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Super Smash Bros. Struggle OoC Planning - [Started, Not Accepting]

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I'm sorry.

But the battle between the Gardener and JTB will be so amazingly awesome that it will be classified and censored.


"Get off my grass you crazy kids!"


Are either one of them going to go IN AMERICA?


Argh' date=' and I would've gotten away with the plot too, if it weren't for you medalling roleplayers!




Dan Green will have to wait.

I'm too busy describing grass.

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GRRRRRRR! I got to log off' date=' I will be on around 1 hour from now. GRRR, I really dislike this! Sorry, man, the awsome battle will take place. Sadly just not this second. T_T ;.;




Now I'm going to do a whole post describing what kind of green the grass is you're standing on.


Hey i'm sorry man, I had to eat. Considering I didn't eat breakfeast... I would have been on sooner but the site was acting up. Then when it was working it said the Admin, (A.K.A. YCMaker) was doing some sort of editing. So I couldn't get on anytime yesterday, and I won't be on late tonight. Sorry, but that is just how it is.


Man, 2 days I haven't posted anything for Shadow, now I really need an update. Considering we post like a page in one day.


Seriously, you're posting about how the grass was!? XD

And now i'm in a fight with a gardner!? XD

I don't know weither to laugh, or to cry.


And DarkMark, what was with a meme I suppose? I didn't get it, i'm not THAT hip. ;.;


Crazy and censored, man I need to go see this...


EDIT: Just to let peeps out there know, i'm making a second character soon. Hero, obviously, or is he? To everything i've put in my posts, I bet everyone is gonna figure out who it is.

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As Shadow stated, let this be nothing less then legendary...

Man this is gonna be fun!


As you stated, 2 of the most worthy foes, in a legendary clash, this will be nothing short of EPIC...




Well, instead of brawn and guns coming out of your ass I used my brains.

That platform I mentioned before I pushed infront of you, blocking your vision, so you wouldn't fly not knowing what I was doing in a matter of a second, shooting the blast through the stone and smacking into you.


Actually, it's a certain hit without godmodding, and you're not in a corner.

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*Claps* Very well done, very well done. Shadow isn't much for thought. But has had moments of intulectual thought.


Yes it is, but it hit Shadow. Shadow couldn't see it, and wasen't sure how far infront of it to teleport. Don't wanna teleport into the rock. And the rock was going so fast Shadow didn't have much time to think. So very well done, very well done.


But Shadow is merely toying with you at the moment, he isn't trying to kill you. He just wants to seek his revenge by tropy'ing Scizor. Let's see how this plays out no?

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*Claps* Very well done' date=' very well done. Shadow isn't much for thought. But has had moments of intulectual thought.


Yes it is, but it hit Shadow. Shadow couldn't see it, and wasen't sure how far infront of it to teleport. Don't wanna teleport into the rock. And the rock was going so fast Shadow didn't have much time to think. So very well done, very well done.


But Shadow is merely toying with you at the moment, he isn't trying to kill you. He just wants to seek his revenge by tropy'ing Scizor. Let's see how this plays out no?



You see, there's something you're missing from my visit to Deoxys, and in Deoxys' Application, which might never be used anyway if his revival isn't brought, and what was mentioned in my post.

Deoxys can alter the bodies of others when he needs to - and Scizor had gained something that Scizor hadn't noticed from the visit. He had given Deoxys some of his life power, and in return, Deoxys gave him some of his, trying to reach to him. So, Deoxys is currently trying to reach into his mind, which may lead to Deoxys using the power that he had given Scizor for this battle. Basically, if you teleport, I can alter your teleportation at one point, which means I can use some of your best moves to my advantage.

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Interesting, this will be fascinating then. But due to Shadow being weaker cause of the, 'plot device', you will probably end up winning. But doesn't mean this won't be a good battle, and you would be surprised, I have some tricks that should be able to catch you of gaurd.

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Interesting' date=' this will be fascinating then. But due to Shadow being weaker cause of the, 'plot device', you will probably end up winning. But doesn't mean this won't be a good battle, and you would be surprised, I have some tricks that should be able to catch you of gaurd.



Same here.

Look how you shot heat seeking missiles and they ended up almost killing yourself.

Anyway - this battle is epic so far - the fact you destroyed part of my armor inflicted some damage to me, but, now I'm going to go for hand vs hand combat, if you would comply, dear Mr. Jay Tee Bee.

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GRRR, Shadow was to cocky and failed to defeat you...there will be a rematch. But this time you had the help of Deoxys, plus Shadow wasn't at full strenght. A rematch shall soon take place, but as of now, you have won. Congratz, I can't wait to see how Shadow is of your plan. Well at least now I can make my other character App...


I would have loved to continue this, but there was absoulutely no way to dodge those missiles, if you don't post him tropey'fying me. Then I shall make Shadow continue. Not to mention they were as big as could be...you win the battle, but not the war...

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Well - JTB, at the moment the aftermath I was completely wiped out, but 2 of 3 is now completed for the revival of Deoxys.

You were trophied after I was carrying you and was struck into a wall. But, soon after the guards of Deoxys' temple tossed you into the woods, where you have activated now.


Damnit, I can't post until someone finds me.


I think that something might happen between Shadow and Scizor becoming sort of friends - at the moment you're the only one who can reborn me from my slumber, or, fainting.

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Well - JTB' date=' at the moment the aftermath I was completely wiped out, but 2 of 3 is now completed for the revival of Deoxys.

You were trophied after I was carrying you and was struck into a wall. But, soon after the guards of Deoxys' temple tossed you into the woods, where you have activated now.


Damnit, I can't post until someone finds me.


I think that something might happen between Shadow and Scizor becoming sort of friends - at the moment you're the only one who can reborn me from my slumber, or, fainting.



Really, quite interesting, I was a little confused by it. Now that that is cleared up, don't worry, there is some people on. Somebody is bound to find you.

Great for myself, Shadow was reactivated, but is still very weak and lying in the forest, so just like you my friend, I must wait. Our rematch will be better, I plan Shadow returning to full strength soon. Cool, Deoxys is almost here. I gotta get off for an hour again, but don't worry, providing my computer doesn't act up. And YCMaker doesn't do any editing. I'll be back on shortly. And as for Shadow and Scizor, I think it will be more of a friendly rivalry. Constantely trying to out do each other. And always talking trash about the other saying they are superior. XD Anyway, I plan on Shadow making a side switch, he probably will be replaced by my new character being the bad guy. Then some time along the road Shadow might go back to bad, only to return to good again. Anyway, I bet Shadow and Scizor will be good friends none the less. Maybe that is how they will have there rematch? Who knows?

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What I love about roleplaying.

The fact that we all right the story - and we don't know what the other part comes next, and YOU'RE the one involved.


Anyway - Scizor is probably slowly turning into a trophy if no-one finds him. It would make more sense if you read about my visits to Deoxys' Realm. Gah. This is such a good storyline - and all I'm going to say is:


At the time that Deoxys may be reborned - it will be Scizor and Shadow's final battle - with Shadow insisting that Deoxys shall be stopped - otherwise it will erase all of your existence with its power. And, what I'm tending to happen is that Deoxys might end the arr-pee when it is so far along the lines - but only being reborned by Shadow beating Scizor, and Scizor falling into the altar, losing his life for Deoxys to be reborned. What I'm planning is that they both go down on the final battle - but after I awaken I have forgotten about Deoxys - so I may pay a visit to Lucario instead.

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ME TOO! That is why RPing is so much fun! You never know what is gonna happen! That is why I always try to make custom funny, weird, badrear, etc... characters. When I do a character already made, I try my best to do them just. And do things I think they would or I think they should do.


Now, I don't think Shadow will be able to find you. He only got a moment to look around and try to figure out were he was. But he might still try. Man this is so cool and so much fun! I think that sounds epic btw. Can't wait, I agree with it, but I won't say that is gonna be exact. You never know what is gonna happen, right? But let's not concentrate on the future, let's have fun in the present. When it comes it comes, but it is still a good idea to have somewhat an idea for what you character is going to do. I have one, but i'm still working on it. But it will end up Shadow haveing all the Chaos Emeralds...as the Gaurdian...well that is enough spoilers for now.

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The fact that we all right the story - and we don't know what the other part comes next' date=' and [/quote']


I do.


BTW, have any of you even tried to figure out who the elite minion referred to as the cloaked figure is yet? It's not fun keeping secrets if no one cares.

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The fact that we all right the story - and we don't know what the other part comes next' date=' and [/quote']


I do.


BTW, have any of you even tried to figure out who the elite minion referred to as the cloaked figure is yet? It's not fun keeping secrets if no one cares.


All we know is that he's cloaked. That doesn't give us a lot to guess by.

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None of the bad guys either...I didn't really think about it. And Shadow's unconcious right now...so I doubt he's thinking of it. I'm sorry, I almost forgot about him to be honest...


Just like DarkMark said, didn't give us much to guess by. Plus we know that when the time comes he will be revealed...so there is no reason to...


Plus, the only experience from Fire Emblem for me is SSBM and SSBB...that's it...so as DarkMark said again...not easy...

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The Black Knight is in FE: Path of Radiance, and FE: Radiant Dawn, where Ike came from. He's Ike's rival, and though he's never the final boss, he's the main boss.


There are a couple chaters in RD where you can control him, and if you didn't have to level up your other units, being invincible and OHKOing everyone would be fun.

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I guess i'll post my other character App now...here it is.


Name: Emeral

Side: Heroes, even though he is constintly switching sides.



First Appearance: I belive it was Sonic Battle

Developing Company: SEGA

Moveset: Emeral has no moveset what so ever. He is relitively worthless. He was rebuilt by Dr. Eggman but cause the Dr. was lazy he didn't put to many upgrades. He thought it would turn to Gemeral and be the Ultimate Killing Machine. But what he forgot was he took that out of Emeral. So when Emeral was activated, Eggman sure was in for a surprise. He quickly disposed of him by throwing him out of his Egg Careerer. Emeral has absoulutly no thought prosscess, he can't think for himself. He is gullible and will belive anyone. He is always following someone, and is like a butler. Does what is told cause he can't do anything for himself. He has to be told what to do, which means he is always drifting from side to side. He has a sound barrier of which he only talks in 0s and 1s. Which scientists and smart people understand, but to everyone else it's a forieign launguage. Emeral did get a upgrade in moveset though, he can copy any move done by anyone as long as he has saw it performed once. If he starts to use one character's moveset more then all his moves that he has collected, he will then begin to grow characteristics like their attitude will become his. If they have spikes, he will grow some. Etc... if he continues to use that moveset and grows all their characteristics, he becomes an exact copy. Changing color to the original is the last thing he does, which signals he has copyied that character fully. If he starts to use other character's moves though, he will begin to change back to his normal form. He can start growing, then stop and start growing another character's characteristics without reverting fully to his original form. He can't mix and match them though.

Final Smash: Supreme Copy, if he has become a exact copy of a certin character. He can then copy their Final Smash, with all the same effects, damage, etc... However, if it is used he is returned to his normal state.

Example Post: Refer to RP IC section?



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