allows him to run at much higher speeds and jump to great heights.



Final Smash:

- Young Link dons the Fierce Deity's Mask, transforming into Oni Link, where his powerful is increasd exponentially and he wields the powerful Double Helix Sword, which can fire powerful energy blasts with a single swing.








[spoiler=Chritian Exodia]


Name: Lucario



First Appearance: Pokémon Diamond/Pearl

Developing Company: Game Freak

Moveset: Lucario, as a Fighting-Type Pokémon, is a skilled fighter. He also wields the strange power that is aura, which enhances all of his attacks and allows for some unique ones, such as his Aura Sphere attack. The aura gives him the innate ability to get more powerful as he is more and more injured, where his true power isn't unlocked until he is on his last legs.

Final Smash:

- Lucario flies high into the air and lets loose a powerful blast of aura, decimating all that stand in its way.




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hey...only i deserve to do this...so back off...






Name: Bowser



First Appearance: Super Mario Bros.

Developing Company: Nintendo

Moveset: Bowser is a large, strong chracter, and his moves reflect that. He can use his strength with punches or attackx with his shell. He also has several means of indirect attacks, such as his fire breath, throwing hammers, or his vacuum ability. He can utulize his minions, the Koopa Troop, when they are available.

Final Smash:

- A spike of adrenaline sourges through Bowser's body for a time, causing him to grow to an immense size and multiplying his strength just as much. This can only be used in a near death situation.




Name: Fawful



First Appearance: Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga

Developing Company: AlphaDream

Moveset: Fawful is more of a thinker than a fighter, and it shows with his indirect approach to fighting. His main weapon is his vacuum headgear, which can inhale objects, fire balls of energy, latch on to enemies and drain their energy, and allow Fawful to fly. It seemingly has a mind of its own and can function similarly. Fawful also uses lesser weapons such as laser guns.

Final Smash:

- Fawful harnesses the power of the Dark Star and becomes Dark Fawful for a time, where he has power over darkness.







[spoiler=Dark Link]

Name: Dark Link



First Appearance: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

Developing Company: Nintendo

Moveset: He is very similar to Link when it comes to his weaponry, but his techniques and level of skill is quite different than that of his light counterpart. He wields a Dark Master Sword and Dark Hylian Shield, both ablaze with darkness. His skill in swordplay is very advanced and he is a master swordsman. He wields various weapons such as a boomerang, a bow and arrows, bombs, a grappling hook, among many others.

Final Smash:

- Dark Link unleashes the power of the Triforce of Courage combined with his dark nature to unleash a fury of slashes enfused with dark energy. It contains darkness, which can deal massive damage physically, and corruption, which can assault the enemies' minds.







[spoiler=Majora's Mask]

Name: Majora





First Appearance: Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Developing Company: Nintendo

Moveset: As Majora's Mask, she can float around with surprising agility, she can spin at enemies to try and hurt them, and shoot a beam of fire. As Majora's Incarnation, she gains incredible speed and agility, and great dance moves, but while in this form she is relatively weak and can only fire balls of energy at enemies. Her most powerful form, Majora's Wrath, is a force to be reckoned with. She wields two whips, which can be whipped at enemies with incedible speed and power. She can release two spinners which home in on targets to assault them with their spinning blades.

Final Smash:

- Majora summons the might of the demented-faced moon of Termina, crashing it down into the ground, causing a fiery explosion across a wide area.





It has been some time since Tabuu was defeated and was sucked into the void of Subspace.

But recently, small Subspace areas have appeared, sometimes for prolonged periods, sometimes for but an instant. Whenever this happens, bits and pieces of the Subspace army appear from the darkness to wreak havoc before disappearing.

Now, the Isle of the Ancients has reappeared from Subspace, surrounded in a veil of darkness. Protected by the Subspace Gunship, which has somehow reassembled and reappeared with the isle, all attempts to reclaim it have failed.

With the isle, Tabuu is rumored to have reappeared as well. Whether or not the rumors are true, what is true is that the Subspace Army has steadily been rebuilding itself, and a dark presence has accumulated on the Isle of the Ancients.

Spread thin across the world through their various travels, the original heroes must once again form together to combat Tabuu's forces, with the help of new heroes.But across the world, the Subspace Army has begun its assault.

The war has begun...





pant...pant, there, i have completly reposted your first post

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Okay, that seems to work. I PMed Rinne, and I'm going to repost them like you did (well, neater than that, but you know) and try to get them placed in the first three posts or so.


Maybe then this will start working... And I'm going to have a lot of editing to catch up on...

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- Standard YCM and RP rules apply.

- Each member may have up to 2 characters: 1 hero and 1 villain, 2 heroes, or 2 villains.

- If necessary, character choices regarding sides of Hero vs. Villain will be limited. (Ex. Too many good guys? From now on, only apply with bad guys, or vice versa.)

- If your character is a silent protagonist/antagonist, keep it that way, use actions instead of words, except any phrases they might use. (Ex. Mario - "Let's a go!")

- Any and all characters must be property (or partial property) of Nintendo or a 3rd party company.

- Only 1 character may be a 3rd party character, not both.

- No killing characters.

- Before you join, I must accept or deny your character. Choose sensible characters so you can save yourself some time.

- You may change your character(s) before we start, but once we start you're stuck.

- No Halberd. The Halberd is a lie.






It has been some time since Tabuu was defeated and was sucked into the void of Subspace.

But recently, small Subspace areas have appeared, sometimes for prolonged periods, sometimes for but an instant. Whenever this happens, bits and pieces of the Subspace army appear from the darkness to wreak havoc before disappearing.

Now, the Isle of the Ancients has reappeared from Subspace, surrounded in a veil of darkness. Protected by the Subspace Gunship, which has somehow reassembled and reappeared with the isle, all attempts to reclaim it have failed.

With the isle, Tabuu is rumored to have reappeared as well. Whether or not the rumors are true, what is true is that the Subspace Army has steadily been rebuilding itself, and a dark presence has accumulated on the Isle of the Ancients.

Spread thin across the world through their various travels, the original heroes must once again form together to combat Tabuu's forces, with the help of new heroes.But across the world, the Subspace Army has begun its assault.

The war has begun...





[spoiler=Character Application]

Name: (Character name.)

Side: (Heroes of Villains.)

Image: (A picture of your character.)

First Appearance: (The first appearance, playable or not, of your character in a video game.)

Developing Company: (The company that developed the game they first appeared in.)

Moveset: (Movesets will be whatever the character can do in his/her respective game(s), and are not limited except by what he/she can do.)

Final Smash: (Please include an example in the form of a video if you can, and if you do, just include any details if necessary.)

Example Post: (An example post, following the four lines rule, that roughly shows your level of RPing. Don't bs it and post something really good now and be lazy later.)







[spoiler=Miles "Tails" Prower]

Name: Miles "Tails" Prower



First Appearance: Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Developing Company: Sega

Moveset: Tails isn't much of a fighter, but he is still versatile during a fight. He can propell himself forward of fly using his tails. He can curl up into a ball to fly into enemies for damage, or slam them with his spinning tails. He can use various machines that are around, and also wields a powerful wrench.

Final Smash:

- Tails' plane, the X-Tornado, flies into the battlefield, where Tails takes control, letting lose a barrage of homing machine gun blasts and having the availability of its flying maneuvers, such as somersalts and barrel rolls.







[spoiler=Young Link]

Name: Young Link



First Appearance: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Developing Company: Nintendo

Moveset: While still a child, Young Link is a skilled swordsman, and along with the powerful Gilded Sword and Mirror Shield, he wields a variety of weapons, such as a bow with three types of arrows, normal, fire, and ice, a hookshot to latch onto things, bombs, and a few bottles for holding essential items. He wields a large variety of masks, and his main ones are the Deku Mask, Goron Mask, Zora Mask, and the Bunny Hood.

[spoiler=Deku Mask]

It transforms him into a Deku. As a Deku, Link can dive into deku flowers, getting a boost to fly for a very short period of time. He can also perform a spin attack that gives him a slight speed boost.



[spoiler=Goron Mask]

This mask transforms him into Darmani. In this form, he can curl into a ball, roll along the ground, and if he rolls long enough, spikes can protrude from his body or he can curl and jump up and pound the ground. He can also perform powerful punches, far greater than what a human could do. He can form a near-impenetrable shield with the spikes on his back.



[spoiler=Zora Mask]

This transforms him into Maku. In this form, he can easily speed through water, and can use the fins on his side as both swords and boomerangs. He can also create a shield of electricity for a short while.



[spoiler=Bunny Hood]

It is worn simply on his head, and it allows him to run at much higher speeds and jump to great heights.



Final Smash:

- Young Link dons the Fierce Deity's Mask, transforming into Oni Link, where his powerful is increasd exponentially and he wields the powerful Double Helix Sword, which can fire powerful energy blasts with a single swing.






[spoiler=Chritian Exodia]


Name: Lucario



First Appearance: Pokémon Diamond/Pearl

Developing Company: Game Freak

Moveset: Lucario, as a Fighting-Type Pokémon, is a skilled fighter. He also wields the strange power that is aura, which enhances all of his attacks and allows for some unique ones, such as his Aura Sphere attack. The aura gives him the innate ability to get more powerful as he is more and more injured, where his true power isn't unlocked until he is on his last legs.

Final Smash:

- Lucario flies high into the air and lets loose a powerful blast of aura, decimating all that stand in its way.



[spoiler=King DeDeDe]

Name: King Dedede



First Appearance: Kirby's Dream Land

Developing Company: HAL Labratory

Moveset: King DeDeDe is a strong character who specializes in powerful attacks with his hammer. His large hammer can be swung with incredible power, and it's been upgraded with special mechanical systems and precision bearings to boost its effectiveness. He can utulize his minions, the Waddle Dees, Waddle Doos, and Gordos. Due to heavy training, he can fly by floating and even inhale objects like Kirby, but he can't copy abilities.

Final Smash:

- King DeDeDe summons forth an army of his minions, Waddle Dees, Waddle Doos, and Gordos, where they swarm the enemy with their overwhelming numbers.








Name: Jigglypuff



First Appearance: Pokémon Red/Blue/Green

Developing Company: Game Freak

Moveset: Jigglypuff has a wide variety of attacks, and along with his small size and speed, he can be a stron fighter, despite his size. He can use several melee attacks, from punching to flinging his entire body at the enemy. He can fly by floating, where his superb air maneuvers are usable. He can put foes to sleep, and even deal a surprise attack by falling asleep himself.

Final Smash:

- Jigglypuff inflates his body to an enormous size, where he can then release it to blast away anyone nearby. Though the decrease in size isn't necessarily mandatory.








Name: Yoshimitsu



First Appearance: Soul Calibur

Developing Company: Namco

Moveset: Yoshimitsu is a skilled samurai, and his speed and strength are perfectly balanced to become deadly. He can do various attacks with his sword, from quick swipes to powerful slashes, and he can even use it to fly, or teleport then attack. He has a dangerous breath attack that can put foes to sleep or poison them.

Final Smash: Heaven's Judgement - Yoshimitsu selects his targets, then utulizes a series of quick slashes with utmost precision, stunning the enemies in shock and pain. He then strikes them down with a single, powerful strike. He then finishes with a dramatic pose with the phrase, "Heaven awaits!"







[spoiler=Kay Faraday]

Name: Kay Faraday



First Appearance: Ace Attorney Investigations - Miles Edgeworth

Developing Company: Capcom

Moveset: Kay is skilled in both karate and judo, and is very athletic, leading to her physical approach to fighting. She is also an acrobat, and has great agility and stamina.

Final Smash: Yatagarasu Ambush - She assaults her enemy with a barrage of powerful punches and kicks, finishing with a fiery kick and a throwing of the "Yatagarasu" Card at her foe, where she then escapes the battlefield before the enemy can retaliate.








Name: Kumatora



First Appearance: Mother 3

Developing Company: HAL Laboratories

Moveset: Kumatora is very skilled in ther power of PSI, and can utulize all sorts of attacks, such as PK Fire, PK Thunder, as well as various supporting powers, such as PSI Life-Up, and PSI Shield. Though incredibly powerful, she gets drained after using them, and the period of which to rest can vary.

Final Smash: PK Groundstorm (0:40) - A literally earth-shattering earthquake surges through the battlefield, obliterating the ground underneath, sending all who stand upon it beneath the churning earth to be assaulted by the natural crashing of the rocks.











[spoiler=Black Knight]

Name: Black Knight



First Appearance: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Developing Company: Intelligence Systems

Moveset: The Black Knight is an imposing figure, and his swordsmanship is nearly unmatched. His armor is blessed by the Goddess Ashera, making it imperviable to nearly any attack. His sword is also blessed, increasing its power and making it unbreakeable. Though covered head to toe in armor, his speed and agility is not hampered due to its blessed nature. He uses a powerful magical item called Warp Powder which allows him to teleport anywhere, though it fatigues him.

Final Smash: Eclipse - The Black Knight flourishes his sword in a series of powerful slashes that ignore any defenses.




Name: Fawful



First Appearance: Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga

Developing Company: AlphaDream

Moveset: Fawful is more of a thinker than a fighter, and it shows with his indirect approach to fighting. His main weapon is his vacuum headgear, which can inhale objects, fire balls of energy, latch on to enemies and drain their energy, and allow Fawful to fly. It seemingly has a mind of its own and can function similarly. Fawful also uses lesser weapons such as laser guns.

Final Smash:

- Fawful harnesses the power of the Dark Star and becomes Dark Fawful for a time, where he has power over darkness.







[spoiler=Dark Link]

Name: Dark Link



First Appearance: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

Developing Company: Nintendo

Moveset: He is very similar to Link when it comes to his weaponry, but his techniques and level of skill is quite different than that of his light counterpart. He wields a Dark Master Sword and Dark Hylian Shield, both ablaze with darkness. His skill in swordplay is very advanced and he is a master swordsman. He wields various weapons such as a boomerang, a bow and arrows, bombs, a grappling hook, among many others.

Final Smash:

- Dark Link unleashes the power of the Triforce of Courage combined with his dark nature to unleash a fury of slashes enfused with dark energy. It contains darkness, which can deal massive damage physically, and corruption, which can assault the enemies' minds.







[spoiler=Majora's Mask]

Name: Majora





First Appearance: Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Developing Company: Nintendo

Moveset: As Majora's Mask, she can float around with surprising agility, she can spin at enemies to try and hurt them, and shoot a beam of fire. As Majora's Incarnation, she gains incredible speed and agility, and great dance moves, but while in this form she is relatively weak and can only fire balls of energy at enemies. Her most powerful form, Majora's Wrath, is a force to be reckoned with. She wields two whips, which can be whipped at enemies with incedible speed and power. She can release two spinners which home in on targets to assault them with their spinning blades.

Final Smash:

- Majora summons the might of the demented-faced moon of Termina, crashing it down into the ground, causing a fiery explosion across a wide area.







[spoiler=Shadow the Hedgehog]

Name: Shadow The Hedgehog



First Appearance: Sonic Adventure 2

Developing Company: SEGA

Moveset: Shadow, not surprisingly, fights completely different from his rival, Sonic. He uses much more physical force, instead of speed, though he has plenty of it. He wields an arsenal of guns that have limited ammo. He has an assortment of Chaos Attacks and abillities, that are powerful, but need the Chaos Emeralds. He also has his ride, a motorcycles. The rings on Shadow's wrists are his power controllers. If he removes them, his power becomes very unstable, but much more powerful. If he uses a powerful attack with them off, he could easily destroy himself.

Final Smash: Super Shadow (1:47) - In the form of Super Shadow, his speed, power, and invulnerability are increased ten-fold, and he gains the ability to fly, as well as easily harness his Chaos energy. This, however, can only be accessed with the power of the seven Chaos Emeralds, and only for a short time.








Name: Dimentio



First Appearance: Super Paper Mario

Developing Company: Intelligent Systems

Moveset: Dimentio is skilled in black magic and has power over the dimensions. He can alter entire fields of battle to fit him. He can cause explosions and distortions in space with a snap of his fingers.

Final Smash:

- Dimentio snaps his fingers, creating invisible dimentional boxes around his foes, where a series of devastating explosions near-obliterate the opponents.








Name: Marx



First Appearance: Kirby Super Star

Developing Company: HAL Laboratories

Moveset: Marx is skilled in energy projection and underhanded techniques. He can assail enemies with various forms of energy, an air raid of boms, and even a powerful tackle entwined with electricity. He is also very quick, and can even teleport, making him dangerous to even fast opponents.

Final Smash:

- Marx summons forth a large black hole, which can suck into it anything, even light. Any opponent caught in its darkness is quickly assaulted in a barrage of dark energy, which can bring all but the strongest to the brink of death.








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Yeah, we only have 6 heroes and 4 villains.


Everyone is accepted, except J.T.B. I found your example post did nothing but break the fourth wall and had no story concept or anything, so it doesn't show good things.


@DarkMark: Going through intenet memes? Earlier Chocolate Rain, now the Rick Roll (and I love the RR song). Next get a dramatic groundhog gif. Or OVER 9000!!!

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