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Light of Destruction

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Well folks their are some confirmations


We are getting Psycho Returner + Psycho Lord in this set (Watch ep 163-164 for these)


We are getting Honest, apparently the show messed up the perspective we had of Honest at 1st of his picture and his real ability: "During your Main Phase, you can return this card to your hand. Also, if a LIGHT monster you control battles a monster this turn, you can discard this card to your graveyard to increase the monster's ATK equal to the ATK of the monster it battles." Basically the reason I thought it was weird that it worked for only Lv7 or higher warriors was because Neos...Is... A LIGHT MONSTER! No wonder that worked so a Winged Kuriboh battling a Five Head Dragon would WIN! in a fight!


Arcana Cards: Cup of Ace, Arcana Call, The World, The Lovers, and The Empress have been confirmed.


And what do we have here...


Lightlord cards?


Lightlord Paladin Jean


4 Star



When this card attacks an opponent's monster increase this cards ATK by 300 until the end of the turn. During your End Phase while you control this face up card send the top 2 cards of your deck to the graveyard.


Lightlord Magician Leila


4 Star



When this face up Attack Postion monster is switched to Defense Postion, destroy 1 Magic or Trap your opponent controls, this cards postion cannot be changed until the end of your next turn. During your End Phase while you control this face up card send the top 3 cards of your deck to the graveyard.


Lightlord Dragon Gragonis


6 Star



This card gains 300 ATK for each "Lightlord" in your graveyard. This card has Pierce. During your End Phase while you control this face up card send the top 3 cards of your deck to the graveyard.


Thats it so far


(Yes I know their is already a thread but then again last time I was here, not a lot of people where checking about what was going on daily for the site, plus sometimes solid card info can be helpful in case Manjyome Thunder site gets under work for a short time.)

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Wicket: Good to know you don't

Max: Weird, I noticed that to


I also noticed that the cycle of Arcanas from the show are way to weak or costly to bring into the game with enough force, these seem like the back up soldiers to me anyway and to others as well apparently. Also weird is their ability to fill the graveyard quickly and the Arcanas seem to need the graveyard as a source of one or several strengths.

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Don't get me started on Ojamas. THEY SUCK. No exceptions. NO STAR, I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK. OJAMAS SUCK.


I personally am not interested in this set, only because it's focusing on the opposite of my favorite attribute.


I'm curious to know how decks Cyber. The fusions can be really hard to get out and could waste time, and who in the hell would deck FHD besides people who deck dragons? Besides, the whole "DRAGON DECKS RULL" fad was about 2 years ago. Now, everybodys looking at Darks (Hello! Duh!), Monarchs (Again, DUH! [Not like I care, I don't have any, and have no opinion about them, only because whatever I will say will get me in trouble]), and perhaps Light decks, and maybe some, etc decks. (Sea Serpent? FISH FTW!)


But, yeah, simple stuff.

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Don't get me started on Ojamas. THEY SUCK. No exceptions. NO STAR' date=' I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK. OJAMAS SUCK.


I personally am not interested in this set, only because it's focusing on the opposite of my favorite attribute.


I'm curious to know how decks Cyber. The fusions can be really hard to get out and could waste time, and who in the hell would deck FHD besides people who deck dragons? Besides, the whole "DRAGON DECKS RULL" fad was about 2 years ago. Now, everybodys looking at Darks (Hello! Duh!), Monarchs (Again, DUH! [Not like I care, I don't have any, and have no opinion about them, only because whatever I will say will get me in trouble']), and perhaps Light decks, and maybe some, etc decks. (Sea Serpent? FISH FTW!)


But, yeah, simple stuff.



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Fish, Plant, Thunder, all need some support here, runners up for worst supported type would be Sea Serpent, Aqua, Reptile (Even with the Venom cards, it's still not powerful enough to compete against powerhouses like Monarchs), and perhaps maybe Insect (Goodbye, Insect Queen, Hello, Insect Support Depression.)

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Fish' date=' Plant, Thunder, all need some support here, runners up for worst supported type would be Sea Serpent, Aqua, Reptile (Even with the Venom cards, it's still not powerful enough to compete against powerhouses like Monarchs), and perhaps maybe Insect (Goodbye, Insect Queen, Hello, Insect Support Depression.)



yeah... i wanna use this card EradicatingAerosolB04-JP-R.jpg

on this PinchHopperIOC-EN-C.jpg


Insect toolbox much?

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Well, a luck based combo that cannot be beat is in this set, that arcana force that lets you trib 2 monsters to skip your opponents turn. Sacrifice Lotus and Treeborn frog,anyone? Dont think anyone will use that combo,but still, a card that lets you skip your opponents turn, ouch.

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Well, look what happened with the Secret rares in STON (Light) and FOTB (Dark). Chances are, they're going to support the other types, since the Jinzo cards are there (Nobody expected THEM at all cause they're too crappy to actually be made.). That's my guess.

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